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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. That gap for the shin? I noticed that awhile ago and figured others had already seen it. Well anime magic has its compromises... XD
  2. Ahh yea you're right. I stopped using bbts awhile ago and they use to only charge their state tax (WI 4%), but now its based on where the item is being delivered to.
  3. Ill be doing the double funnel display. My friend is planning to do angel wings with 4 and if anything ill lend him my two in case he needs a larger wingspan for pictures... lol.
  4. Same here. Its not a 2nd batch because the release date is still for June 2020. I'm wondering if some people cancelled their funnel orders because some shops cancelled and refunded some customers on their MS Nu preorders. A friend of mine had his order with Kuramashop cancelled and his deposit of $500 was refunded. Hmm after 6 months of holding onto multiple persons orders (say 100 people) with a deposit of $500 each for half a year ($50k) I'm sure gains some interest. Nvm me I'm just on some crazy rambling speculation... lol.
  5. I'm in the same boat as you. Last week I sent them a polite email regarding the order and they stated that p-bandai sold out and by special request if I would like DJ to continue waiting to place an order in case bandai does a second order. I know it's already the holiday in Japan and they're probably closed, but I've contacted DJ again because the availability of the funnels have re-opened randomly over the past week/weekend and atm it was still open several minutes ago. I'm assuming DJ manually places orders on P-bandai's website otherwise our orders might've been fulfilled already.
  6. My 4 Super Parts sets arrived via FedEx FromJapan today. Faster than expected... I was thinking they would arrive next week. FJ didn't even send a shipping notice, lol. According to FedEx's tracking it was mailed out the 17th about 10pm and arrived today the 19th.
  7. I got my arrival notice via fromjapan for the strike parts. Weird thing... it said I was on the april 2020 batch. Hmm...
  8. Wow thats shiny! They plated the white parts too! Edit: Woah 295$!?
  9. Woah... kind of glad i just ignored my payment request from NY.
  10. I checked my vf1s dx that i got from hlj the other night. Glad to report, nothing noticeably missing, cracked/broken.. although I didn't transform it completely. There was a slight gap by the wing root on the left side as if a screw wasnt completely fasten down or the two halves mightve been slightly mis-aligned causing the 1mm gap.
  11. Awesome and thank you! I'll give them a shot!
  12. I preordered this with bbts. I'm tired of asking sideshow for their 'pad out option' and always get rejected with the bs response 'the box is too big'. It ends up getting it mailed with the brown shipper box with the label slapped on and dents, tears, scrapes etc. I've even offered to pay extra no matter the cost on the shipping. My QS HT Ironman MK45 showed up with a hole on the side and dents all over the place, even a foot mark. My asajj ventress was bent in half, my ht metal gear revengance raiden was demolished on one side and other figures too. The price with BBTS for this was 275$ including their shipping cost, tax ($250 + $21 tax + $4 ship) and sideshow is $272 ($250 + $22 ship). I'd rather pay the extra $3 with bbts and not get my item banged up, rather than offer to pay sideshow $40+ for shipping with padded out option only to get rejected. The only time I get stuck using sideshow is if I have like 25$ or more in credit.
  13. Same, but I'm nore local to nyc. Attending nycc everyyear since 2011 and animenyc the last 3 years.
  14. Same. I have two. Plus i paid a premium via yahoo jp for the first batch in may. Got itchy fingers after the first night. XD I calculated the cost difference and I'm paying an extra 20 each over ordering from bluefin and new york state tax. Edit* I read on Bluefins response to someone's reply (on ig or twitter) is that Bluefin has a "big upcoming announcement" to make in the near future. I hope this is in regards to tamashii nation and pbandai exclusive distribution in the US. I don't want to get into the habit of preorder night madness for pbandai stuff. It's already bad enough we do it for Macross stuff cause of bigwest and HG licensing.
  15. wow if you have an address in florida its a flat $286 no tax.
  16. I think bluefin's checkout process is hanging on chrome, on MS edge it goes through perfectly fine. @sqidd
  17. yea their site is crap... hanging on checkout. Spinning wheel of death!
  18. It does seem like their site is not processing after add to cart.
  19. i guess I was completely wrong about my speculation and their pricing. But wow $280 US msrp... about $311 after state tax and shipping.
  20. I did the same for the snow white release and went with a proxy. I just looked up the tamashii nations 2018 mb strike freedom soul blue msrp and it was 25k Japanese yen which is about $220 usd and bluefin marked it up at $270 for nycc and on their website plus state tax (was almost $300 for me). So there was a $50 difference b/w the japanese msrp and the US release. Now if bluefin follows similar suit for the mb wing snow white im guessing bluefin may list it anywhere $30-50 usd more then the japanese msrp which was about $280 (well that was including japanese tax not sure if bluefin is exempt from it). Maybe starting around $300 usd for bluefin + state tax?
  21. My one DX VF-1S Hikaru just showed up via HLJ/FedEx. The outside box was smushed but the VF-1S was pretty good other than a little ding on one of the corners. Kit Kats yum! I'll open it later tonight to swoosh around... the VF-1S not the Kit Kats, XD. And yes NY are a bunch of A-holes. Since the VF-31A fiasco I've only been selective with the items I order with them. No pay up front items unless its less than $100. Pre-order items over $100 only if there's a pay later option. I've been one of their customers since 2010 with purchases over several thousands of dollars and they decided to treat me like crap (even with polite emails).
  22. Looks like buyee just announced no international shipping and service fees for 3 days. Im guess as some kind of black Friday promotion. Edit* its for cyber Monday, but effective 11/28. They stated "please acquire the coupon first before making the purchase".
  23. I was able to score mine during the initial preorder madness on hlj and it was sitting in my private warehouse. I dont know why I waited to have it shipped, but I just put the request in.
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