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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. Nin Nin was at 175 shipping was 22 for snail mail.
  2. I've never ordered from them so I held off.
  3. Has anyone used them in the past?
  4. I just got mine in via From Japan. It was 27000 for the kai and another 7070 (i cluded are their domestic mailing fees, insurance, etc.) for EMS. I admit its been awhile since I've received a package wrapped like this! Air cushion mat, heatshrink plastic and secured to another board. I paid just a little less for ems shipping for my pg exia I got from hlj, but all that was is just the kit's box in a shipping box with some air cushions, lol.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if bandai releases a convention exclusive for arads vf-31a lol. Nvm this was speculated a month ago, lol.
  6. Cost of one VF-31J Kai on BiJ's site is listed at 32k JPY. https://www.biginjap.com/en/completed-models/19665-vf-31j-refined-siegfried-hayate-immelman-custom.html nvm thought the convo was regarding the services for BiJ's listing of the VF-31J Kai.
  7. There was a fleet of VF-31As so the missiles were coming from the other fighters.
  8. Just got payment req from HLJ. Keep your eyes peeled!
  9. Looks like NY ninja removed the pre-order availablility for the VF-31 Messer Fast Packs.
  10. HLJ payment request received! Check your inboxes!
  11. Ahh okay... thanks for clarifying that. I couldn't make out what it said on the display plaque and it does look a little bit smaller than the dx 262 on the lower right. EDIT: wow... that's a pretty strong glare too! XD
  12. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C7uhm3YU8AYezt6.jpg:large Saw a post in the Vf-31 thread, but wasn't sure if it was a prototype or actually a white 262 in the upper left hand corner of the image.
  13. They are indeed diecast metal shoulders (the pivoting joint/part).
  14. The VF-31J Hayate is back up on HLJ! http://hlj.com/product/BANN06298 EDIT* Aww I was 2 mins slow. But yea, what F360 Posted, lol.
  15. Ahh okay! Sorry I mis-read your post originally. I thought you made a similar mistake that many of us have in the past with HLJ, lol. Wanted to just look out for another member about double orders w/ HLJ.
  16. I just hope I shipped it to the right address too! Oh crap I better double check that now also! Okay at least it's going to the right address.
  17. I placed my order on CDJ in such haste I didn't even realize I paid for the shipping and skipped the section to redeem my CDJ points... bummer.
  18. Both? I hope you didn't place an order of 2 by chance at HLJ.
  19. Placed my order for cdj so fast I didn't even realize I paid for the shipping as well, lol.
  20. Don't forget anime-export if you don't mind paying upfront.
  21. Confirmation emails from HLJ sometimes take a few minutes. Just happened to me. CD states theres only 2 left, but sometimes I find their site states theres always 2 instock when there's actually none.
  22. Supposingly got one from HLJ as well, but awaiting for their confirmation email. EDIT* Okay its in my PW on HLJ! Goodnight and good luck everyone!
  23. Got one on cd paid upfront but meh... at least one secured!
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