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Everything posted by Eternal_D

  1. omg that's freakin awesome. I can't believe it, it's finally done...now they should go back and resculpt some of the earlier gold saints heads.
  2. not a fan of the paint scheme but that's damn fine work there again.
  3. amazing work as always.
  4. you mean the back pack boosters? yah, those are pretty snug. on a couple of mine the metal pins came off of the boosters while trying to remove them.
  5. watched this on friday...never read the books or anything but film was entertaining. starts off kinda slow, and all the kids are annoying throughout...but some of the animation was damn good.
  6. still can't access the page...you monkeys stop clickin on it so I can see.
  7. damn, never was able to pick up this game but def gonna pick up the 2nd one if it gets a domestic release. and is nintengirls a real game...sounds...intriguing...
  8. alright, as long as we're not doing that put in $5 every week from now till the con idea...I'm in.
  9. damn, you did all that to a yf-19?? nice job tho...looks cool
  10. hey you got a pilot in the yf-19! where'd you get that from?
  11. it wasn't me who's trying to hold my cousin's hand and gettin all friendly with him! lol man is this thread ever off track! so...who's all going this weekend! ME ME ME!!
  12. nah, pat has really stank ass breath!
  13. ahhh, correction! that's Rhoby's VF-1J JM
  14. i know but I've always thought the faces were just supposed to be facing each side, not front/back. blah...it doesn't matter, I'm still going to buy it!
  15. i think I just forced mine to not arch. I just pushed the bottom of the arch up and it stayed. maybe I was lucky.
  16. wow freakin awesome. did anybody notice in the object of gemini's helm is on sideways? it's not supposed to be like that right?
  17. you gotta be kidding me... when this comes out, I'm gonna stand out in front of the theater and kick everybody who buys a ticket for this's ass. and you know i'll be able to do it too cuz only super nerds that live in their parent's basement is gonna watch this crap. DON'T SUPPORT CRAP MOVIES AND HOPEFULLY HOLLYWOOD WILL GET THE DRIFT.
  18. only the upper chest piece and the helmet are plastic! everything else is diecast.
  19. damn nice work! looks great, love the darker fast pack colors
  20. the dentist asked me if I wanted all my wisdom teeth pulled out at once...I said no I'll come back...haven't been back since...and this was 6 years ago =P I'll go back once it starts bothering me.
  21. got my Taurus Aldebaran today courtesy of Otaku-Smeghead. first thing you notice is the weight of this thing. all the other gold saints had a good weight to them...well, Taurus is that much heavier. joints are pretty solid, very nice quality, no unsightly scratches at the seam lines...in fact, you can hardly tell where the seam lines are! with this nice of quality, I'm just dieing to see Saga. but alas, this post is worthless w/o pics!! And here's one of my collection so far. also was able to get a final cloth dragon, except I'm not opening it as it's my japanese version, my HK version is in the mail...hopefully.
  22. minor changes?? that stepping sound is what makes DQ...DQ, that and the critical hit sound. now you just walk through the zone area and screen changes...blah I tells you! seems like the story's the same from what I can tell. my japanese is not all that great...
  23. i got the american ver of DQ8...man, why'd they change so much? it was a waste having the stupid voice overs...they sound retarded. and for some reason it seems to lag like when loading a fight and ending a fight. the added pictures and menus are kinda lame too, I like DQ series because they try to keep everything the same look throughout and they even took out the stepping sounds when you enter a town/going up and down levels. also FF12 demo was short, doesn't really show much. graphics are like 10 but the new battle system looks interesting.
  24. awww you don't like crystal saint?
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