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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. LOL NY site is down atm...
  2. So far AA and HS have theirs listed to go on sale at 6pm jpn time. Not sure about others yet.
  3. I believe it depends if you have a billing agreement set up with them. Both CDJ and HLJ have BA options.
  4. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-038985&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dyf-19%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 looks like 6pm jpn time
  5. Ya... what I meant to point out was that it's not the usual 4pm jpn time and the 6pm as mentioned in previous posts.
  6. Uhh it says 6pm jpn time the listing goes live.
  7. Different shield.
  8. Maybe because the 31a was a TWE where the VF-19adv was a regular release. Seeing as the YF-19 will be a regular release probably expect a limit of 1 again?
  9. Nippon-Yasan Received: wm cheng, Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres (x2), funkymonkeyjavajunky, Boobytrap, Tallman (x2), Sanity is Optional, ChaoticYeti Refunded: Vortech, psychodynamix (x2, closed my account as well) Anime Export Received: Vortech x3 Not Yet: Random Ebay Seller Received: Not Yet: Sanity is Optional
  10. Good news... I finally received my refund via Paypal (dispute) not sure why it took so long unlike with other member's refunds, but that is over. The next step is inquiring if they will reopen my account as I still have a paid order for 2x mirage super packs. If NY refuses to reopen my account and refuses honor my Mirage order then I'll be going back to Paypal disputes. Oh and for anyone wondering my account standing prior to NY's shenanigan's: Rank 6, good standing customer prior to 2012 (before they updated their crappy system/website) with over several dozen orders on their system (as far back as their website would take me, maybe even more orders prior), ordered and paid for EMS on my 2x VF-31A 2017-10-06 21:22:09 . Hell I even gave them my business for 2x PG Premium Bandai Banshee (final ver) just back in February too (over $600).
  11. Rank doesnt matter with NY. We determined this like 2 weeks ago when they started shipping the VF-31A out. I'm rank 6 and they screwed me over.
  12. Im most likely sure those who ordered multiples on the 6th are getting stiffed by NY. Even before I filed my dispute with PP there were members who were getting their orders filled.
  13. Well it could be because a couple of us had contacted NY after hearing multiple orders shipped on random dates for the first week we urged them to consider shipping out orders via order creation as it would only be fair. Hell, those of us who had contacted them regarding that are also probably facing NY's nonsensical backlash by having our orders not shipped (not to mention some of the proverbial jabs by other forum members). I'm hoping I get my money back after dealing with NY's games so I can spend it on something else elsewhere. Oh and not to mention this is probably NY's logic on orders of multiples. 1) Hold out on shipping orders with multiples 2) Wait till 180 day Paypal purchase protection expires 3) Offer store credit 4) Relist the item at markedup price 5) Offer marked up price item to store credit customer LOL
  14. Here's the follow up from NY after I informed them I would be escalating the dispute to PP. I will probably have to open a dispute on PP regarding my 2x Mirage Super Sets as well seeing as this is going south fast. Date: 2018-04-06 13:49:46 Name: Fabrice Message: Hello, Your account will remain closed as long as the dispute is opened. When the dispute will be resolved, the Upper Management will decide if your account can be reopened. Kind regards, Nippon-yasan.com
  15. I filed for the dispute on the 4th (the last day), but PP allows you additional time (in my case until April 25th) to escalate the dispute if the seller and the user are unable to reach an agreement.
  16. Here's the official answer from NY, time to escalate the dispute! Date: 2018-04-06 13:17:10 Name: Fabrice Message: Hello, We invite you to close your paypal dispute. We accept cancellation for this order, however the refund will be done with a voucher since your payment has been done more than 6 months ago. We cannot refund your order on Paypal. When your dispute will be closed we will proceed to the refund. Kind regards, Nippon-yasan.com
  17. Thanks! Okay as soon as I get a response from their ticket system that will be the deciding factor for the escalation.
