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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. I didnt realize that when I put my order of one in on az jp. I went back to order a second for my friend who is unresponsive and the price was jacked up to 43k. I was going to try to cancel my amiami order if I got the 2nd on azjp. I guess my friend can have my amiami order XD.
  2. Would be nice to get a bundle set, but knowing Bandai's track record its usually been separate and hopefully not pbandai/webexclusive. There was a separate flight pack back in the day for regular retail release. The Catelwvches (swords) and new flight pack were web exclusive and sold out fast. The proxy ended up cancelling and refunding my payment for the first window, but bandai decided to open a second window. I ended passing them up cause I don't own any of the mb astrays (yet) or strike gundam. I think I'll just wait for bandai to release a mb astray red dragon... I mean you know bandai will right? All the parts are pretty much there except for a different head, it would be too easy for bandai not to lol.
  3. Since it seems like they're both already released. You should try to find some video reviews or blogs reviews with high res photos. But just from looking at the two on showstorez's site there's tons of subtle differences b/w the two.
  4. Hey hey hey... iirc robocop had an auto targeting system of some sort lol.
  5. One of my friends asked the Bluefin rep. at NYCC this year about the blue slip and his response was that bluefin was required by Bandai to remove the blue sleeve before being able to sell the MB SF SB ver in the US. Edit: I can't imagine Bandai continuing to manufacturer the TN MB SF SB ver with the blue slip covers yet allowing Bluefin to distribute them in the US only requiring them to remove and dispose of the blue slip covers. Seems a bit of a waste and backwards for the production process. There must be a pile of blue slip covers somewhere lol. Also it seems that the TN MB SF SB isn't as limited as initially thought back when it was released because its still available on Bluefin's website and it'll be available at AnimeNYC this coming week.
  6. Looking closely those might be paper/cardboard mock-ups instead of the actual dxs. Why he chose to place mock-ups behind him instead of dxs... beats me.
  7. A little confusing from your description... *EDIT* NVM... @Chronocidal you cleared up the confusion and I did a whole MSpaint thing too. XD
  8. looks like overly aggressive tampo... Those lines are sitting in the place where the YF-21s gundpods would be mounted. Whereas the VF-22S would store them internally and would probably allow bandai to make use of the tampo. In this case it seems like Bandai is going to get lazy and not bother with retooling the YF-21 for the VF-22.
  9. I don't want to say this is going to follow the previous PO and release date for the VF-19Adv and the YF-19 Full Set, but for reference: VF-19Adv PO was Jan 6th 2015; Released May 2015 YF-19 Full Set PO was April 27th 2018; Released Sept 2018
  10. Hahaha, then you're like Star Wars with how I am with Gundam and other mecha, LOL. I love star wars but I had to stop at 1/6th, regular figurine collectibles years ago. I was just lucky I spared myself from star wars model kits. XD
  11. When was the VF-1J released again? End of Dec 2018? I was enrolled in a full-time certification course 9-5 and it required additional evening hours after work on projects and homework/study. IIRC When the first of the VF-1Js arrived mid January (from HLJ) I was in full swing for preparing for my cert. I opened that box to check that they sent me the correct item, but I didn't open the VF-1J itself and put it on the side. I got the second shipment from Amiami at the end of that week fri/sat (iirc they limited the VF-1Js that time 3per customer, I pre-ordered 2). My cert exam was first thing that coming Monday. Good news was that I got my cert, was on the hunt for work, other R/L stuff and completely forgot about the VF-1Js from Amiami. It wasn't until almost two months later (maybe mid-end February?), I saw a box in the pile of my living room and was like what's this? Opened it and I was like oh damn! But yes I left them unopened at that point because I saw that value had sky rocketed and I don't have my display cases up yet. XD @Slave IV So do I. But I've come to realize that with the more recent purchases I haven't gotten around to opening lately. Oh and model kits! I've been working on lots of model kits and tinkering around with my 3d printer! XD
  12. Received only VF-1A Max earlier in the week, but I was a little slow and hesitant (and busy with NYCC) to check for the shoulder issue and glad to say mine did not have the issue. I own three VF-1J Hikarus but never opened them and wow, Max's VF-1A was a dream to handle! I may have to crack open one of my VF-1Js to swoosh around. XD
  13. Ahh yea sorry I forgot to list the scale 1/100 and yes its a model kit. It's the event exclusive (clear) one. It looks really nice. I didn't get to take a pic of their display booth because I already had my hands full with the MB Strike Freedom. Plus for some reason their display was inside the partitioned booth (it wasn't visible from the outside and seems a little backwards if you wanted more sales from passing foot traffic).
  14. Went to NYCC today and this was what I ended up bringing back. I wuz a bad boi. The shfiguarts gogeta ($55) wasnt an exclusive but the blue flame effects were and bluefin was giving them away for free as a bundle if you bought a certain shfiguarts figs. I wasn't feeling any of the con color exlcusives this year (kid goku, goku black rose, gold freeza or super gohan). Maybe when i go back tmw. Got the MG clr psycho zaku for $100 better than $200 via proxy or w.e. And the $270 strike freedom gundam soul blue version. A nice mobile suit but one I'm not entirely crazy about. Some guy was buying 5 of these at the con and saying "oooo theyre for my friends!" XD Oh and an odd simpsons fish for my cousin via kidrobot.
  15. I usually don't post what I buy much. I'm horrible at keeping track (or I often forget). I'll try to going forward. XD Via HLJ Via Amiami
  16. Looks real nice. Makes me want to reassemble mine. It's in pieces somewhere. But where's the head antenna/lazer?
  17. The postal worker just dropped off my 4th armored set (from NY) was shipped via EMS. Iirc i think the shipping difference b/w EMS and registered SAL was like 900yen for me on the original qoute and I told myself "ehhh rather pay the extra 9$ get it two weeks faster through the postal system and less likely to get smushed".
  18. Bit the bullet and did the same with NY. Pay later. Edit... thanks for the heads up @D' only
  19. My armor set from NY shipped as well. Had to check the status on their page because they did not send an email notification. Edit... nvm this one somehow ended up in my spam folder... lol.
  20. I got a prep in progress from NY. I'm assuming its the armored packs because its the only open order i have left with them. *yup just checked... its the armored pack and for some reason I selected ems for it when i preordered lol insert sad face*
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