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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. They can label it whatever they want...but until they make a toy worthy of the name, they're just beggin for people with some good taste in toys to ridicule them. hehe, Masterpiece Collection Toilet paper...rough on your butt, and even rougher on your wallet.
  2. WTF do you care? they coulda shot Ken Santino styled and butt pirated barbie for all I care. and why hasn't this thread been locked, it has nothing to do with anime NOR sci-fi...
  3. ewwww SEE! look at them girlie arms. as much as I wanted the figure when I first saw it, and when I remembered it when I started this thread. I'm going to spend my money elsewhere....or rather, that money's already been spent elsewhere. but still def one of the cooler 12" figs out there...thx for the pix
  4. *shoots Eternal D, ensuring Megatron is reborn as a gun again* hehe, I mean, I want him as a tank dammit! do a tank version!!
  5. you be quiet! they need a TRU like that in shanghai, and at Jpn prices too!! I'd go everyday and make friends with the employees!
  6. I went to a TRU in Tokyo...in Sunshine center or something like that. it was really convenient cuz the hotel I stayed at, the Prince hotel(or something like that) was built right next to the shopping center. I mean it was literally connected with it. Funny thing about Japan's TRU...absolutely NO BARBIES! lol, their pink isle is made up of Hello Kitty stuff Prices are pretty good, especially during the time I went last year around august. Yen to Dollar was really good, not like now. I got my first low viz there for 9800 yen, which at that time was probably around $85. Model kits are cheaper if you go to hobby stores. SOC things IIRC were about retail. everything else, I either have no idea on or didn't check out. But I can tell you, that TRU was awesome, I went sometimes 2 times a day to check out stuff because it was so close.
  7. hahahaha! too bad the prototype looks better than the actual product.
  8. damn, somebody's been busy. they all look really nice.
  9. why are you guys complaining about size? uhm, it's anime magic ok. there's no anime magic in real life. I still want him to be some sort of gun...but if I want it, that means it's going to be a tank....
  10. Well, whatever they try to do with that, I won't have any part of it. I'll bet the lawyers HG hired found some loop hole that allows them to do this and by the time BW takes them to court and finishes, these woulda been all sold.
  11. yah I'm sick....sick with envy! nice work.
  12. that's great... whored-out franchise...I love that.
  13. no cause they hate you!!! that was uncalled for... now back to the topic at hand... I would love to have some bad guys...but megatron would be difficult to sell here since he turns into a gun and all....but I've read on other forums that he can be displayed in robot mode like Prime but still, the back will show the transformed mode. whatever, screw the US market I say. Takara! Make Megatron you fools!
  14. pull it out of the socket, unscrew the screw on the part that holds the ball/rubber part. put the rubber back into position and put it together.
  15. yah, the more I look at this thing...the more I don't want it. look at his wimpy arms....how's he supposed to carry around his sword with wimpy arms like that?? I think I'm going to try and find one for cheap, or else I have to see it in person before I buy it for like $180.
  16. oh shat! only $25 huh?? hmm, guess I'll be borrowing my friends ps2 for a while.
  17. there's only the guts 12" figure right? how much you selling it for Rob?
  18. I tried to seach for this but kept gettin erros but does anybody know where you can get one of these? bloody or non bloody.
  19. dang, master Jung is back in action with all these great customs. nice work man!
  20. well, glad not everybody's groveling over this... . . . . . . . . . . ....cuz it just means more for me!! lol j/k. i voted yes but probably will be just picking up one of each. as those of you comparing 1/60 to 1/48...IMHO, 2 words-No Comparison.
  21. just custom up one of those rhoby recasts you have exo!! btw hows you're JM ostrich coming along? don't be like me and stop in the middle.
  22. Energizing Squirrel??? so I run around collecting acorns hopping from tree to tree on a super caffine high?? that's actually kinda funny if you think about it considering how lazy i am
  23. not that I''m not a fanboy...or know what exactly that means...but yah, I'd rather spend that $30 on a toy.
  24. I do like the sleeker fighter mode of the yf-21 fp version. but that's about it. with the FP on, it looks like poop...purple poop. I'd save my money and get something else unless you really really really really want a yf-21...then try to get it for $50.
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