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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. June? on the weekend of my b-day no less! i'll probably be playing in Asia with a few of my buddies around then...but if not I woudln't mind checkin it out.
  2. Its your basic super heros piloting super rbots that combine into a giant Robot to save the earth anime. Think Voltron-esque. I saw the series a few years back and, well how to put this nicely, was less than impressed overall. Great toy you have there, crappy anime. so kinda like power ranger styles where they get their butts kicked individually but when they combine they just do the super move and nothing gets in the way? guess I don't need to watch the anime to like the toy.
  3. I do believe it was Walmart...I think he also mentioned finding them at local hobby shops. it was mr sci-fi that made the trailer. might try PMing him.
  4. Never liked or watched robotech as a kid. my first memory of anything macross is just a toy my dad brought for me from japan when I was a kid. I knew close to nothing about macross up until a few years ago.
  5. think i'm in love more with the toys than the original story. DYRL is quite enjoyable and I love Mac+.
  6. maybe there's a language problem, but from scratch means built from nothing...or close to nothing as in styrene sheets, sculpy, etc...not recasting an existing part. looks good tho...
  7. I offer $2! i'm not much of an alpha fan.
  8. take that shelf label, and ask the customer service lady to scan it. they'll print up a list of target stores in that area that have the toy in stock! little trick I learned from solscud.
  9. I like it just because it looks awesome in super combined robot mode...do I even know what the dancougar is all about...not really...but then again, with a toy that cool, who needs to know.
  10. damn i hear that! spawn with that much articulation...*drools, wipes it up and drools again*
  11. that's me! can't be satisfied with anything. poor schmucks...get it right or don't get it at all!! you guys need me to work at yamato...then everything would be just right...but then I won't be satisfied with anything so nothing will get released.
  12. there are pics around if you search for it...plus you can find it on ebay...
  13. Eternal_D

    Custom K&Ms?

    thanks tank. dunno why it wasn't workin for me... nifty little figures.
  14. unfortunately because of the 1/48s, my love for the 1/60 has dwindled to the point where I can stand not to have them on display. but they were the shiznit back then...and I still love my collection and would never sell it...but with limited shelf space and so many other cool stuff to display...these have to go back into their cardboard coffins.
  15. there's the argument of don't like don't buy it again...yah...I'm not buying, so I can't state WHY I'm nto buyin it?? and why I don't think people should fork out that kind of cash for a plastic figure?? I dont' think I called anybody "stupid" if they want to pay for this thing...but like somebody posted earlier...if they charge this much for a toy that barely does anything...what are they going to charge for future releases? they know people out there are crazy about macross and will buy just about every little thing there is and that's the only reason I can see for yamato to charge that ridiculous amount. hey, I've been to China...I've seen how much things cost to get made there...I KNOW one unit of these Qraus costs less than $20. so lets say they make 5000 of these...times $90(after taxes blah blah)...holy crap that's a lot of your dough. and ain't no way in hell there was only 5000 of these made. more like 10000 or 12000, probably more. and again with the "you whiners can't afford it"...I may be a frugal buyer...but I buy what I think is worth the money. case in point, dancougar...did I hesitate on that for $225? no! why, cuz it's freakin baddass, it's freakin heavy as hell, it transforms and combines, and it's freakin huge! so if you don't like my smart shopping or call it waht you will, just don't say we can't afford to buy that and we're jealous of the people who can afford it...that's great if you got money to burn but guess I'm not making $8000 a month like some people....yet. and when you buy a luxury car...there are reasons for that. like features you don't find on civics or focus. as redundant as some of those feature may be...it comes with a price tag. the Qrau...hasn't got those features that lives up to the price. would you buy a civic for $30k...i hope not...
  16. Eternal_D

    Custom K&Ms?

