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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. yah, just don't man handle the thing and yous hould have no problems. I've transformed mine a dozen times and have no broken pegs...but there are stress marks.
  2. nice job sebastian. and here I thought you were too busy over there and haven't posted in a while!
  3. I think the roy first edition are worth less than the 2nd and so on because it had the wing and nosecone problems...don't remember ppl actually putting up specifically a 1s first ed....but that's what I'd imagine.
  4. cool set up. those screen shots are a nice touch.
  5. damn...anybody wanna pick some up for me??
  6. woudln't kanon look the same as saga? being twins and all... I'm sure you probably know the subtle differences...I coudlnt' pick it up in the hades sanct chapter. but yah, that would be a plus if they included both heads...cuz he was shown evil most of the time...but still had that good side to him. I definitely am looking to pick up the set of comics now.
  7. gundam fix figures are made of soft PVC...which if you were like me, living in a warm place and can't have the AC on all the time...things like the hip attached gun will start drooping. I like the overall design of the figure...but not when it looks like something from looney tunes. it's now back in it's box and waiting for the big move into a cooler house...
  8. what a bunch of crap. if they have some display going that doesn't mention it being 3 separate japanese animes, we should hire agent one, paint him green, and make him "GO SMAAAAAAAAAASH!!!"
  9. I'm talkin of the original japanese releases. so they never changed the ending or anything like that? I heard the original ending of the first release was changed because too many ppl complained about it.
  10. damn...cool. I hope they do make it... I want to see it finished. hey, about the manga, are there 2 versions of it? I'm trying to buy a set and would like the original version. I know they did some re-release version with 15 volumes instead of the 28(?) original. was anything changed?
  11. why is the object so funny looking for taurus...that shoulder piece in the front looks outta place or something.
  12. yellow gold, white gold, black gold...it's all goooold. best series release next to the 1/48 VF's.
  13. I coudl be wrong...but I doubt it. non of the gold saints should have any silver on them. it's either the shiny yellow, or the shiny orange. either way tho, I'm buying it!
  14. yah...they need to make him taller...or...I will have to later since he is supposed to tower over these guys somewhat. but I think the silver highlights are just from the preproduction process, maybe they didn't have enough time to paint in the clear orange on those parts before they displayed it at the show.
  15. wow, cool, a model kit? that should be interesting...I might pick that up.
  16. where'd you get the picture? maybe the source has got more info on it. looks pretty cool. but yah...the other armored core figs pretty much suck in paint app and sturdiness.
  17. tauraus' arms seem kinda long...like a neanderthal or something. but gemini looks pretty good! I can't wait for that one.
  18. yah man...too much to read...give us some pics! any good saint seiya goodies?
  19. not too shabby, I like the color of the armor and head sculpt much better. Rosan, SHOOUUURYUUHAAA!!
  20. dood, calm down or that vein in your forehead is gonna pop! nice sword. take more lessons from conan cuz you are holdin it wrong
  21. The final versions and the 1st release are slightly different looking. if you're HC like I am, you'd get both...tho the final ones are gonna be a lot better looking overall. final dragon is supposed to be out within the month I believe...I forget if he's supposed to come out first or Milo.
  22. nope, just the sticker.
  23. hey chris, did you get the japanese version with the Toei sticker in the front? I still need to pick that version up. I think the two tone was because to add the detail shading of the face and neck.
  24. striker/super parts are due out next month or october i believe
  25. the cloud on daytona bike was re-released...and you can get it for about $150 or less. the LE dvd set is $250 min....not including shipping. if anybody knows where I can pre-order the DVD set for retail, please LMK as HLJ is no longer taking pre-orders.
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