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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. Yea one for each mode. I got a 4th from NY just in case and was going to do a custom, but on the fence about the 4th now. My gunpla backlog is ridiculous atm, lol.
  2. Mine (31S Armor sets) just came in via EMS (12k+ jpy) and I'm on the east coast (US). Total weight was about 6100g with the shipping box and padding.
  3. I can confirm for my J (non Kai) but the others are still in their boxes... XD.
  4. The one on the right is the 7 sword, the one on the left is the re-release/recolor of the 00 'Raiser'. Different armaments. The 00 Raiser re-release will not come with the 7 swords.
  5. I was wondering if the v-fin was deliberately over exaggerated or accidentally. The turn red astray has a bit of a different design (more detail?) to the oversized v-fin while the red dragon is just oversized with no extra detail (yet the drawing is missing the particles/beam effect). The v-fin depicted in the drawing seems a bit more upright and resembles more of the red dragon/turn red v-fin than a regular astray v-fin which isn't so upright.
  6. They didn't even go up for sale yet on pbandai. Maybe NY is out of stock until they get their orders in? I don't know... the weapons are limited at 13 per person and backpieces 2 per. I just checked NY and both items are listed as 'Not available'. Didn't mean they're out of stock, but I get what you're referring to because NY uses 'not available' when items are out of stock. XD
  7. BBTS does charge tax. Wisconsin state sales tax is 5%
  8. I just kept getting 404 page not found on hlj's link.
  9. Time to start camping the pbandai exclusive listing for the funnel sets and flip those! Would make a killing! I'm jking. XD
  10. Wow that's like half the price of the item itself! XD
  11. I some how highly feel that this will get a 3rd party KO and will sell for like 1/3 or 1/2 the price including the funnels. Probably released before December too! XD
  12. woahhh i dont know how i missed it the first time. XD wow the 2nd batch is like almost 4-5 months later. -=X
  13. I really can't say which one was worse... the VF-1A Max or the VF-1S DYRL Hikaru. I luckily got one of each through HLJ but with the long agonizing 20+ min spinning checkout process. Yet with the VF-1A Max on AmiAmi I wasn't able to get the page to load and it went straight to sold out. IIRC Amiami did have a 2nd window that night just like how the VF-1S did last night. For me, during the initial opening and after refreshing the page because it wouldn't take the update when I clicked on "Add to cart". I was eventually able to add the VF-1S to my cart and got as far as submitting payment and then it crapped out on me after 35+ mins of sitting on the checkout process. I completely missed the 2nd window at Amiami though.
  14. Submitted payment at HLJ and it went straight to empty cart page, no confirmation what so ever. Checked my email and according to HLJ's system they sent me an order acknowledgement. I'm feeling extremely anxious right now and not sure if the email is good or will I catch an email of cancellation shortage in the next few days. Okay it's under my order history under my account. Cart jacked at HS. Stalled at AmiAmi for 35 mins to only fail. No dice with CDJ, AE site crashed went to sold out, and hung on HLJ's checkout process forever.
  15. I apologize and excuse my ignorance. I was unaware that such an article was written to bring light about such an issue. (Even if I were from China) I wouldn't think it would even be worth the hassle to make such a trip to Japan to stand outside a business before it even opens to procure said items only to bring it back and have it shipped out. Maybe if I made a "vacation" trip there and figured why not buy some and bring it back. Then that would be a one off situation, but if multiple people thought like that then yes it can be a problem. That's just flaw in the system. If someone did this as a business incentive even with a store limit would then cause the scalper to look for other stores/sources. And if most stores open around similar times then the chances of being to get to them all earlier would be intense. I'm sure the smarter ones would just find a way to third party or boot leg them instead. One individual wouldn't be as successful. You can't be in multiple places at once. I guess the only way for foreign scalpers to return a decent profit they would have to band together as a group so they can attempt to buyout multiple locations. I still don't think that is even worth the effort because then it involves with splitting the profit with others. Some may be successful while others may come up empty handed. I'm from NYC and I'm in the neighborhood of Supreme. I see sneaker heads standing outside of the business (and others) just to return a profit. A good number of times there's police presence just to make sure things don't get out of hand (which there's been plenty instances). Its not worth the headache.
  16. That's kind of ignorant to say that bandai is doing that just to deter Chinese scalpers. Scalpers exist in every country. It's a lifestyle to them and not solely based on race.
  17. I checked and neither one is my customer ID. I also got two emails from HLJ now. The first is an "order acknowledgement" and the second email is an "order confirmation" (after it appeared on my recent orders on their site).
  18. Right now I'm completely unsure of how HLJ handles their order numbers. On the confirmation screen following submitting my order I was given 000149388, but on the order number under my account shows 15095377. ????
  19. Okay this is insane... the order number after i submitted on hlj was 000149388 and now after it appears under my account its 15095377 ??? How the hell did it jump so many numbers? If I get a cancellation email from HLJ I'm going to tell that guys Mark his site's servers are on some crap! XD EDIT* Oh and it took 20+ minutes to show up under my account after my email confirmation.
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