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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. they're not making 1/48's anymore? no more non canon ones?
  2. could you take a picture of your shura's face? like straight on? if that's the case, I might go out to get me another one...hate cross eyed shura
  3. i was bought a 1/55 vf-1j when I was 5 or 6...i still have it in my collection...
  4. ok, hurin, so you know who this person is...do you think this person should use their mod powers this way? I think if you know, you should say who it is and that person should be reprimanded.
  5. saint seiya somebody changed the topic description and added (gay) in there...that's not f'in very nice. I love these figures and I think calling them gay is an insult to my childhood and my taste in toys. I hope none of the mods made this change as they should not abuse their powers like that. please change this and I hope the bastard who did this will not try something like this again.
  6. hey, wtf, who did that?? THAT IS NOT COOL! screw whoever did that!
  7. can't decide? no problem, just buy 3 of each and display in each mode. I think your setup is fine, you show one of each mode already
  8. hey that LV looks familiar wow didint' know you bought that much stuff after...that's nuts. did you get all that at frank and son? who'd you buy from? nice meeting you and your friend...next time you guys come down...LMK a little earlier.
  9. oh yah...what the heck...i thought it was just the greys...
  10. nice nice nice!! ikki looks much better than the 1st version...man, might wanna pick up a few of those just for the new head sculpt kanon looks pretty good too...dammit, always playing catch up!
  11. looks pretty darn good, i like how you did the shading for the heat shield and the feet. like a solid line on one side and gradually lighter to one side...
  12. wow...that's freakin nice...too bad i'm going to have to put it together...which means it won't be put together for like years...
  13. I'm really glad they made the yf-19...i love it...it coulda been better...but of course, with a lot of things it could have been better....
  14. damn that's cool, maybe i should join a train club just to do this as well!
  15. damn that's cool, gonna have to try that.
  16. go for it kiririth, no jailbait girlies but you can bring those girls from college in your thread...dressed up in moon act minmay outfits this time as for the date, i usually don't know my schedule until a month prior so not gonna say much about it. just pick one and if i'm here, i'm here... I'm down to play poker...maybe we can play at phatslappy's again...and we can just play for cash right? i don't need to play for no stinking toys!
  17. Does anybody have the above yamato just recently released? I didnt' realize it was a model kit before I put an order in for one, is it like a complete model kit or more snap tight? painting required or pre-painted with shading? worth the money or too much trouble?
  18. where's this template you speak of? i looked through this thread and didn't see it.
  19. thank you much!
  20. does anybody have the link for the landing gear fix
  21. dammit gave the story away! haven't finished hades yet... anything else new in SS world?
  22. http://www.jp-network.co.jp/hades/web/index.html new campaign item...lots of stuff out now...still way behind...dammit!
  23. wow, i never thought i'd buy one of these things, but this thing is loads of fun. already got 2 of my friends to buy this too. one had to be brought in from taiwan too in baby blue I picked up castlevania PoR, still need the first one, got ff3 n looking foward to zelda...anything else good? they should make a contra game!
  24. wow that looks awesome...looks like I missed out on the decals too...that's what I get for putting it off all the time.
  25. i think they had problems with the shoulder...I forget exactly what but it broke easily. I have an extra red one if you want, PM me! lol about this new one...the pilot does look interesting...but that paint scheme def does not.
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