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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. man, JM and that thing doesn't even compare. I bought one for cheap just to check it out...it's utter crap compared to my JMs. I think the orignal mold came from takatoku tho.
  2. ack, maybe I should help with the cause and buy some domestic realeased dvds. ok, 8 dvd's, I can do that...
  3. damn, from those first pictures I was like, dayam this guy made a transformable yf-19...but looks like just two different models. cool nontheless. good job
  4. how big is this compared to a 1/48 vf-1? looks absolutely amazing jung. lucky you pats!
  5. did you use a credit card? if so, just tell your credit card company that this guy never delivered and you want your money back. or you can ask paypal to do the same thing. they have a program where if a seller doesn't put out the goods within 30 days(i think), you can request a full refund, paypal will investigate and most likely give back your money.
  6. that does look pretty cool. definitely like what you done with the front lower guns.
  7. finally got my virgo figure yesterday. was playing with it a little bit yesterday and today, couldn't get him to sit properly on his pedastal so I just have him standing. here's a group shot...
  8. Thats right. He hit the nail right on the head. I'm lucky I didn't hit my thumb! Kingnor, I love that stuff too but the mess and the smell is what deters me from using it for model kits. I'm chinese too! well, as chinese as a chinese person can be living in the US for 20 some years.
  9. as far as the metallic version goes(I think it applies to any metallic version), you should remove the metalic paint where the glue goes before glueing it together. that way you get plastic to plastic melding. not plastic paint paint plastic.
  10. yah, i like the weathering too, subtle.
  11. 100? that is how much sithlord would buy also and kensei! I'd buy a couple as well. man, I wonder what the minimum for them to start a prodcution is(not guessing, I mean exact number, cuz anybody can guess), we could probably sell 1000 on mw alone thanks to sithlord, godzilla, and kensei. not to mention all our vendors that frequent this site. sometimes I wish I studied harder in japanese school. I finally got my second ed of the VF-1A Hikaru's. I highly doubt that they would produce anymore soon. I'm glad that the VF-1S is going to be reissued, as this is the more popular one of the original two. Besides, I'm not like Godzilla. There is a perfectly logical reason for the totals of particular valks in my inventory. That will have to be revealed later. I doubt that they would make the TV version of the CF, therefore I would buy....14 of them. did you just call godzilla illogical?? you must share with us your reasoning. I would definitely want to know.
  12. are you sure they are the same size? there is a 1/5000 scale sdf-1 that goes for about $50 because it's bigger or something.
  13. focus damm you focus!! hehe, I like gonzo stuff, would be interesting to see what this looks like.
  14. 100? that is how much sithlord would buy also and kensei! I'd buy a couple as well. man, I wonder what the minimum for them to start a prodcution is(not guessing, I mean exact number, cuz anybody can guess), we could probably sell 1000 on mw alone thanks to sithlord, godzilla, and kensei. not to mention all our vendors that frequent this site. sometimes I wish I studied harder in japanese school.
  15. I was going to show you a link to the main page but it hasn't been updated! what the hell shawn and graham, get to work!! chop chop!! J/K!!! don't ban me. they have a few pictures at valkerie-exchange.com you can probably check out.
  16. i think the gov should just step in and say "f- you all, no more gas cars!" and give each of us a free electric car with free lifetime maintenance. but of course, even if we did have to pay for the electric cars, they wouldn't go for it cuz their greedy little paws have a stake in oil.(ahem*bush*ahem)
  17. I'm about to make a personal record of 400+ miles on 1 fill of the tank...tho it costs me about $40 to fill up, still pretty good considering the size of my car. and suv's are not the cause of the environments problem...I doubt it's even 1/100% at fault.
  18. don't think I'll be gettin anymore...unless there's nothing else to buy at the time, or I need some 1S heads. lucky for those who didn't get to pick this up first 2 times around. some of those prices are rediculous now
  19. uh, it's late, and I may be talking out of my ass but...it's just an anime! maybe it lets you think a little bit more about what you don't normally think of but your life is what you make of it! sit on your ass and feel depressed about it and do nothing, and that's where you'll stay. sit on your ass and feel depressed about it but go out and try to make something of your life, you'll at least get somewhere, if not just off your ass. I watched this series straight once...no crazy adverse side affects other than, hey, I wanna go buy some of those toys now. again, it's great your thinking of life, and honestly nobody's worthless if they apply themselves and give something back as a person(this could mean being a friend to your...well, friends, or being a son to your parents, or maybe just some stranger who helped a cat out of a tree). in brief, go out and live. there are 100 million things you can experience this life time.
  20. dont' you mean 110% sucks?
  21. oh my freakin lordie! that's freakin awesome!
  22. i dont' care who does what with who. just show me the end product. if they want it to survive and make some bucks...they better work on it hard.
  23. well, you wonder why only 9 ppl wanted those things, look at the rediculous price. i'm sure higher end motorcycle helmets don't even cost that much. if they made that 200-300 dollars, I bet a lot of us would've gotten one.
  24. Eternal_D

    Yamato Stand!

    you a golfer too kamineko? I see you got some tees there, or is that used for something else?
  25. damn, that's pretty cool. so does that mean variant spectre gold saints as well? no more need for me to do some customs??
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