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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. Yea these two will be my first. I ended up sneaking the po in with everyone else the night before and decided to not bother with the hassle of canceling and reordering for the standalone. Aside i liked eva03 (not the pilot, lol) from the series. So i thought this was cool deal. it seems like bf has been getting their stock in (im assuming via freight) around the time 2nd wave releases are meant for jp. So i thought maybe their shipments hit the docks in jp around the time first waves go out? Just speculation. XD Yea the promo stuff/deals are a nice option and might also prove to be a small deterrent for scalpers (because eventually they'll get stuck with all the extra stuff).
  2. My mb eva 2020 and nx figures arrived from bluefin today.
  3. I got mine (gerbera) in last week from gmc and it's pretty awesome! The last item i received from showz was the cangtoys landbull (aka tantrum) two weeks ago. Iirc they shipped it out in the beginning of july via free ship method (40 ish days).
  4. Iirc its part of the heavy weapon set/full armor for the nu gundam https://gundam.fandom.com/wiki/FA-93HWS_ν_Gundam_Heavy_Weapons_System_Type Hrrrmmm it seems to be a slimmed down version of the hws ver, lol.
  5. Fk... lol. The only thing I want is that damn barrel. But def not worth the 210$. Watch Bandai will eventually release an MS FA set and the only thing missing will be the barrel tip from this set. Then this set will skyrocket in price and demand LOL.
  6. Bandai is probably waiting to finish milking the dx line then catch everyone with that lol.
  7. Tyty... I can probably hold off. I've acquired a pretty hefty backlog the last two years... lol. XD Yuppers! I was considering it if it was still open sometime in oct/nov, but oh wells.
  8. Aww Stormbringer is already gone? Not sure whats the point of having a december deadline, lol. Ahh well I still have a 2nd Blue version... i just have to wait for another release. EDIT* dammit just realized it has the throwback shoulder cannon and the swap out for the jesta head... lol.
  9. Im kind of thinking/speculating bluefin will get them at some point only because with the pandemic companies were limited with social events so their next alternative is to boost their online sales.
  10. NY - A no go on the eco-sal ship. I had to contact them regarding my rg phenexes which were supposed to be shipped back in april, but they never did. They shipped out after i contacted them in early july via live chat. After looking at my previous 3 ticket submissions their live chat stated to submit another ticket request but this time for "shipping change" request (its in the drop down). In short their shipping options weren't great. Only UPS which they wanted an extra 9k (ontop of my 7.5k sal) or ferry with a store credit of 3k.
  11. Ahh okay. I was going to say if you were in the US Sideshow still has the HT HG IM MK4 still available with no additional pre-requisites for ordering. https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/marvel-iron-man-mark-iv-holographic-version-hot-toys-906328
  12. Where/which company were you ordering from that regulated such rules to fulfill/order the HT HG IM MK4?
  13. Rip... its going to be a scaplers paradise. He said he believes its going to be a quantity of 500 units for 3-5k hot toys members. T_T I personally think he shouldnt have speculated that. He just jump started the rat race... XD
  14. I submitted a request like 10+ mins ago... awaiting a charge 1 T_T. EDIT: nvm... i just got the c1. XD
  15. amiami
  16. yea ninnin is playing that game... up and down... up and down lol. im going to pass on ninnin
  17. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-bandai-dx-chogokin/37995-dx-chogokin-macross-vf-1s-valkyrie-roy-focker-special.html is up
  18. i was watching anime and just did a 'vf-1s' search on ny then heard the blip on mwf and f5'd and saw it go up and placed the order. lol
  19. damn again NY didnt give me a pay later option... i wonder what gives...
  20. LOL dont forget the perfectability gundam XD
  21. but but but.... there's leds in the shields!!! XD Prob a pass for me as I own too many unicorn variants: 1x MG Unicorn OVA 2x MG Gunpla Expo FA Unicorn 1x MG FA Unicorn 1x Special coating MG Banshee OVA 2x Pbandai MG Banshee Norn (orange frame) 2x MG Phenex (non NT) 1x (now was 2 lol) PG Unicorn 1x PG Banshee 2x PG Unicorn Final 2x PG Banshee Final 2x PG Phenex 3x Bandai LED Kits 1x MJH (3rd party) LED Kit And... sitll awaiting for my 2x RG Phenex from Nippon-Yasan -_-. EDIT: Oh and I forgot about the GFFMCs LOL... 2x Unicorn Green Awakened Ver, 1x Banshee OVA, 1x Banshee Norn Final...
  22. There was a 2nd run for Japan. IIRC the release date for the 2nd run was around the same time for Bluefin's release date. OOO and I got my two MS Nu Funnel Sets!!! I'll need to post pics later. XD
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