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  1. Ahh yes! Sorry I forgot that thread existed... it eluded me!
  2. I know this isn't Bandai, but a 3rd party. It does have a very Hazel-like look to it: https://www.facebook.com/PlamoTimes/posts/pfbid023MyWFXN3wARtx3kE5CyWNfz5zsQLZSBxQ28bgcp4EejjE6qRqZe9yGm6mT2xLqgAl
  3. The MB Zeta was on display at NYCC this past weekend/last week. I took a few pictures, but they're still on my phone. I guess I'll use this as a place holder for when I upload them later.
  4. The color is also "off-white" and not bright/pure(?) white. This 'new' version also includes a pair of cartoon hands and some are speculating that the head/visor is different than the first release. IMHO the first release still looks better, lol. ***EDIT: I'm thinking the head visor version is based on the armored set version? idk...
  5. Glad to hear that it was a full event, this will likely result in him returning to future events in NYC (hopefully) or even the east coast. Sorry to hear that the ANYC staff member enforced a no signature policy. I was under the impression since the event at Japan Society required an entry fee that they would honor such fanservice for some autographs. That's disappointing to hear, but at least it wasn't Kawamori sensei just outright turning fans down (he did feel bad). If the event was hosted at the Javits I would've still attended (even though it required an entry fee), just event timing/travel constraints didn't permit.
  6. Attended the first two panels and unfortunately did not attend the Japan Society panel because it was outside the ANYC Javits convention (opposite end of town) and I didn't have the time constraints to bounce around b/w events/panels. The Friday (Creating...) panel was maybe 3/8ths full. The Saturday (Macross) panel was around 4/8+ths full. A friend did help me land an autograph with Kawamori sensei! Got the Macross Mecha Manual signed! A few of my other friends didn't realize how much influence he had in the Japanese sci-fi/mecha (and others) genre of the 80s and onwards.
  7. I opened mine as I was planning on keeping them. Especially since Macross Plus holds a dear spot as it brought me back into Macross. I'm glad to report that 1.95/2 from Tokyo Otaku Mode were straight, lol. Yes 1.95 because one of them had a very extremely slight curve and at the same time had some spider webbing from the injection gate/point on the bottom of it. The cut where the gate was clean but I'm guessing it must've saw some rough handling before being cut off the runner. But it's something I can very easily live with. Both did suffer some paint imperfections. The one with the straight antenna had looked like it got splashed with liquid cement or glue on one of the yellow lines (bottom of the plane/belly plate) and the other had one of the white paint tampo lines on the bottom (inner belly plate) rubbed off and as well as a paint blemish on the right side of the canopy (can be seen in the pic with the upright antenna). Both definitely suffered from the assembly line/factory handling process. Oddly enough the one with the ever so 0.05% curve to the antenna (white paint rubbed off) did have some rubbing indication on the exterior of the top tray cover (over the antenna) and it reflected on the inside of the product box in the same spot where it came in contact. That box was in great condition and suffered no poor handling. Whereas the one with the straight antenna's (yellow paint blemish) box was a little damaged on one side, and the same end (of the smushed box) for the plastic tray was split. 🤔 So that's like 1.05/3 for bent antennas 0/3 double shoulders 0/3 damage canopies 0/3 double bottom mini fins 2/3 paint blemishes (maybe 3/3... I can't recall checking the first one entirely for paint blemishes). Just awaiting for one more that's arriving with a friend's AmiAmi order via surface, probably in another month or so. EDIT: Oh and very glad to hear yours from TOM are incoming by the end of the week! Hoping your results are better than mine! LOL! Yes I had to check it... curiosity killed the cat (?), in this case it was alive! XD
  8. Just got home and found out my order from Tokyo Otaku Mode for the 21s was delivered. Not sure if I'm up for the heartbreak, currently 1/1 with bent antenna... lol.
  9. +1 Bent from HLJ. Not as severe as others. While the shipping box was overpacked with other items, the YF-21's product box suffered from both shipping/handling and poor packing. I believe the damage on the antenna is due poor assembly/mishandling at the factory. As others have tested/stated I too put a bunch of pressure on the top tray cover to force contact on the antenna and nowhere was it near enough (coming into contact) to cause that kind of bend/damage to the antenna. Possible theory is that when the worker was forming the 21 into fighter mode (folding the bay doors into place, etc.), they placed it upside down with the antenna (accidently) in the forward position making it a tripod (rather than it resting more on the canopy), all the while putting downward pressure onto the 21 causing the antenna to bend. I did an initial inspection. I checked the shoulder assemblies to see if there was a double/same side shoulder issue and both are as they should be. I did not get the time to change it into all three modes. Nothing else (so far) seemed severely damaged/out of place. I do have a heatgun, but I'll prob use the hot water method later.
  10. Got a link to the source? Hmm... I wonder why HLJ included an invoice for 100 JPY. Did the OP indicate if they paid for a replacement? Because I know in the past with HLJ (more than 10 years ago), I've been able to communicate/procure replacement parts at a price for the 1/60 Yamato VF-0S arm assembly.
  11. Geez, this is apparently more widespread. Just about 20+ minutes ago someone else (from Taiwan) posted on one of the fb groups with the same problem. 🤕
  12. That would be nice, but I was also thinking it might be for the sound booster...?
  13. YYK payment is upfront. They usually give you shipping estimates at the time of checkout or the option to select shipping later or combine shipping later. ATM the USD to JPY is favorable, so it might be worthwhile to secure payment now rather than later if the reverse happens.
  14. never really collected small gashapon styled figures, but maybe it's from this? Macross Solid Archive https://www.google.com/search?q=solid+archive+macross+frontier&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjWrPuKr-yDAxXUIGIAHZOoDDgQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=solid+archive+macross+frontier&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoKCAAQgAQQigUQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEAcQHjoICAAQBRAHEB46CAgAEAgQBxAeUIsLWNYwYMUzaANwAHgAgAFBiAGrCpIBAjI1mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=QvKrZdaDPdTBiLMPk9GywAM&bih=653&biw=1560
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