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Busted VF1A

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Everything posted by Busted VF1A

  1. Graham, I envy you and your vast amount of undisclosable knowledge (on yamato at least ).
  2. Wow Makes me wish I had the spare cash to order an extra 1/48 vf-1s to do this. I loved the chunky jetfire from when I was young.
  3. I'd say Yamato. While I like the consistency of what Bandai produces, Yamato has been willing to take on some tricky design problems with the "perfect variable" style valks that bandai has never been willing to. But I agree that they need to add some material checks (to make sure they use the right materials for high-stress parts) and a final production model review to make sure it matches with the prototypes.
  4. the SV-51 is now available for preorder on HLJ HLJ SV-51 here for the ealy bird price of 20,710 yen (about $175 USD) I just ordered mine
  5. yea! Thank you Graham
  6. I have the Wave SDF-1 on my desk at work. Yes, it's small and pricey, but the detail is beautiful IRL. Probably the best sculpt to date. Now if they could only make it larger...
  7. Um, wow! I don't drop by the board for a while and I miss all the fire works... The knees are a shock to me, I remeber those scenes now, but it never occured to me before that there was any kind of bend. I always thought the legs were unjointed. Makes me wonder if there is more to that strange Gerwalk mode Macross pic I saw in another thread (can't seem to find it right now). I'd assumed it was a piece of fan art, but mabey there was an original intention to give the Macross a gerwalk mode that was never used (probably not).
  8. Those wing joints still scare me to death, but after seeing those pics, any doubt of wether I would be owning a first run of this bird went out the window. Must get...
  9. Motoslave, he said MOTOSLAVE!!! Ok, had to get that out of my system. Very cool, can't wait to see what you saw
  10. 1) I can't see Yamato not planning for the RA when they made the initial 0S. Screen time or no, it looks bad a$$, and Yamato is very familiar with the success of add on part for their toys. 2)Ugh, no idea and my wallet is going into convulsions just considering it... Wasn't the CAD work supposed to reduce the cost of producing these? 3)... my layer tells me to to discuss this with the public. 4) So far I only have a VF-0A, as my screen name implies I have an affinity for the CF version of all valks, so if the RA were to actually be released I would likely get a VF-0S to go along with it (one of the newer ones with POM sholders) 5)Again, I think Yamato was aware of the sales potential for the RA when they designed the 0's, as others pointed out, there are some point on the bakpack that don't seem to have any reason for being there. But we probably won't know until an RA is announced.
  11. I'm betting we'll here a release date sometime around the end of February. From what I can tell on the Yamato Website they are going to showcase the SV-51 at the Winter 07 Wonderfest, which starts Feb 25? I think. I wouldn't be supprised if they announced a release date around that time. Could be wrong tho BTW has there been any new news on that "transforming mecha from a popular 80's anime"? I'm hoping to see a motoslave...
  12. I'd have to go with the YF-19 for my over all favorite, and the YF-21 only taking second because I don't like how spindely the legs look.
  13. I'm pesonally quite hopeful for some new Macross animation. I don't care so much if its a sequel or a side story as long as its a full length series. I really loved Mac+ and Mac 0 (except for the WTF ending with Shin ) but they seemed so rushed. The animation was excelent but I think that 4 episodes just isn't enough to get any real character development and relationships going whilst leaving enough time to showcase those oh-so-nifty valks in some serious action.
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