  18. I had submitted a dispute with PP, but have not escalated it yet. I had posted all the chat conversations on PP that I had with their customer service reps, and the ticket as well (just for the record). I was going patiently give them till Monday to respond, but I also decided to follow up on the looping ticket with NY (on their site). This time I stated that I wanted to update them that I submitted a PP dispute (note escalated yet, and awaiting their response). I informed them on the ticket that this dispute was due to their CS rep's (Phoebe) answer to me stating I would not receive a refund for the pre-ordered item. And that I would gladly retract/close the dispute if they would refund my payment. I also attempted to top the response off that I've been a long time customer with them prior to 2012 with several dozen orders and would hate to see a 'healthy' customer/business relationship spoiled over Bandai's inability to produce for the demand according to the orders received. I suppose I'm just being too lenient, so now I'm just awaiting a response.
  19. Uhh i ordered mine october 6th and the last day for a paypal dispute was the 4th. So if yours is the 7th then the last day for a paypal dispute is today the 5th.
  20. So when I went to look at my order history on NY's site I saw that the order went from 'Pre-Order OK' to 'Paypal New Dispute'. I looked further into the date and status of the order and the following was listed: 2018-04-05 13:41:41 Paypal New Dispute 2018-04-05 13:40:40 Paypal Dispute Resolved L 2017-10-06 21:23:37 Pre-order - Payment OK 2017-10-06 21:23:27 Processing Payment 2017-10-06 21:22:09 Order created I'm not sure what their 'Paypal Dispute Resolved L' means, but the Paypal claim is not resolved, lol. Looks like I'll be calling Paypal in the morning to see what's going on since I've never done a dispute before.
  21. At this point I wouldn't mind a refund either and they could lose my future business. I'll just shop elsewhere. Hell I'll even order from Mykombi as well with the possibility that my order can be cancelled. At least MK will be upfront with me and refund my money and not state some fraudulent crap about Japanese Law not allowing refunds. EDIT: even with the conversation I had with Robin on Monday I already mentioned my concerns about their company fulfilling orders not chronologically for the 3rd time (I've heard) and that I would go to Paypal to dispute. That already should've been an alarm to get their crap together and not give half ass responses.
  22. Not sure how much good it will do, but I listed the three previous chat conversations with their customer reps, Phoebe, Hanna and Robin; also included was the ticket which was looped back around to their (Fabrice's) initial response. Not once in the 15+ years since I've started using Paypal have I ever had to file a dispute. After that last conversation with Phoebe I felt so much 'unease' that I felt compelled to file a dispute. Coincidentally my internet went out and I lost that transcript for that conversation... I was only able to salvage what I corresponded here on the forum, lol. I honestly informed NY that if they could fulfill my order then I would gladly close the dispute. While the 180 day Paypal purchase protection plan as was still available to me I opened the dispute in fear of 1) not having my order filled and 2) not having my money returned. EDIT: Just leaving this here for reference. My Paypal Purchase Protection window was for today April 4th, but it seems since the dispute was opened I now have until April the 24th to escalate the problem to Paypal: Message sent to 株式会社NIPPONーYASAN.COM on Wednesday, April 4, 2018 at 10:32:31 PM. Allow time for the seller to respond. If you need to escalate this problem to PayPal, you must do so before Tuesday, April 24, 2018. See the Purchase Protection Policy for more information.
  23. Sorry I'm not playing those games with a dishonest company who likes to turn over items after lying to already paid loyal customers that their items are awaiting fulfillment. My deadline for a Paypal dispute is today and I just filed one. I also had paid for 2x Mirage super pack sets and I will file a dispute with them on that as well. I don't care that NY closes my account at this point. I've already given them enough of my business. EDIT: especially for their nonsensical answers such as 'according to Japanese law we do not offer refunds for paid orders".
  24. Hmm... so I just contacted them via the chat and here was Phoebe's response: "I see, thank you for the information. It seems though that you have paid for your order. Unfortunately, we do not allow cancelling orders that are already paid for. You can still try to submit a ticket here to request the cancelation of an order > https://www.nippon-yasan.com/contact/new-ticket " EDIT: I really don't understand what they mean by "not allowing cancellations of orders that have already been paid for". I even informed her that I do not want store credit and proceed to ask her if I should open a Paypal dispute for the return of my money. 2x EDIT: 'Sadly, our Terms & Services are in compliance with Japanese law: We do not offer refunds.' - Phoebe OH boy! Here goes the shitfest! 3x EDIT: uhh in accordance with what Japanese Law that there are no refunds allowed? Yes, there are no refunds for paid orders. Sorry.
  25. the latter i would say.
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