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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. damn that looks bad ass! now if they can mass produce that for under $500!
  2. man, hagen has a blank stare...i was hoping he'd look more mean and have that smirk
  3. my friend went to HK and I had an order filled with her heheh. she brought back for me mizar sid, siren sorrento, seadragon kanon, and surplice shion. freakin awesome all of them! best part was these are probably the cheapest ones I've ever gotten, HK prices, plus 10% off, plus no shipping cost! man, i need more friend that go to HK!
  4. thanks but i got that one already. and nice collection there!
  5. man, way behind as usual...need a reliable source that carries the HK ver with plate! I just picked up final ikki, great for the most part but the shoulder armor sticks up too high...and i think his feathers on his back are too short...other than that, very nice figure. if you guys know where to get seadragon hk w/ plate, for less than $65 shipped to the US, please let me know.
  6. sumdumgai, you never go to frank and son? they used to have saint seiya stuff...I used to get them from this Cantonese guy but he flaked and is now gone. Treasure Island also has them but I don't like to deal with them as prices are usually high. then there was this other guy who sold saint seiya figures on consignment for somebody in monterey park. don't know where the store is tho. this guy is also gone... I used to deal with Ken at toy-wave but he doesn't take care of the wholesale anymore. i guess i have to check them out, but i hate stuff being shipped...cuz i have to have perfect boxes...
  7. I just can't keep up! it's getting harder and harder to find a reliable source for these in so cal. if anybody can help me out that'd be great, preferably someone that can carry both japanese and HK versions w/ plate. also if anybody knows where I can pick final Ikki up for a decent price, please let me know. thanks!
  8. pretty sweet kicker...did you make that carrier platform? what's it made out of?
  9. looks like the singing competition is out lol
  10. I really don't like the woodland colors...other than that, I love all my 1/48's...ya, the ones with the falling appendage kinda sucked because they had a few more problems...but all were fixed down the line.
  11. sounds like most robotech fans!
  12. which gold saints are you still looking for? I have some that I'm looking to get rid of. they should all be the japanese version and all brand new never opened.
  13. didn't they? i forget heh
  14. I like your display case rdenham, where'd you get it and how much?
  15. no cape?? looks nice, can't wait for mine...
  16. yah, doesn't really match, gold saints should be gold color with orange accents, mariners should be mostly orange or like a brownish orange color. I got mine for $20 each, which I didn't think was that bad...but these really should be like $10-$12 considering a full figure is only $45-$50.
  17. wow that looks awesome! just picked up phoenix final and the appendixes. does anybody else have the appendixes?? the gold saints colors are so orange...doesn't look very good.
  18. got me a set of these, really cool lookin figs...for such a little price. nice detail.
  19. I dont' see this slowing down...they'll make just about any figure that's semi popular. I expect all 6 surplice gold saints, all mariners, and all god warriors.
  20. wow, the differences are really noticeable when next to each other...nice! guess I won't need to be doing my repaints afterall...not that I was ever going to get to them anytime soon lol sumdumgai, if you need, i know a place that carries japanese versions of these figures. they are always very very limited, so I don't want to give away my secret buying spot before I get mine. but I'll keep you in mind when getting it if you still need one.
  21. i liked cancer, I remember buying him in Shanghai while I was there, along with Aries. did you put him in his special move pose? i've had him in that pose ever since I got him. aries is def one of my fav gold saints as well...they def need to make the appendix for that one.
  22. wow that line up is pretty good...and whats up with those saints in domesic clothing? scream man, how can you pass up on shion aries? he looks freakin sweet!
  23. all of mine are displayed with armor on...if I didnt' collect so many things, I'd get more to display the objects. extra hands and all other things are kept in boxes...there's just too many little pieces.
  24. haha, signed me up for the karaoke contest already?? man, guess i better start practicing...maybe get a dance routine going lol...where are my backup singers at???
  25. man, do they ever need a better head sculpt for aiolia! one of my fav gold saints...i hope they make one where he's evil too! that'd be sweet!
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