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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. that's a smashing idea will have to save this list once it's done...just so i can have it...not going to custom or anything...
  2. seems a little pink/purplie. I love clear red over silver. I wanted to do a custom millia vf like that but thought what am I going to do with the white stripes...it'd clash too much.
  3. A: white B: pink C: bright yellow? D: netral grey + a little purple E: white(50%) + light blue(50%) F: white + a little yellow G: cobalt blue H: white(50%) + light grey(50%) only not so sure about C: have fun, and post pics!
  4. I don't think I've ever dropped any of my valks, or been in a earthquake or anything(I hope I won't be either)...so the worst thing was when I noticed yellowing on my vf-1a 1/60? let's hope that's the worst that'll EVER happen to my beloved toys.
  5. gups, update? comparison? waddup? need to know those colors!!!
  6. cool thx, hey these come with the monster right if you get the whole set? it's not a chase figure right?
  7. here's a group shot, came out kinda blurry...damn coffee making my hands unsteady...
  8. DOOD!!! I just got my Ikki figure and man am I HATING it!!! freakin they cannabalized the color like the did with the yf-21 FPs!! it's super freakin purple!!! And look at his shoulder armor...did you think they'd be sittin THAT high on him? omg it looks fugly... here's a comparison shot of the two. disappointed with my favorite bronze saint...
  9. haha rhoby's got fans! you need to TM your stuff rhoby.
  10. i am interested, LMK how much shipping is to 90701 are code in US!!
  11. at this point, I don't see what else they can offer in a bigger scale toy so I would vote no on that.
  12. OMG chill, there'll be plenty to go around. just don't wait too long...like 6-8 months...
  13. Eternal_D

    1/48 Arm Armor

    recasting the whole FP would be impractical because of the mold costs. it would probably drive cost up to the cost of buying orignal FPs...
  14. that looks damn good, nice and clean and simple. me likes.
  15. did somebody say "Camel-Toe"??
  16. that'd be pretty cool too.
  17. thats good to know. but I don't think I'd try this on my taka box. the taka box is not as smooth as my bandai vf-1s box. while my bandai box has a shiny waxy smooth surface to it, my taka boxes have a very fine surface that is not completely smooth. if anybody wants to try it on a taka box and let us know the results...that'd be great.
  18. Eternal_D

    Yamoto check list

    damn missing ver.1 and 1.5 of yf-19...and the q-rau(well, you guys all should know how I feel about that)
  19. nice, that looks like a perfect color for the low viz grey...what is it? do you have a low viz to compare colors? can you please LMK if it is close? nice custom, one more to go into the customs page. and Sebastian...it's SkeletoR with an 'R' which was pretty cool, but spy vs spy is good too.
  20. you could just swap the head...the gbp armor covers up so much of the valk, maybe you won't notice the color difference. and to say that about MN is really wierd because I'm pretty sure he was and still is in the toy BUSINESS...and in business you try to make money. around the 10-15% margin. if he can't sell it to you for a price, it's not because he's not a nice guy, it's becuase he most likely will take a loss or something.
  21. I've been appreciating more and more of those statues and busts recently. they are very nicely detailed and painted and when you see like 50 of them all lined up, you just have to say wow. but I probably wouldn't like Macross busts/statues unless they too were super finely detailed. if it's a simple look like the ones toynami made, I probably wouldn't even bother.
  22. that's really cool, I too like that 1J skull look...but it may be that I'm just partial to 1J heads. where'd the pilot come from?
  23. cool, nice customs. not a fan of the super gloss but kewl nontheless.
  24. 9900 yen when i was in japan for a 1/48 at TRU didn't look at the 1/60 prices but you gotta figure it's not MSRP. it's in english because most countries in asia require you to learn english as a second language, so at the very least, the can at least make it out. but all the important stuff is in japanese...ie customer service info.
  25. I hate legal mumbo jumbo...
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