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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. damn, no more campaign give aways!! cuz i'm not in japan and I don't know anybody who is. and yah, what Abombz!! said...he's referred to as Roshi by everybody in the beginning. and I didn't remember his real name until you said.
  2. why so much for a recast? the yf-19 is only $140 shipped
  3. uhm, only update would be I already met with rhoby and said my designs shoudln't be a problem...and that I've been going out too much so haven't worked on my hands much. will start again today! I just found some really good parts I can use.
  4. damn I can't wait for the first gold saint. freakin beautiful. but I am curious as how they're going to do the gold saints that where helmets...maybe like the hades gold saints? and I wonder if Libra will come with a mini figure of roshi.
  5. that was freakin awesome! did you see the secret carrot gerwalk valk?? who's gonna make a custom of that??
  6. so what they mean is it'll be on the big screen for about 2 weeks and hit video? great can't wait to rent it!
  7. I was about to say that. A little Goo-Gone will help too. All good to know!
  8. The UUM-7 box missles were a real headache to paint. After airbrushing the base coat of sky grey and the overcoat of sea blue, I had to use a very fine brush to hand paint the yellow and gunmetal sections of the missles. Talk about tight spaces.... I had to take it really slow to be as accurate as possible. I then weathered those sections and the decals with some charcoal pastel powder on a q-tip. gah, I was hoping you'd have some trick other than handpainting those parts. oh well. why did yamato have to super-fuse that white part onto the grey parts?? woulda been so much easier if those parts could be separated.
  9. that looks pretty damn cool, how'd you paint the box missles?
  10. i've got cable in the US and I still can't watch it so...not available to everyone in the US. freakin cable companies suck dust bunnies sometimes...and whoever does the channel line ups thinks with their pinky toe.
  11. sucks when a toy falls from that high...lucky for you, you've got carpet...wood floors in my house. only thing that's ever fallen from a great height are my 2 saint seiya myth figures...armor ALL over the place. luckily no pieces got lost and didn't see any damage. btw, watch the language...not everybody likes that...not me tho...you can say f- all you want for all i care.
  12. damn, did I spell Eternal wrong? or did they?? anyway...that'd be awesome if they did. but anybody can say they have a reliable source. even if graham said it's so, doesn't mean yamato won't change their mind and do something else. I'd be ecstatic if it did happen but until I see some prototyp productions, price, and release date...it's all hear-say.
  13. damn he's STILL making them? I thought he was all done.
  14. yah, that'd be cool, I mean, robot mode still looks like OG megs...even the colors.
  15. uh, nothing...that's life.
  16. I'll talk to rohby about this. seems you guys just want the whole kit and not just the skeleton like me. as far as the polycaps go....we can try to get some aftermarket parts like from kotobukiya if they have it...but we'd have to find the right size and all. I will also address this problem with rhoby, maybe he can come up with a better solution.
  17. the entire kit consists of 48 armor pieces...not counting some pieces that are comprised of 2 or more parts. plus making the frame whish is probalby another 10-15 pieces. that's a whole lot of pieces and probably would cost around the same as an original. right now I'm still only looking at just the frame, and the leg armors.
  18. OK, I have my destroid conv kit on display as a Tomahawk, but the other two just sit in the box doing nothing. I don't want to buy another one so I can have just 2 of them on display so I wanna know, for those of us who own one, would you like recasts of the endo skeleton? Granted you won't be able to display all 3 because the phalanx and defender share parts, but at least you can display 2 of them on display. worse comes to worse, we can also consider recasting the shared parts. I imagine price to be around $20 since it's not so big and should be relatively easy to recast. problem would be with the polycaps used on the legs and arms. Post what you think.
  19. OMFlippinG!! that is going to be awesome. how'd you acquire that? and where? pray tell!
  20. wanted to add my 9" Sauron figure from LOTR. it says 3 stupid things...light up red eyes...and his mace goes limp like an old man without viagra. otherwise cool figure.
  21. damn is it me or does the GBP have HUGE flippin hands?? looks like it's big enough to fit the 1/48!
  22. ferraris? screw that buy the batmobile...that thing is pretty freakin cool! and there seems to be a lot of McF haters out there...I honestly like the ones with very limited to no poseablity figs as opposed to the poseable figures. they can't do poseable right...so STOP! just make me my cool super detailed nicely painted statues and keep em cheap so I can buy the 2 dozen that come out each year...and have doubles of most to open.
  23. that's easy...most of my star wars figs...damn some of them look cool in their packaging...then you get it out it's like I paid $8 for this? then it gets dumped in a box full of these...and the funny thing is...I keep repeating this! gawd when will I learn?? hyaku shiki diecast fig from bandai. small and heavy = cool...not all the time. figure is lose and I can't get him to get into those cool poses on the box for the life of me. Justice League figures from mattel...it gets warm in my room in the summer. and because of the way these characters looked in the cartoon, their legs are all but twigs...hot plus thin pvc legs supporting big upper bodies=leans forward and eventually falls. blah cheap pvc. can't believe I almost forgot this one...MPC VF-1J. THE most disappointed I've ever been with a toy. promised diecast-not present, flawless transformation-not exactly, looks good in at least one mode-no where close. but at least that LED in the eye made the entire head glow due to the semi transparent plastic. leila figure by epoch. just a horrible looking figure. uglee, bad articulation as in you can't stand her up cuz her fee are bent outward, can barely stay on her mono-cycle. that's all for now.
  24. 5 is not a far cry from 6. hehe. might be cheaper if you just painted the rest low viz colors.
  25. what's going on with this? any news from yamato or something? not pushing you or anything but just curious, i know you're busy starting up your thing again and teaching those noisy noisy kids
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