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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. there's pee-pee in my water??!!!
  2. bastids! We'll see who gets the last laff.
  3. no it sucks! j/k!!! that's a freakin beautiful idea!!
  4. I was gonig to suggest the same thing. most if not all fish tanks now are being made with this(well at least in china) and they look damn good.
  5. way cool, I will need to color that thing in and get some feedback. and Sebastian. you be quiet! this thing will get done before I go back to China. You just wait and see! so far, in only a few days(it's raining here now so can't do much cuz too muh moisture in the air), I've got the pieces primed, puttied and sanded, now just need the final paint job. once I figure out how I want my valk to look. it'll be done. no if's, and's or but's.
  6. Looking for the line art somebody had up a while back of the VF-1 valks in fighter/ battroid mode from front, side, and top views. Don't remember if there was one with FP or not, but those are the ones I need. I know it doesn't seem toy related but it is. I can't decide how to color my 1/48 FP so I'm going to do some coloring first to make some comparisons.
  7. uh...no, first money...and yah...what other gimicks can they put into a bigger valk? poseable pilot?? no thanks.
  8. july 4 weekend as it always is simplest explanation? hmm...you guys lied again about havin a license?
  9. I wish they woulda made Ikki better, my fav of the five cuz he doesn't whine about anything really...plus if you kill him, he'll just come back to life...that's pretty sweet. and yah, standing shiryu and seiya next to each other, you can see that shiryu's leg/knee joints are higher than seiyas, but you can't see muh of a difference because of seiya's big head o hair.
  10. that's pretty cool, would he be willing to sell it? My grandma is Christian and likes those kinda things(yes I'm chinese but I've been in the US since I was 6). would make a nice gift for her since I never know what to get her.
  11. how can you install the divx codec into win med player? I'm no good with that kinda stuff....alright I'm just too lazy to look for instructions and read on it.
  12. i like ff8 too. i donĀ“t know why some people hate it. me 3!! not my fav, but liked it better than 7 and 10(god that was awful). d/lin now...done...damn...can't see it...need a codec?
  13. oh yah, these are cool, I'm waiting for my Cygnus as well, bought it from a board member for a really good price. and yah, the gold saints are going to be freakin awesome. much better than the ones released in the 80's. and can you say aquarius custom for Hades chapter?? awww man, that'd be sweet. question tho: do you guys have the hades gold saints? I know they're the uglee old design but I'm sure it'd be a long while before they release those as the Myth Figures if at all. how's the quality of those? and how are the new head sculpts?
  14. Welcome to the family of 1/48s!! I dont' know anybody personally that doesn't like the 1/48, but then again, I woudln't want to hang around with them because they'd see my 1/48s and say they suck! Newca, you're in Shanghai too?? next time I come down, me you sebastian should go out for drinks! we can talk about Macross and look at all the chinese girlies.
  15. went to 2 Walmarts in Cerritos, CA area, didn't see squat. not even those big 1/24 truck thingies to do customs on. I hate LA and all the scalpers...if not for the scalpers...I hate LA and it's late shipment in toys.
  16. wow freakin amazing....simply amazing. I love the new custom 1/48s! a thing I noticed tho, the solid colors don't seem to be....so solid. there's seems to be blotchiness in the print of the decals? Yes I complain about everything...just call me Mr. Super Griper.
  17. that's some smart displaying. nice work drifand
  18. you sleepin yet? I drive over right now!
  19. I wish my teeth were that white! j/k! great recasts, can't wait to get mine!
  20. lucky him, he's always there. is it an exclusive thing? or are they tix to get in just really expensive?
  21. They have nothing I want to steal...
  22. alright, before they blame me for making another board member not want to come back, I just want to say, i didn't want to have people read your post and take it the wrong way. They might see there's a lot of orders, times that number by $10 and wow, easy money right? I just wanted other people to see how much time and materials goes into making these for us...I'm sure it's not as easy as 1-2-3 and I know Rhoby has had years of experience with recasting to get his skill where it is now. not lecturing you or anybody because I don't have the right to do that...so I apologize if that's how you took it as.
  23. uhm, honestly, I don't think there's much to be made here. let's say there's 50 orders, and they're $10 a pop...that's $500. and lets say it takes about 2 weeks to do...minus his time, materials(resin, casting, boxes) and shipping...would you consider that to be a lot of money? I think it's going to be less than minimum wage considering... and honestly, I think they're doing this more as of a favor to us MWers than trying to make a fat profit. so I thank Rhoby and I thank EXO for taking the time to do this...
  24. Eternal_D

    Will Hlj?

    wow, that piece definitely looks tough to fix. my suggestion is........wait till Sebastian goes home to take a look at his valk, and tell you the same thing. but seriously, doesn't look like any type of simple glueing will solve that problem. you may be able to reinforce the two broken halves with cut piece of styrene. but if you do a lot of transformation, I don't think it'll hold up too well.
  25. that looks pretty sweet, but a bit plain. Id like to see that "choco chip" thing graham is talkin about. off topic: about those patlabor kits, those are the 1/35 MG ones right? what is that hummer lookin car in front of the labors?
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