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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. I said I would go to Paypal if they couldn't give me a reliable response through one of their customer service reps on the chat window, so she suggested to open a ticket. I had one open already and replied with a follow up, but their reply to the ticket said nothing really other than they're 'awaiting their stock and my order will be sent as soon as possible'. Just a pointer back to their initial response. Seeing as others who ordered on 10/6 are getting their orderes processed I could hold out till tomorrow since the Paypal dispute allows me to claim by April the 4th.
  2. No follow up with NY. I however did reply to a ticket that I submitted to them and instead of an answer from them they just took the ticket and turned it back to 'awaiting response from customer'. Thus their way of saying 'look at previous reply'.
  3. Here's enough reason to panick and yes I've been in contact with them since last week: Need help? If there's a problem, make sure to contact the seller through PayPal by April 4, 2018. You may be eligible for purchase protection.
  4. That's what they've been telling everyone for the past week.
  5. So in your case the transaction was both past 180 days and not received/shipped? (which I'm assuming the seller needs to prove they shipped the item and it was delivered). Hmm... sounds enticing to use as a reason to go past the 180 day buyer protection plan. Could always say 'I knew the release was near the 180 day window but thought the seller would be able to follow through before the expiration time'.
  6. So I checked back to my order history with NY to see if they've had a track record for delaying any of my previous orders (due to shortage). There has actually been no other case similar to this and only a handful (?) of my previous orders where the releases were actually six months away from when I initially placed the orders. One order was for the VF-29 Isamu Dyson Super packs, another order was for the Stampede/tornado packs for the VF-25G and F, and another order but I forgot what it was. However those orders were years ago back in 2014 (?). Meh... really disappointed in NY and the way they've handled keeping their customers updated regarding the release and their orders/stock of the Kairos. Again for the record, my order according to NY's system was 2017-10-06 21:22:09 and paid fully 1.5 mins later. There was no pay it option since it was a TWE. EDIT: Oh and since I saw Jenius previous post my NY rank/exp is a 6.
  7. Well... let's look at it like this: NO PAYPAL DISPUTE: What happens to those who do not dispute their orders (via Paypal) with NY? Could NY possibly ask for more money, leaving the buyer with no option other than to pay the difference for said merchandise (form of blackmailing/extortion)? NY has done this in the past for so called shipping differences. PAYPAL DISPUTE: Those who dispute their orders (via Paypal) with NY: lose their current order, any of their future orders (would be canceled), and have their account closed. With the high possibility that their item/stock could be relisted later on NY's site for a higher mark up.
  8. I already informed NY if there is no update I'm filing a Paypal dispute tomorrow.
  9. Well heres the crap... I have other orders with NY (including my paid mirage super parts) and this is their bs they posted under the transaction via paypal. Message from 株式会社NIPPONーYASAN.COM Nippon-Yasan.Com - Warning Hello, We want to advise you if a PayPal dispute is open all your orders will be cancel and your account will be closed until the dispute is solve. Before open a PayPal dispute please contact our Customer Service: Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Japanese Time Contact: https://www.nippon-yasan.com/contact/ Phone: +81 899929844 Fax: +81 899893254 Ive already contacted them 3x. Got the usual bs response everyone else is getting and I pretty much placed (and paid) my order within the first 2 hrs (if not 3) when they started taking orders. I can confirm at least three other members on here who have placed their orders hrs, days and maybe a week after who have had their orders filled. I got until April 4th to dispute.
  10. I seriously dont want to alarm anyone, but what if NY is stalling on people who are nearing their Paypal protection limit of 180 days?
  11. I got the same exact response, lol.
  12. ordered my two from NY 2017-10-06 21:22:09
  13. I'm in the same boat... lol. XD
  14. Poor NY everyone is scoring theirs from Amiami (surprisingly) or if not already CDJ and HLJ.
  15. If they do release Arad's Kairos I'm thinking it might be a tamashii exclusive.
  16. Hmm weird... I was still able to checkout the Arad I had sitting in my cart at Amiami after the first time it went up, lol. I guess I'll wait for a confirmation first then maybe cancel at HLJ too? XD
  17. Okay... from the sound off on NNG I'm glad I didn't jump the gun even on their 175$ price, lol.
  18. HLJ has the better customer service!
  19. LOL Nin Nin Game up'd their price from 175 to 186... lol.
  20. I had over 1400 pts on CDJ... I put those to use this time. XD
  21. NY has been sporadic with their listings. In the past they were hours later and only I think Mirage's it was actually up at 4:00pm JPN.
  22. Yea CDJ's search was garbage.
  23. Looks like Nin Nin actually had the best preorder price of $175... lol.
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