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Everything posted by megatroptimus

  1. THat SV-51 looks amazing.
  2. Got my YF-19 this morning. Wow! An amazing piece. I encountered no QC problems, but I took me quite a while to transform correctly. I like the color, but I thought it was whiter than that? At least according to the pics on this website. It's a fine figure as it is, I don't want to bother with any more accessories.
  3. The head on mine doesn't flop around at all...
  4. megatroptimus

    1/100 WF YF-21

    Not really impressed... the bigger toys are better.
  5. Is King Joe turning into 5 satellites or what? Weird design... Ideon has to be the ultimate SOC.
  6. I shook hands with Steven Tyler from Aerosmith before a show in Montreal. Met the Proclaimers twice (and they dedicated a song to my wife during a show so I could make my proposal). Met the Skydiggers backstage in Montreal. Met Matt Sharp from Weezer in Vancouver after a solo show.
  7. I received my green masterpiece Alpha this morning, and wow, I was impressed by the weight! Didn't know it was so heavy in die-cast content! Transformation wasn't as tricky as I thought it would be, although I had to be careful. The left shoulder was glued and couldn't pivot, had to hold the shoulder joint with pliers to free the arm, nothing broke, all is fine. It's kinda hard to pose with those funky legs, but it makes for a killer display piece. I don't regret it at all, the book thingy is really nice.
  8. It reminds me of what we call "JRAs" in the bike business. "I was Just Riding Along on the cycle path when suddenly my bike broke in half! Give me a new bike!"
  9. Strange... looking at my Garland, I don't even see how you could break the arms unless you're forcing them.
  10. I never bothered with the walking jet mode, I think it looks silly.
  11. Well, all the other SDF-1 I see on Ebay are much more expensive than that...
  12. Is $129 shipped a good deal for the SDF-1?
  13. Ideon looks so nice... I have GX-35 on the way and I'm still trying to find a good deal on a Gunbuster. I had Combattler V, Voltes V, Zambot 3 and Dancougar but sold them all back. Gunbuster and Ideon are more my style.
  14. Batroid sounds like something from a Batman movie to me. "Hurry up Robin, let's jump in the Bat-roid!" PS : I found the Wave SDF-1 for 129$ shipped today... is that a good price?? Is it from Macross?? Whatever, it looks cool despite the lack of knees or neck joints.
  15. That proves I don't know much about Macross because I thought Robotech was part of the Macross universe (or vice versa?) seeing the designs are somewhat similar (jet/gerwalk/robot).
  16. I don't see how I was an ass, but I've been warned that some people here were pretty anal, so I'm not surprised. Thanks for the link Jenius, it's exactly what I was looking for! Question : is there a reason why the Scott Bernard is more in demand than the others? Is it the blue or is it something else?
  17. Re-read my initial post, I said VFA, which means Alpha. I'd like to hear from those who actually have the toy in hand.
  18. How are they like? I just bought one today because I like the design, but I would like to hear from those who have it so I know what kind of toy to expect.
  19. Just the YF-19 and the upcoming SV-51. I also have Konig Monster and Garland, not sure if that counts.
  20. Wish it had knees for more poseability...
  21. I don't like those accessories. YF-19 is great as is.
  22. As I'm waiting for my YF-19, reading this thread, I suddenly feel depressed.
  23. I'm still not sure if I should go with the original Matchbox version or this new one... is somebody going to be able to post a review soon?
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