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Busted VF1A

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Everything posted by Busted VF1A

  1. It's still not marked as "in Stock" on HLJ yet Waaaahhhh!!
  2. Busted VF1A

    Graham's Sig

    AAHHHHHH!!! Don't say things like that lest Yamato decides to try it.
  3. Overall fav would be the 1/60 YF-19, but I have a special place for the 1/60 VF-0A Cannon fodder (no extras), and the 1/48 VF-1j Stealth w/ Strike pack as well.
  4. Does anyone know if Yamato revealed the actual reason for the release delay? I know a bunch of ideas were batted around, but did they ever tell Graham what the true reason was? just curious
  5. Busted VF1A

    Graham's Sig

    I'd like it to be the VF-0D, it's definatly my favorite from Mac-0. But honestly I can't think of anything from any Macross series (that I've seen) that fits with Grahams latest clue. My thoughts: VF-0D - Penetrated water, gets Saturated with water YF-21 - Penetrated a sky Saturated with missles -> but this has been announced, no need for clues now. Mac-0 ver. Monster - Pentrates anything, Saturates everything with radiation (reactor shells)
  6. lol, I had that one when I was little. Didn't have clue what series it was from back then. Now I have to debate wether or not to buy it for nostalgia sake
  7. I recognize that helmet. It's the one on Ebay that being discussed in this thread What Are Your Thought On This Helmet?
  8. The "R" word! Somebody said the "R" word! Get my flamethrower and asbestos underpants, we're gonna be barbequing tonight !!
  9. Ask what size the helmet is, it looks like the thing was built around an old motorcycle helmet and may not fit. Som images of the front and insides might be nice too.
  10. It's cause she doesn't know where the're from. My girl loves my old (beat up) Voltron I grabbed at a garage sale, but doesn't give my meticulously built and painted Armored Core models a second glance. Same thing for Gundams, Valks ect. But show her a He-Man doll and she gets all wobbley. Sheesh
  11. What's sad is that I can really see that happening... Thankfully for me, I don't like the nora scheme, never did. So this will never bother me edited for grammar
  12. not as yet
  13. Don't forget the advent of a really efficient way of milling Titanium, cause right now it's not the easiest material to shape. Mabey billet aircraft grade aluminum parts? They should be nice ad sturdy and not over-the-top expensive (still cost more than pom tho)
  14. Alright, everyone stand back. I'm using thermite on this one... LOL
  15. Yamato has never shown interest in the M7 line (as far as I can tell). Mabey they'll hit that one up once they've dried up all the possible valks for M0 and M+. But then again, who knows?
  16. dude, add a warnig to the title if you're gonna post pics with nudity (even the background kind). I just looked at this thread at work and could get in trouble.
  17. Busted VF1A

    VF-21 Dilemma

    Wait for the 1/60, it only about 6 months away and will look a heck of a lot better than the 1/72 version. But if you cant wait, go for the 1/72 Fast pack version, At least you'll get the gun pods and the corrected hips in that version.
  18. I can live without the composite wings if it means avoiding flexible materials like rubber. The stuff dries out and cracks in just a few years, even the PG wing "feathers" are prone to this after a while. And while I don't care about it, I think Yamato will probably try to include the detachable limbs. I say this because it was a memorable scene in the anime and they added the removable head armor to the yf-19 even though it was only a quick scene in the anime. Besides the more complicated they make this bird the more chance of it breaking or having a flaw. IMO - Keep it simple wherever possible. As one of my favorite professors use to tell me "the difference between a good design and a great design is not the skill of the [designer*], but his ability to solve the most complex of problems with the simplest of solutions." *(he was a programming professor, but it still applies)
  19. NOOOOOOOO..... can't.....take.........another........hit...... to wallet..... monetary...reserves............too...low.....
  20. LOL That's neat. I've never played Starcraft, but I may have to pick this up when it comes out.
  21. Thats a spiffy teaser, but is it real? or a fan made creation of some kind? If I remember right (and th last I read about the live action Battle Angel was almost a year ago so I may be off a bit) was that it was scheduled to be released in 2009. I know Galley was to be totally CGI, but for normal scenes there was an actress playing the part, to later be replaced with the CGI, so that the movements and interactions with non-CGI elements/actors would be clean. The movie was also to be done in the new Digital 3D, which wasn't available in theartes when I last read about it, but is now.
  22. OOOhhh I think I'm gonna have to order a spare YF-21 from yamato to paint up like that one. Very slick, much better than the blue and yellow scheme. not loving the YF-19 scheme enough to do a custom, but it looks good.
  23. I was watching Mac 0 again just now and I saw something that I'm not sure has been discussed yet. In ep 3 at about 19 min 30 seconds in, Ivanov "holsters" his gun onto the left leg of his SV-51 (just befor he breaks into the hanger bay). It was quick, but definatly happens. Do we have a clue if the toy will be able to do the same? Sorry if this has been discussed already, I didn't see it but doesn't mean it didn't happen.
  24. I'd be willing to pony up for a seperate pack of F.A.B. and fuel pods, but for so few items it would have to be priced alot lower for me to buy it.
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