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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. Sweet! But atm I'm tapped (TY gffmc Wing SW) lol...
  2. Yea I think you're the fourth person to confirm on mwf that their order with FJ for the Wing got cancelled on the 2nd batch. I think FJ used their allotment of addresses with bandai. And yes the order page for the Wing for some reason flipped back over to 'reserve' for me while this morning it was showing 'sold out'. LOL
  3. How reliable is MK? Really? I checked the page and it says "no stock". My friends order with FJ and I think two others here on mwf had their orders for the 2nd batch cancelled last night
  4. Anyone know when the pbandai page closed reservations? I know when I checked it was still available two hours after it opened last night.
  5. Two hours and the item page is still open for reservations.
  6. Try a different browser. Sometimes I have to use microsoft edge, but even that was redirecting me yesterday. I think it depends with the traffic the site is receiving.
  7. You will need to provide the item URL, quantity, etc and the exact item name including katakana... in this case: GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE ウイングガンダムスノーホワイトプレリュード【2次:2020年6月発送】
  8. yes yes yes very true! i was expecting Monday at least lol. But hey I honestly was preparing for the worst. I fell victim to Yahoo Japan and FromJapan helped very well with that preparation, LOL XD
  9. Ahhh okay! Yes yes which is very true... I heard somewhere that Katoki didn't want to do the 'actual' teardrop version because the anime wasn't produced yet. I forgot if I read that on another forum or if it was my friend who told me. XD
  10. I think it may just be the extra accessories for the Neue Zwerg. Gives the owner the option for different poses/formations.
  11. Wow 30 mins after and pbandais site is still open for reservation.
  12. Pbandai's reservation page is still up. EDIT: Sweet.. friend's proxy order went through, so I'll be getting a second at msrp. XD
  13. @Kuma Style Same page: https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000140097/
  14. The MB SW is available at NY for 39+k, payment upfront. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/29827-gundam-fix-figuration-metal-compopsite-wing-gundam-snow-white-prelude-limited-edition.html
  15. I would like to say there's no difference other than the way it's obtained. They both appear to be designer blue versions.
  16. For this item FromJapan already stated that they've reached their max amount of orders on their site once you submit the item link.
  17. Damnnnnn Kuma! Nice work as always! I wanted the 00 Designer Blue ver, but I just dropped a deposit for the GFFMC Wing SW. Proxies are already limiting their allocated amounts!
  18. Damn one of the proxy services already stopped accepting orders for it. T_T
  19. Was at Anime NYC... do I do it or not? I'm a bit on the fence cause of that feeling knowing Bandai "might" so an exclusive version in the future for the FAZZ...
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