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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. those hands are made for 1/48...look at them! they're huge!!
  2. bah, stop makin the anime and just come out with cooler mechs as toys and MG/PG...
  3. How Much?? I know a lot of you don't collect spawn figures but take a look at this anyway...this guy is trying to sell figures that have been opened. albeit some of them are rarer figures that go for $25 brand spankin new in the package...this knucklehead wants to sell this lot for $70...oh wait...reserve not met yet!!
  4. if you go to korean establishments ie bars/clubs, you should knowt this song... happy boffday tsu you, happy boffday tsu you...happy boffday happy boffday happy boff day tsu you.... *repeat*
  5. that's pretty cool, me likes! almost seems like it's actually part of the custom.
  6. that is simply nuts...i saw this earlier today but didn't want to comment on it until i saw how you did the hexa's...and that's a very ingenius yet practical way to do it. two thumbs up Jung...you are definitely one of the custom masters.
  7. damn dood what do you do for a living? that's a lot of traveling you do there. Grad student with alot of free time over breaks. Money? Well, I've sold my soul to Uncle Sam. that's crazy, wish I did that when I was in college instead of drinking and hitting on girls...ok, no i don't but I wouldn't mind going backpacking now in my old age of 25... ...with some hot girls and Mr. Walker. ummm...what makes you think you can't drink, hit on girls, AND travel? For example, my New Years was spent in Lima, Peru drinking the night away with Germans, Brits, Irish, and locals. During my month in Peru, got 2 marriage proposals and hooked up with a Korean-Brazilian backpacker girl. BTW, I'm 29. I can barely chew gum and walk at the same time! j/k. but dood that sounds like so much fun, are you in some kind of school group for backpackers or what?
  8. Eternal_D

    Max VF-1S

    no thx.
  9. wouldn't these just be REGULAR prices of japanese released kits?? I see TRU going the way of KB very soon...
  10. damn dood what do you do for a living? that's a lot of traveling you do there. Grad student with alot of free time over breaks. Money? Well, I've sold my soul to Uncle Sam. that's crazy, wish I did that when I was in college instead of drinking and hitting on girls...ok, no i don't but I wouldn't mind going backpacking now in my old age of 25... ...with some hot girls and Mr. Walker.
  11. Patience - this topic has been brought up before, and once I clear some space on my table, the Ostrich and Elint are both next in line... *COUGH*tease*COUGH* he's not teasing, he's telling us straight out...man, fulcy, I'll bet my grandchildren would love the debut of your custom ve, vt-1.s
  12. hey i noticed the extra 1A head too, but when I poped off the 1J head, i was like, hmm, male-male parts don't fit...I guess you have to remove the neck part for the 1j head?
  13. damn dood what do you do for a living? that's a lot of traveling you do there.
  14. try gundamshop.com under model supplies you'll see 'wave options' i can't find "model supplies" can you provide a link?
  15. Then you don't need a girl like that. come on, you should know better. gotta share in the interests... yah, was going to see this movie tonight but thought about it and went against it because it's opening night. stupid LA and the stupid ppl who bring 3 month old babies to movies like that...but I am looking forward to seeing it soon...during the day time when most ppl are at work.
  16. dood chill. I can't give you a full list of the jedi, cuz there's a lot. but as far as SITH go... Darth Sidious, Count dooku, Darth Maul, Darth Vader...and that girl sith on the cartoon network clone wars thing. don't know how complete that is, but that's what I remember. as far as jedi go... Yoda, Mace Windu, Obi-wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, Ki-adi Mundi, Luke skywalker...yada?? the other yoda lookin dood, Kit Fisto...there's alot more but I can't remember them.
  17. I'd like the head...if it's a vf-1j or vf-1s. thanks!
  18. that's a freakin sweet ass custom. I never can get enough of peoples customs, no matter how played out ther are.
  19. nice find!
  20. haha south america doesn't exist! hehe, your life was all made up and implanted into your head like total recall. born in Taiwan-Taipei, went to Cali-LA when I was 6...been here the rest of my life...lived for a few month in other countries for fun and "business" will spend more time overseas soon. but just can't stay away too long from the cali girls...yum yum.
  21. man, I hated the steel saints. it was just kinda corny to bring in these mechanical saints where all the other ones were kinda "magical". I would definitely like to see the god warriors re-made as well as the sea-scales.
  22. maybe we can do a recast project like the one that's being done for the koenig? maybe carl hoff would let us borrow his kit?
  23. Removable hair? Or maybe just update the design and turn them into tiaras/masks once and for all. Only Aries and Taurus would be a problem. Considering that big home Aphrodites almost never wore his helmet. is that word meant to be homo? I don't remember much from the comics, but at least half the chars have helmets instead of headbands right? well, as long as they make Saga look nice...it's all good. any word if they're going to make some of the new gold figures into the hades figures?
  24. oh poo, I'd be in but I think it's too much. good luck to you guys.
  25. sold out already and posted in where to buy thread already
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