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Everything posted by valkyriepilot

  1. HGUC Hi-Nu reviews: http://www.1999.co.jp/review/gundam03.html http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/taka421jp/50087254.html/ http://blog.livedoor.jp/aburamamire/archives/863780.html it's a bit of disappointment, weapons molded in single color, only 2 out of 6 funnels actually work. i'm not too sold on the proportions as well..
  2. on a related note... Dalong's Gunpla Gallery awesome
  3. That's why i don't care much for "exclusive" or "limited edition" kits... Model kit companies are bound to milk their molds sooner or later, there's no one stopping them from doing that, and that's just how the business is. It's their chance to make really big bucks by selling event-limited/exclusive/limited-edition kits (not that they aren't making big bucks with their regular releases...) and justify the prices because, well, they're event-limited/exclusive/limited-edition kits
  4. here's a concise but comprehensive step by step guide: http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?showtopic=18472 a sample letter from Bandai: http://s153.photobucket.com/albums/s228/el...ment_policy.jpg
  5. Here are dalong's reviews of PG Sky Grasper and PG Strike Rouge + Sky Grasper . Can't seem to find comparison pics of the Sky Grasper against Valks at the moment though...
  6. The thought occurred to me too actually... Hopefully it would not be too difficult to mod the extra parts to make a Exia-Re using the NG 1/100 Exia instead...
  7. @Vince: I was referring to azrael's post before mine, so yes it's the latter link: http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN960226 What's the difference you ask? It's not just the chrome, but all the other stuff that azrael listed down in his post are included in the Ignition Mode, the regular version doesn't have those. But take a look at HLJ's price: "Preorder this item by June 7 to get it for 5% off the regular price of 5,000 yen!" That would work out to be 4,750 yen in actual, with the 5% discount. Rainbow Ten on the other hand is offering it at 4,000 yen. Got mine reserved already. If you're buying the regular from HLJ, then consider that you only have to add 390 yen and buy the Ignition mode from Rainbow Ten, and you get all the other stuff. However, I checked their site just now and preorder for the first batch is already closed, so...
  8. yep, 1/200 sounds just about right for macross figures used as table top game tokens. 1/100 macross figs/kits would be almost as big as 1/144 gundams, around 4-5 inches.
  9. Uhm... how about Del Rey Robotech novels? Just kidding. But hey, I've completed all the novels in that series so far... Well, not sure if you'll like the other books I have in my collection, but here goes: Shannara series by Terry Brooks - it has a LotR feel to it, but on a less grander scale. The focus of the stories are on the royal line of Shannara and their descendants, the Ohmsfords, in what seems at first is a middle-Earth type world. Terry's storytelling is very fluid and very flexible. He can be focusing on a single character at one moment, to the point of exclusion of the others, then suddenly, through a very subtle transition phase, be telling the story from a wider perspective. The words are also not too... archaic, for lack of a better term Recently he has published volumes that bridged the timeline current world, in a twisted and unexpected way. Sigma Force books by James Rollins - it's like combining Templar/ancient secret society stories with believable sci-fi stuff and secret agents. It has the riddle/puzzle elements common to secret society stories, but in current world setting. James Rollins also tells a damn better story than Dan Brown does Temeraire Series by Naomi Novik - a very interesting series involving talking Dragons and set in the Napoleonic Era. Temeraire is the protagonist of the series, a very intelligent, and later on will be revealed as "royal" bloodline Dragon, serving under the British Air Corps with aviator and friend Captain William Laurence.
  10. yep, better hurry with your preorder folks, Rainbow Ten is offering it at JPY 4000, that's more than JPY 1000 off than the already discounted price for the first batch...
  11. @honkhet: i agree with you sir, it seems like the VF-25 was designed from the start with the objective of having a VF design that will work both in animation and kit form. it's all part of the marketing strategy, probably one of the major things Kawamori-sensei and Bandai talked about during the planning of the show.
  12. as confrimed by Ngee Khiong, Armored Messiah Ozma custom will come with a Cathy custom decal set: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2009/05/cat...nsformable.html
  13. Gmail is ok with me too, funny thing is, yesterday I tried logging in 3x in my Yahoomail and I always get errors I exited Firefox and ran it again, and the errors in Yahoomail login was gone, weird...
  14. big question indeed, or if she's even willing to do any further character based roles at all...
  15. can i ask where you ordered the clear VF-25's?
  16. Don't forget the upcoming HGUC 1/144 Zaku Ground Battle Set too...
  17. High Detail Manipulators for VF-25 was posted here just recently.
  18. if i recall correctly, "saotome" means "rice-planting girl".
  19. In my experience, clear/crystal kits are more brittle than the regular versions. So yeah, take care not to apply excessive pressure, and watch the sprue gates as you cut them; I've had a few clear kits that were notched at the nubs because I cut too flush to the surface of the part. I haven't tried applying paint or coating to my clear kits though.
  20. another short update: finished the front skirts and modding some knee details for the legs: the front skirts were taken from an old 1/144 GP03S kit. the hinge mounts were SAWed off the said kit, then were notched off from the SD kit to provide slots for the hinge mount pieces. also rear view pic shows the rear skirt needs a little more lengthening, so will work on that too this is the knee armor of the HGUC FP01Fb, i modified it to be used as the knee detail of my wip, since GP01/Fb and GP03S have similar knee details. i basically just chopped up the knee armor to shorten it previous posts are here: 1, 2, 3. thanks for looking!
  21. this thread has a lot of suggestions for sanding: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28709 hope that helps
  22. well, for diorama scenes or displays like what alfye has, the ACTION BASE 1 CLEAR (JPY 440 at Rainbow Ten) is just right, since with proper "camouflage" you can hide it well. of course if you plan to display it stand-alone or side by side other VF-25's then you can't go wrong with the upcoming S.M.S. Action Base.
  23. Reaaaalllly short update. Managed to get my lazy butt off the ground and shortened the fins Before and After shots comparison: Side View Close up of Fins Previous posts are here and here. I was having trouble deciding at first how to cut the fins, seeing as the original Stamen had curved fins. But then I just thought why not give it a different look altogether Well that's all for now, will continue work on the front and rear skirts over the weekend, hopefully the legs too. Thanks for dropping by!
  24. Excluding those parts that need to be replaced means Bandai will be creating new moulds specifically for the Alto special, which translates to added costs, not to mention they will need to possibly reconfigure their moulding machines for that setup, unlike if you just use the existing setup of the machines used to manufacture the VF-25F and possibly add a few machines setup for moulding the FAST packs. Or I could be wrong and they did exclude the unnecessary parts but included a few more gimmicks instead.
  25. In my case, aside from the above-mentioned online import sites, I try to keep an eye and ear out for the latest toy sales. For instance, there are a few hobby shops here in Manila that me and my plamo friends go to at least once a week so we'll know if they have a sale or scheduled one. Another way is to ask friends or relatives who might be going to Japan or HK so you can request them to buy the kits you want cheaper. Just make sure though that they are knowledgeable in the plamodelling field too, it helps when choosing the kits to buy. In case they aren't, just give them a sketch/map of where to buy the kits (e.g. AsoBit City in Tokyo, or the various shops in Kwong Wah), just use Google to search up info on these shops or look for the thread somewhere here in MW that has info on HK toy shops.
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