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About agass4u

  • Birthday 02/06/1981

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    From the Internets

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Hmm, I am not sure about how to go about adding anchor points so that might be a little over my head for the moment. I might just wait until they release the kit with the Valk and armor together. It's going to be more expensive but I love the way the armor looks. It would be nice if I could buy a kit locally but I don't see that happening any time soon. Thanks HG...
  2. Recommendations on next model I am just curious about other people’s experiences with the two kits I am choosing between for my next model to build. I am looking at building one of the following two kits next: 1/72 Reactive Armored VF-0S Macross Zero http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG21 1/72 VF-25F Messiah Valkyrie Alto Custom http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN955525 Has anyone built both of these models and have a recommendation on which you liked better? They are both awesome kits and I am finding it hard to choose between them. Thanks. *Edit: Sorry about the Post Title. I pasted the wrong text and didn't check before posting. Oops.
  3. agass4u

    VF Girls

    Those are sweet. I think my wife needs one.
  4. LOL!!!
  5. It looks different becuase the second picture looks like the plastic version and the first is the resin recast. Look at were the leg joints should be. It looks like the kit lost some articulation due to the recast. I could be wrong, but the unpainted version looks a little stiff to me. Any thoughts?
  6. I just wish someone would make the Thunder Hammers armor that was a 2002 issue of Model Graphix. Now that is something I would pay good money for.
  7. agass4u

    VF Girls

    That's some great work. I was starting to think this thread was dead. I'm pleased to see it's not.
  8. Sweet, now if I can only get around to putting my kits together I might have a need for a stand. Thanks Graham.
  9. Why not just buy the DVD's. You can get the collection at places like www.discountanimedvd.com for $12 to $20 w/o shipping. I know it's not the same as free, but you may end up spending more than that on aspirin for the headache you will probably get trying to put them on DVD yourself. Edit* They are also Region free I believe.
  10. WOW, awsome job. I hope I can get my PG's to look that good.
  11. A few questions first: 1. When will production begin? 2. When will you need payment by? I would like to get one, but I need to make sure I am going to have the money for it before I commit. For me, the longer it takes, the better my chances will be of getting the money together. Unfortunately I have to work within a budget since we will be having our third child soon. Either way, thanks for this opportunity.
  12. Man I want one of those!
  13. Host the pics on ImageShack. That's the best solution I can think of. http://www.imageshack.us/
  14. Those all look awsome. I am curious what method did you use to do the panel lines? And welcome to Macrossworld
  15. Look through the pics under the Art link on the main page. There are a few in there that show some hanger detail. Also look through the wallpapers as well. I saw a few that could give you a place to start. Hope this helps. If I can find my design works book when I get home I will look through there to see if it has anything you can use.
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