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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. well, my fav gold saint is gemini...but no release of that yet and looks like I'll be waitin a while for that one. but thus far in the toys, Rady is probably my fav with sagittarius a close second. the bronze saints are ok...but most are plagued with problems. I'd def wait on the final versions in hopes of better design. btw have you guys seen this? I thought it was pretty funny, but cool idea at the same time. ebay
  2. here's my bronze saints.
  3. heck, I don't have it set up right now. that's just what I plan to do...right now, all my figures are just posed and standing in a bunch...not very impressive since they're so tightly positioned. i'll take some pics and put them up tomorrow...there should be a picture of the old ones somewhere in this thread tho...it's roughly the same, just add a couple new figs.
  4. word up dood...it'll be lookin real nice all set up...trust me. can't wait to get my hands on Douku, Mu, and Deathmask. my next step in planning my display for my Saints, a nice statue of Athena, some Greek like pillars, a custom Saori figure and placed all around her are going the be the gold and bronze saints. it's going to be sweetness.
  5. looks good to me...and so does the stickered up one ZeoMare's got. damn, have your modeling skills improved a great deal or what dood??
  6. really? I never knew that the weapons belonged to the other gold saints...wehre'd you get that from? most of them dont' have weapons because they have "force" projectile like techniques like Hadouken from street fighter. you guys dont' watch much of this stuff do you?
  7. the pandora boxes are pretty cool...but pricey. there is a version where the boxes open up and are held together by magnets...wanted to buy them but again...didn't think they were worth the price. they are diecast and quite heavy and nicely detailed to the anime but still...price needs to come down by 50%
  8. ok, now who wants to do this for me and is in japan??
  9. OMG how do you get it?? I must know!!
  10. I've played with the escaflowne and woudln't pick it up for more than $20. if you can find it cheap...great...I'd probaly still put a vote on the MPC prime. there's really not much comparison there.
  11. damn that looks cool, skills man...skills. you should add some tiny springs on the bottom of the seats.
  12. damn, that's pretty amazing. we hardly ever see any damaged valks.
  13. man you bastards...I'm callin the insurance company to add a little extra "insurance". anyway, the hands are being worked on. right and left fists are close to completion, just need to add some details and clean it up. Will start on the open hand soon.
  14. can't wait for deathmask...freakin beautiful!
  15. there's always something you can spend your money on....a house would be nice.
  16. ok, this is probably not the best place or time to bring this up but I was in the works of a 2 seater. only 3 ppl other than myself knew about this before I put this up because I don't like to throw ideas out before anything is done. I am in no way doing this just because I see how many ppl want it...I seriously dropped off the parts to be recasted the day this thread was started. and I had asked to purchase haterists extra fuselage last week as well. anyway, I'm not saying mine will be great or anything, but I just wanted ppl to know, I'm not stealing the idea to take this on as my own. I've talked with captain america a bit about this and it seems he's alright with it...so I'm going to go ahead and start once I get my parts in next week. and no I haven't forgotten about the dyrl hands...I'm almost done with the left fist and will soon start working on the other fist and open hand.
  17. Eternal_D

    Global Unity

    damn, that's a lot of stuff to take in...nice collection there and welcome to the boards. but I'm really curious to know...isn't blacklight bad for yellowing of toys?
  18. I did end up pickin up radamanthys this weekend. man, it's freakin badass! very heavy fig and very different way to put on the helmet.
  19. wow, this sounds vaguely familiar...
  20. man, that looks freakin awesome! who else has got theirs radamanthys?? I want to go pick mine up this weekend...but we'll see.
  21. dood, that looks pretty good...gonna have to pick me up to replace my missing ones one of these days.
  22. well, I'll give the guy credit for having the balls to actually go dressed like that... meh, I take it back...
  23. I would never be able to choose just one...but from Macross, definitely my 1/48's. doesn't get much better than that...
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