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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. Uhh... FWIW that was exactly the issue with NY and the VF-31A Kairos. Those of us who got our orders in the first dozen or so were skipped even though we paid in full and NY didn't disclose to their customers the fact that Bandai had officially informed them of the shortage. So in short NY can pull the same fiasco (as with the VF-31A Kairos) as with the VF-31E regardless if you ordered/paid up front immediately.
  2. Mine was cancelled at hlj. XD Thanks @Shizuka the Cat. Hopefully my other two orders (cdj and amiami) will hold.
  3. Well the difference b/w the ny vf-31a issue was that ny already collected, held payment without disclosing the fact bandai had limited production and not cancelling & refunding orders. In this case hlj is just cancelling ahead from the given notice of bandai (not having charged anyone yet). NY themselves in this case are a different story altogether. For this one I wouldn't leave my $ with NY. Having to retrieve my $ from NY with the vf-31a fiasco was a pain enough that time.
  4. Just fyi... I just double checked my hlj order number for chuck's vf-31e and I'm guessing any number after mine will probably get chopped from the list: 13901054 Let's not try to start an hlj witch hunt lol. I guess I really shouldn't have tried changing my PayPal agreement payment type with them that night, it caused a delay with completing my order.... lol.
  5. No 10% coupon was offered. Edit: I guess I could try sending a reply requesting a discount because their email doesn't really provide us much opportunity to find the item else where based upon its high demand amd their generic response... lol. " Hello, Thank you for your recent order with HobbyLink Japan. Unfortunately, due to a server slow-down caused by extremely heavy, concentrated traffic on our site, we received more orders for the limited BANS55652 DX Chogokin VF-31E Siegfried (Chuck Mustang Use) than we will be able to fulfill, despite having set limits on the number of total orders, and number of pieces individual customers were permitted to request. Bandai is intentionally limiting supply of this item. We have tried to provide this item to as many individual customers as possible, but unfortunately have determined it will not be possible to acquire any more than the already small amount of stock we will receive, so regretfully have now cancelled all orders not possible to fulfill, including yours. We hope this notification allows you time to seek the item elsewhere. Please accept our apologies for the unfortunate news and inconvenience to you. We are currently considering a number of ideas and processes in order to better manage these very limited releases of these tremendously popular items, and the huge rise in traffic our site experiences at such times. We are sorry to have disappointed you with our service this time, and will hope for the opportunity to serve you in the future. HobbyLink Japan Customer Service http://www.hlj.com"
  6. I just got an email from hlj cancelling my chuck order as well. I'm guessing they going through the orders now.
  7. The other (possible) alternative is if you're packing it back up... is to put the tray holding the yf-19 under the trays with the accessories. I can't exactly recall the arrangement for the accessory tray but (i guess) try to position the trays where there would be ample space/clearance of the head laser.
  8. I was on the final step as well at NY...
  9. NY crash crash crash crash... lol. XD
  10. hlj is apparently broken... lol.
  11. HLJ is now the official joke machine with their crappy search engine...
  12. Got one on CDJ... nothing on HLJ atm
  13. got an order # on Amiami
  14. When configuring the yf/vf-19 with the fastpacks the legs need to be in a certain position in order (one click down on the mid thigh) for the wingroot to tab into the leg fp. Are you sure you're not missing this step?
  15. I can imagine it right now. Dark gunmetal green for ivanov, hot neon pink for nora and poo poo brown for the cf, lol.
  16. @Saburo superb as always!
  17. From a technical pov aside from bandai not having the proper clearance for the antenna maybe some other method (other than the clear plastic cover) could have been used to keep the yf-19 properly seated from being jostled around in the styrofoam tray. A flip upside down with a sharp slam and the weight of the yf-19 itself (& lack of antenna clearance) could've easily cause a snap. The dx vf-19 advance had a styrofoam cross bar (and few of the other frontier valks) when it was packaged. Thanks to jenius for the reference pic.
  18. Maybe a thin layer of nail polish or clear paint on the peg. Edit: Wait I take that back. It doesn't attach via peg in fighter mode. Sorry XD
  19. If they used the one from frontier it was only shown in fighter mode for the movie... I highly doubt they went above and beyond to model/render a gerwalk and battroid mode for the movie production when it wasn't even used at all.
  20. @F360: I was about to say... "Hey you're missing a generation", but then iirc the first Yamato YF-19 was a 1/72 scale: XD
  21. (Macross universe) Engineering wise the vf-30/31 is superior to the 19 and the 30/31 are awesome. Bandai did a great job with producing the DXs for 30/31 and the 19. But I think Bandai went over the top with engineering for the 19 because they did an excellent job with compensating for the anime-magic involved with its chest, legs and arms for fighter mode (the collapseable panels; I think they might've taken influence from Studio Halfeye), where as the 30/31 were mostly pulled straight from existing CG'd models. Design-wise I like the 19 because it really didn't leave much room for kibble (aside from the hip wings in battroid), where as the 30/31 have the backpack kibble, wing flappies, pod dildos. Plus I got a soft spot for the 19's because Macross Plus was what got me back into Macross. Before the internets I thought Macross was over after Macross II... XD
  22. @Chronocidal and @ArchieNov: yea both of you guys are absolutely right about the cardboard panel (chron) amd the stacking of the accessory trays (archie). I completely forgot how the packaging was different when the adv was released under the frontier label. Saved me the trouble of having to dig up my advances to check.
  23. Its definitely their package design and how the packages are padded, shipped and handled in route. Edit* Not sure what they changed b/w the vf19adv packaging and the yf19's that made the difference.
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