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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. I did not know this...but then again, guess I didnt' really care. yah, we're all so used to "die-cast" meaning metal...that's what I've always thought it means. thanks for clearing it up i guess. you just made my life 2% more difficult cuz now I have to distinguish between the two. <_<
  2. go with what you like. you're gettin the toy afterall. so get one that you'll enjoy the most. I don't want to sway you in anyway but I personally like the vf-1j better. the 1S is nice but 1J has always been my fav. and exo, you play with your toys too much, that's why you notice those little things. BTW read your PM!! lol
  3. sebastian's not the only one who hates you...but I still go over and check out your loot. you gonna be in town february?
  4. LOL, Danny... you did get that VF-1J from Kevin in time right??? See you in around a month. yah but i had no room in my luggage to bring that big ass box!! luckily i had some time to play with it a little and put in my display case to collect dust! I definitely need some things to display in shanghai. else I'll get toy withrawal!!
  5. damn that's a lot of swag!! looks like i missed out on some great deals. one of these days...I have to make a trip out to HK and bring some stuff to shang hai to decorate my place. =)
  6. yup, got all the vinyl statues from ffX, they rock especially Khimari. great detail for about $30...why not as long as you don't mind statues.
  7. it's all good, if sebastian doesn't get it for me, there's hell to be paid!!! J/K!! thanks for the offer tho.
  8. cool, I will give you a call when i get there. Toonz, Sebas is the one with glasses.
  9. haha, those tires stickin out make it look like one of those ugly low riders with tiny wheels which stick out about half a foot from the car. the no-grill thing looks cool tho.
  10. hey Sebastian, since graham said there are plenty of the japanese version Convoys...please get that for me. I don't want the stupid american version that's dumbed down for all us stoopeed americans. and yah, graham is so right about your son...very very lucky he's so much better lookin. better thank Carolina for that and buy her some jewelry. btw, when are you going to be back in shanghai?
  11. you can always build a house with all those empty boxes of toys! but yah, this hobby gets expensive...especially if you like to have a life too. I could only afford to do one or the other...but I've been choosing a life more lately...so not too many new toys to show off. definitely get at least one 1/48 with strike armor. even if you spend $200...you won't regret it if you're a toy fan.
  12. damn that sucks for you guys, no beer, no toys...probably no women too huh??!! oh well, guess you should all just pack up and go home early!
  13. yah, I know about that too. that's why I mentioned so many things comin out...hehe. plus I haven't even gotten the Hades gold saints yet. its just that OG crap toy with big nastalgic value with a twist. i've got two of the gold saints from the 80's...played with condition of course...but man, the oxidation on those guys are horrible! glad I got the black box reissue of those guys from a few years ago. btw, have you guys heard any news on the Hades chapter? I watched to episode 13(i think) and there was no more. when's the next batch due out?
  14. ack~ bet you guys are already buying up everything in HK huh?! hey Sebastian, could you pick me up a Transformers Binaltech BT-02 if it's less than $45 US? it's the red viper. or better yet, if you can find the Masterpiece Prime for $100 US get that for me...I'll pay you back! I promise! I know I'm finicky but could you check to make sure the box is in good condition. Thanks! I will see you in Shang Hai soon! Again!
  15. damn...why me...so many things coming out...how does one choose? *sigh* definitely going to keep an eye out for tehse. if they look cool enough, I may just have to pick up a set.
  16. sorry to spoil the fun, but I can't make it. I won't be going to China again until the 10th, and that's already a set date. too bad cuz I was already set on going to HK with you guys. oh well, guess I won't be gettin any new toys over there. good thing I still have 2 more weeks to go and check out frank and sons. =)
  17. I didn't think the "masters" of this board would let me post a separate thank you note so I'm posting it here for Sebastian and all those who are going to meet him in the coming month. Thanks again Sebastian for letting me sleep on the cold cold floor of your apartment. and for warning me that if I turned on the heater at night, the Chinese police will come and beat me to death. And for letting me use the used dishwater as a bathwater, it was really convenient as it already had all the soap. The bones that you picked up at the garbage dump were really good, they had a special flavor to it. J/K!!!! Thank you very much Sebastian and family for letting me stay at your home for a few days. I swear I had the best sleep I had in China while I was at your place. You were very hospitable and your wife cooks some really good food, you really have to watch out because I think next year you will be 200KG!! Thanks for the talks about life and business etc while we were drunk, it's really the best time to talk aint it, cuz the next day you just remember EVERYTHING! We will have to do it again next time I'm down...I will invade your new living quarters and be an ass again! just so I'm not cmpletely off topic...Sebastian, I also asked if I could go to HK with you guys...and guess what?? My mom said sure! she said I could fly to HK and then back to Shanghai since I have to be back within a month anyway. But we'll need to see how much the plane tickets are...if it's too much, I probably won't go, but if it's not too much, I'll ask for the money saved and buy new toys to decorate my apartment in Shanghai. =) anyway, will let you know. Thanks again man!
  18. Happy Thanksgiving from China! my long visit here has caused me to miss Halloween and Thanksgiving, luckily I will make that all up with a 3 day ski trip when I get back! woot! btw, there are no turkeys in China...at least none that I know of...and I had fish today of all things. But it was damn good fish...from what I understand, something you can't buy normally in the states.
  19. that'd be cool, I was supposed to get some from you earlier this year...but lazy me never really pushed it. oh well. if you make a set, I'd def get it. I have 3 JMs that are naked...
  20. don't put "car" on your car. chinese people who see it will definitely say, "what an idiot, I'll bet he writes his name on his hand too!"
  21. honestly, I dont' like the scheme either. i mean even for a show valk it's ugly. it's cool when I see other ppl custom one but I really have no desire to own one.
  22. Eternal_D


    uhm, why do you have the entire line? if you were disappointed with the first one...why did you keep buying? unless you bought it all in a lot. I for one hated the first one...hated it so much that I will not buy their product again unless I can see it and hold it in my hand first. $100 for an all plastic POS....never again.
  23. top notch...seiichi is cook in my book.
  24. no, I dont' like the fact that we have to pay monthly to play a game. square f'ed on this one and until they make it free to play...I'm not gettin it. guess I'm just not that hardcore of a FF fan. great series...but there are tons of free games out there.
  25. that looks pretty cool. I smell recast.
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