    still no workeen~
  17. Why the hell do you people always think that we are being "taken advantage of" just because we happen to like a "POS plastic kit being passed on as a toy", and you think it's not worth it? It's OUR friggin money, YOU or that other guy don't have didly squat with what we do with OUR money. You think we're being taken advantage of? Fine, go tell that to yourself, but don't spoil OUR goddamned FUN while you're at it. ...or what? Whatcha gonna do? Whine s'more about it? Jeez! You people think just because you buy Yamato's stuff, you think you're God's gift to them, and displeasing you would mean Yamato's downfall. It's people like you that make this hobby a bitch sometimes. Lemme ask you something...do you like paying $20 or even $15 for a figure that costs $5 from scalpers? oh the figure is rare and lots of people want it, there's nothing else like it in the market etc...so all the scalpers hunt these figs down and take advantage of the market. doesn't that sound similar to this situation? Qrau, never been produced as a toy before, rare somewhat limited quantities, people want it. but instead of the prices being scalped by the retailers...I, PERSONALLY, feel it's coming straight from yamato. and I, PERSONALLY, think that's them taking advantage of the situation. It is YOUR "friggin" money, and I'm not telling you, "you can't buy it." never once did I say that. but why can't I come in and state my opinions? because it ruins YOUR fun?? If it's like that, then hey, you're ruining my fun by stating YOUR opinions...but it aint like that. I'm telling the way I see it, and you can tell it the way you see it, but if you tell me to shutup because you don't agree with my opinions then that just makes me want to speak my mind even more. Because you're not even open to other peoples ideas and ideas are meant to be shared. So far, the ones who've said they want to buy the qrau stated reason like it's bad-ass(understandable, it is very cool), first toy of it's caliber to be made(very true), it's big(well duh~), and it's got a miria fig(with no ass). all validated opinions but to me not good enough, and that's why I counter with my arguments. you dont' like it, please counter back but don't say I'm bitching and moaning cuz I'm not just doing that. I take that statement about me making this hobby a bitch personal Omni, I dunno what your beef with me is, but I'm allowed to complain about something. I don't have to worship all that is Yamato, I'm very appreciative of what they're doing but not to the point where I'll grovel(sp?) over every little thing they do. and "pay up or shutup"? uh yah right...a company offers a product and I'm not allowed to say negative things about it...we on RT.com?? come on, that is just ridiculous. and thanks fifbeat, for you're probably more articulate than I am. If I wasn't typing this, I'd be yelling, sprayin spit, flailing arms, cursing, and jumping up and down to get my point across.
  18. It's ugly and doesn't look right! must repaint...... but here's the thread. look for CHAN's collection...very nice collection. CHAN's Collection
  19. wtf...obviously this guy hasn't seen my collection. traitor sebastian!! now you're actually going to get it if you have money...shat, basically that means you'll get it since you're never w/o money. *sigh* all that whiskey talk was all for not...no more whiskey talks with you! lol yah rite! is miria chinese? a lot of chinese girls butts look like that, flat with no meat. and yes, I do check out girl's butts a lot.
  20. hey, I like diecast! I may be a stupid fanboy but if try to take advantage of my fanaticism, then you can expect a swift kick in the groin. or at least see one of my fingers pointed straight up towards you, I'm not going to tell you which finger tho.
  21. retail = 12800 yen. roughly $117 as of today. few months back when dollar was strong against the yen...exchange rate was about $1/118 yen....this woulda cost $108...about a $9 difference. hmm, still not worth it to me. and the Yen is getting weaker again, only a few weeks ago it was at $1/105 Yen...compared to 109 Yen recently.
  22. tell us how you made it? how you removed the original paint...decals...paint job...the works! and what color is that on the chest? looks funky...like semi-transparent. cool custom...now take more pics and put that sucka on the customs page!
  23. yeah, all opinions that disagree with yours are just so much mindless, pointless bleating. People can make valid points about the good quality of new Yammies such as "it rules" but no one could possablly point out negatives... they must be just saying "no, no, I DON'T LIKE ANYTHING" Trust me I've been hard on Yamato before and I'm sure this release will have a few quirks. I believe I called the YF-21FP a piece of crap last week lol I love my yf-21... it has at least one more thing going for it than the Q-rau has. is it diecast??? let it be diecast!!! I picked up the 21 for $55...and thought that was fair, even tho I didn't like the thing. and I'll gladly pick up the q-rau for that price too.
  24. Were you all complaining this much before it came out? -when I saw the protos I was really excited, then they announced the price and I was like, it better have some cool gimmicks...then you get a review like that...how can I not complain? We all knew the price. Whats changed? Did you really expect more in the toy? -yah, no gimmicks, simple easy design, no diecast...all explained before. What could they have added to justify the price you were already aware of? -whatever that was missing from above question...and even if they added a poseable figure, diecast, and a crazier looking sculpt, I'd STILL have to consider if it's worth it or not at $120. And as for Millia not being poseable, yeah that sucks, but for a while there I think most people thought there would be no pilot included at all. -no figure=definite no buy...but even now with a figure...heh, not gonna buy it. It's just as good as I expected. More that I expected actually. It gets my thumbs up. -glad you like it, LMK how good it looks standing next to your Takara Convoy(if you have one, not sure if you're a fan) or your fully transformable 1/48 Valk.
  25. well, duh...let's not complain and just worship yamato even when they do things wrong... glad I complained about the 1/48 nosecone.
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