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Everything posted by agass4u

  1. That is part of the magic and you dont want TO KILL THE MAGIC NOW DO YOU!
  2. That is the Power Puff Girls. Those are the Roudy Ruff Boys just so you know. That is nothing, on Megas XLR last Saturday, the front part of the SDF came out of The Megas and blasted some robot. I don't have a pic of it, but someone might. Sorry if that was a rerun and people have already seen it.
  3. Jee, lucky you. The only ones around me are Smokescreen and Sideswipe. I haven't even seen a hound in person yet. Damn you Hasbro!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Oh thank god. I guess I will be waiting for the sets to start being sold then. Thanks Captain.
  5. No, the first sign of the Apocalypse would be if the Cubs won, so I think we are safe for now. I am happy that the Sox won though. They deserved it.
  6. Ok, so I want to be 100% clear on this. If we can't manage to get one right now there is still a possablilty to get one later, but only in a set with the booster. I hope that I am right, becuase I still have to buy a booster too and this would make it so much easier, even though I imagine that the set togeather would be about $225.
  7. Yes, excellent.
  8. NO!!! Armored Battroid first!!! ............... Or Regult. Oh yeah, I could really go for one of those.
  9. I don't think there will ever be an "officail" remake of X-COM. Oh how I hope I am wrong. The first two X-COM's were really good, but then came the third one, "X-COM Apocalypse." Then came the third person shoot game, i forget what it was called, but oh god was it bad. There are a few open source projects that are trying to "remake" X-COM without getting introuble with the software companies. Here is one of them. Just found it, so I don't know that much about it. http://www.projectxenocide.com/ Is Pirates only for X-Box, or will there be a PC version as well?
  10. Because it's a great movie. No.......it wasn't
  11. Oh, sorry my bad. I must have missed it. Ghostworld is accually a really good comic. You should check it out.
  12. You all forgot Ghost World, which I personally liked, but I am sure someone hated it. If you think the previous list is bad, check out http://www.comicbookmovie.com/ and see what is in our future. The horror! I liked the first Batman, The Crow and Hellboy. Oh and the first Blade was good too. Don't forget that Sin City is coming out, but there is still hope for the movie. Becuase it is directed by Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino (co-dir.), and finally the all mighty Frank Miller (co-dir.) If that won't make a good movie, I don't know what will. Link appears to be down for the moment.
  13. Damn, 41.99. I guess I lucked out. I got mine for 19.99.
  14. Thats right, aim straight at Michael Eisner's head.
  15. Now that's smart thinking.
  16. Let's face it, any mainstream movie based off of a comic book, manga, anime, .......... you know what, forget that. Just about any mainstream movie is going to suck. I am affraid to see if the ever do put togeather a live action Transformers movie, let a lone an Akira one. I know why fans of series that get made into movies go to see them, its becuase they wish that for once someone would accually make a good movie based off of something they love. Unfortunetly, most of the time the movie is crap and the fans end up wanting to kill themselves. Basically it sums up to what has already been said. Hollywood just wants to try and cram everything they think will make them money into their wallet. On a side note, does anyone accually realise how much money would be saved if Hollywood only chose to make good movies and would accually pass up a movie that have no chance in hell of being good. Case in point, Jerry Bruckheimer. Why is this man still alive? National Treasure you can kiss my ASS!
  17. I know, I'm just fool'en. On a side note, what ever happened to the poll about the next project? Did anything come about from it?
  18. Well im sorry we can't all be as original as yourself when picking our names. I guess MinmeiDosMacross was taken. I figured that he would not cut corners when it came to quility. I guess it's a crime to inquire about something that I am interested in and excited about buying. Fine then you win, I'll stop annoying you with my questions.
  19. If you are looking to use airbrushing, I suggest that you just bite the bullet and get a good single or dual action airbrush and an air compressor. I have had my paasche for about 2 years now and I have not had any problems with it. The replacement parts such as needles are not that expensive and will last you quite awhile. Togeather you are looking about a little over $200, but it will save you time after trying most crappy cheaper airbrushes that clog very easy and eat through air cans like there is no tomarrow. Also good kits to start with are the Gundam High Grade kits in 1/100th scale. They are rather cheap, if you don't buy them from a retail store, and they don't require that much detail to look good. In fact, you can get some of the Silhouette Formula 91 Gundams for about 10 bucks, minus shipping, at Hobby Link Japan. I think they are out of stock at the moment, but look around I am sure you will find a kit that you will like. Then once you feel more conforatable, you can start trying more advanced kits like Hasegawa kits or even Bandai Perfect Grade kits. Good luck and here is the link for Hobby Link Japan's Website: www.hlj.com
  20. I understand, I would rather pay more for a well designed model, then less for a crapy one that will not be able perform the job it was designed to do. Also for the vehicle part of the launcher, are you going to include rubber tires and a clear windshield with interior detail in the cab of the vehicle? I really haven't looked at the vehicle that closely, so I don't even know if it has a windshield, but I figure it's worth asking about? Thanks again for all of your hard work.
  21. That kicks ass! Are the boosters still for sale, becuase if so I need to start saving. That will make a great display peice. I dont know if this will work, but what about trying to put something in the center of resin for the vehicle to help keep the cost down. If it where possable, you could a cheaper, but equally as strong substance to help save on the amount of resin you use. Just a thought.
  22. Is that the metalic version? If so, don't buy the metal covered one. It sucks. The glue never holds and it will fall to peices all of the time.
  23. Oh Yeah!!!!!! You have to make the Thunder Hammer. I don't care if its cannon or not. It is simply bad ass and I want one. I will settle for the GBP1, but the Thunder Hammer has my vote. Also I am tired of seeing non-variable fighters. How about a good gearwalk kit?
  24. agass4u

    1/72 GBP?

    It would be nice if they did make a GBP kit. I would even settle for a recast if it ment i could make one.
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