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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. Thank you Neova~! I've been send you the detail by PM. If that is the case of Neova doing it, where do we sign up? don't you already have like 6 of these?
  2. well, you should know already what it is if you read the link you provided. retailed for about $15 a piece. they had all of them released from 00-04, and even some of the mass produced white ones.
  3. cuz poo needs to be made everyday...else you become irregular and can't sit right.
  4. oh, for sure, I just ordered my shun...and now ikki will be out. no rest for my wallet.
  5. Eternal_D

    Britai attacks!

    wow that's some funny stuff...and after seeing that mecha godzilla one, I want one now! anybody know of a diecast one that's at least 8" and is well detailed?
  6. so then we have no idea how it will be determined? granted those more involved will most likely put themselves in front, which I have no problem with...but as much as I'd like to help, there's not much I can do since everything's already being done. anyway, I guess just put me down for confirmation.
  7. yah, when I put my 1/60's away, I noticed the vf-1a on display was yellowed compared to the one I kept inside the original case box. didn't really see compare the other ones...but my guess they're probably discolored as well. my toys are out of direct sunlight for the most part...but my valks are all in a display case and definitely no direct light goes in there.
  8. is there going to be an order for who gets them first? there was another thread that had confirmations...which I already put down for 1, but hadn't seen this thread until today.
  9. i feel guilty sometimes just looking at my room myself. *sigh* then I think about all the money I waste on alcohol, take that sip and don't feel so bad.
  10. I can't say the 1/60 is great now that the 1/48 is out, but yah, I'd say it's better than the MPC. having owned both, just looks alone, I'd go with a 1/60 yammie.
  11. yah, no more vf-1's please...unless it's a D. then with a D you can easily do a VE and VT...oh sweet 1/48....*droool*
  12. put me down for one.
  13. they're probably readjusting prices higher so they can gouge us some more...you know since it's like the only one in the market and we all HAVE to have our macross fix no matter what the price. but seriously, I think it was just pushed back to April...reason? dunno, just cuz I guess.
  14. I didn't like McF's anime figures...but those were released a while back. if he did release some now and they look as good as some of his recent figs...I'd definitely pick them up.
  15. somebody over on the spawn boards is working on a Faye Valentine bust. Looks pretty good so far and he plans to recast and paint these for about $30 a piece. I figured there'll probably be more interest here than interest over at the boards. I hope s/he doesn't mind me putting it up here. click me!
  16. that's flippin cool. wish I had a few of those...but then again, they'd just sit there and collect dust if I had them. remember to post pics of your progress!
  17. I already got my copy...no money for you HG!!
  18. Congrats Kev!! that's awesome news!!
  19. so who's recasting it? I suggest someone from the states recast it...as if we have to send it overseas to get recast...all those recasts will be sent back to us with shipping costs...and we all know how much shipping from asia can be...even in bulk, one person has to get it all, then resend ALL packages to individual persons. it's not like we can't find a decent recaster here in the states...and I'm thinking majority of the ppl who want one are in the US right? I don't know if anybody has suggested this but rhoby does very good work and he works fast. anybody tryin PMin him to see if he's interested?
  20. haha sebas, my sister saw it and said it sucked! but then again, she doesn't like a lot of things. but I know she likes CB!! sorta. haven't seen it myself yet. working on Last Exile right now.
  21. say what say what??
  22. some good ideas, but have to reject them for one reason or another. 2 x closed-fist DYRL hands that can fold in the arms AND hold a gunpod -the arm space to fit the hand is very slim. in order to fit that in there, the hand woul have to be equally slim giving it an awkward look. 2 x posed DYRL hands with trigger finger extended (left and right) -while I made the right one with some ease, a left one would be inconceivable by me at this point. I didn't scuplt this out of scratch like those crazy ppl from Hobby Japan. the right hand was made from the recast TV hand so all I had to do was shave, add, shave, add. 2 x posed DYRL open-hand (left and right) -this is definitely doable, but reason why I suggested the poseable hands is because I don't want all my valks to have the same stupid posed hand. the poseable hand would relieve all problems of this...if I can do it right. the poseable hands SHOULD be able to accomadate the fist you speak of. but we really won't know until I get started...or rather finish.
  23. ah, i get yah...like how the arms have those pegs to hold the gunpod in fighter mode. hmm, that might be doable...but I'm afraid the resin peg will break off if it's too small, and if it's too big...it'll just be ugly. won't be able to make it retractable like the PG gundams(too much work ). will have to think more about that. and which millia are you talking about? you have to be just a little bit more specific...shhh...
  24. This is exactly why some U.S. MWers "beat the dead horse" about the high price of the Q-Rau. Personally, I defend my postion that it is overpriced repeatedly because I hope that some others will be influenced to send a message to Yamato that "Fair is fair, but the price of the Q-Rau is ridiculous" I am NOT saying that I won't be happy until I can get a 1:24 all-diecastmetal perfect transformation remote controlled flying Yamato VF-xx with super articulated pilot controlled by A.I. from wal-mart for $2, and I am certainly not bitching for bitching's sake. Until now, I've always felt that Yamato's toys have been worth every penny (MAYBE the fast packs were a bit too high for what they were, but I still got three). My criticism is that the value of the toy is much less than the price. Two possible solutions: 1.) raise the value Address fans negative issues with the toy itself (impossible, MWers can't even agree on what is good about an existing toy, much less suggest how to create a good toy. Plus, the toy is already out there, it is what it is... ) 2.) lower the price If we all keep being Yamatowhores, Yamato will make us their bitches. the HK market obviously knows what's up! Yamato knows that they won't pay unfair high prices just because that's what's printed on the box so they don't overcharge. I'm sure MY reaction to this toy would've been as positive as Graham's had I gotten it for that price.) I believe this is a valid critique with a viable solution. And when this post garners all sorts of negative reactions, I will respond. For everyone who says "You can say what you want only ONCE" i say "it depends on the purpose of the post" I can't get the price lowered by myself... I hope to influence others. If we as a large group send a message to Yamato that we won't pay whatever they feel like asking, maybe we can KEEP costs around reasonable levels. The PLETHORA of (also repetitive) posts I've seen from other MWers telling Q-rau's detractors where they can stick their opinions, and acting personally insulted that someone might have suggested that they think before they do something with their own money. Only serve only to influence others in the opposite direction: Drive the prices up, up, UP! Someone's telling me what I can and can't spend MY OWN MONEY on?!?!?!?! I'll show them! I'll buy a million Q-raus at whatever price Yamato asks! HA HA HAHAHAHAHA! I gave ALL my money to Yamato because it was MINE to give! (of course, now you have to give ALL of your money to Yamato if you want to own ONE of the toys they make.) 500,000,000 posts beat a dead horse into my court, I beat it back. word! I can't agree more. and as we can see from the voting....I wasn't alone. very well put DrClay. I no as good in words like you be. well, for the most part anyway.
  25. it's the LEFT hand hes talking about, except for the skeleton hands out now, NO yammies' left hands have been able to hold a gun! well, actually, after the left, i would probably make a right...but I was talking about the right one not being able to hold it well because of looseness. and the 1/48 can hold the gun in the left hand...just not very well like the right hand.
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