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Busted VF1A

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Everything posted by Busted VF1A

  1. Was the actual height (in CM) of the 1/72 vf-25 ever mentioned? I've been looking through the thread but havn't found it yet. i may just have missed it.
  2. Hmm, well HLJ pushed the release date back to June. So we shall see indeed...
  3. if Bandai decides to put some real effort and talent into desiging the new Valks, then they can produce excelent kits/toys. But only if And their track record for Mac toys/kits is shotty at best so my expectations are at that level too.
  4. Wouldn't the 19 seat have to tile forward due to how it transforms? if it tilted back the pilot woud be upside down in battroid mode.
  5. Bandai always make their kits Snapper friendly these days. Honestly I won't care if its a Snapper or not, as long as it's a good representation of the mechs. Especially the VF-25. Wouldn't it be nice if they decided to do an MG VF-25? I know they've done MG's in Patlabor and one other series other than Gundam, so it's possible. Plus the VF-25 is modeled in CGI, so there will be little anime magic in it's transformation proscess to deal with. assuming of course that bandai will probuce any kits to begin with.
  6. I have a quick slightly OT question. I've been reading through this thread and I keep seeing references to a Yamato VF-11 evey once in a while. Has Yamato officially announced a 1/60 VF-11 for next year and I just missed it? or is this just another rumor taken as fact?
  7. Noooooooo! that's more horrible than saying "Candy Man" or "Biggie Smalls" in front of the mirror. :lol
  8. Your lucky it's the holidays. I have a can of napalm here that twitches whenever the "R" word is mentioned... But I have to ask why? the hover tanks were pretty lame IMO. Probably my least liked design.
  9. My 19 is fine in its original configuration ie sans fast packs. But with the fast packs attached I'm not really that happy about it in fighter mode. Everything is really unstable and tends to pop apart. And of course the chest is not secure in Battroid mode, and the wings are just a little too close to the sides of the legs, making them hard to position with the FP's on. It's a far better sculpt than the original 1/72, but there is still alot of room for improvement. Nora's on my list, since my Ivanov was excelent. Which is funny since I really couldn't stand the paint scheme originally, but its kinda grown on me, a little like mold on stale bread...
  10. EDIT: nevermind, scratch that thought.
  11. Not for box art. For inflation. It cost less to produce them when these were orginally released. Plus they are probably doing a smaller run of the re-releases (which costs more per unit) and if we're lucky they might have thrown in some improvements (not likely) and used more modern formulations for the plastic making them less brittle (more likely). Add to that general greed and you end up with a higher price tag.
  12. Go back and check HLJ again. Yesterday they were all listed as "order stop" but today they are available to pre-order again. Hurry while the're still available. (no early bird tho)
  13. unfortunatly, stickers are not the greatest thing. No matter how careful you are, or how clean the surface is or how high the quality, they will eventually peel off. Some will go much faster than others ( I had some go over night). The glue? on the stickers just doesn't hold.
  14. Yeah, this is definatly a pre-pro unit, so they still have time to make to correction to the marking.
  15. Awesome. Thank you very much! Most impressed, even with the FP's on it retains a nice sleek body (unllike the 1/72 version wich wa a little too pudgy with the FP's on.) Has it been said wether the gunpods can be attached without the FP armor? It looks like theres a slot for them on the belly armor, but I'm not sure.
  16. Dante must go...
  17. as I said, in theory this is a violation. But it likely won't have anything done about it. Ebay tends to side with whoever is generating more fees payable to them. If you're a buyer against a large ebay store, just bend over cause you're gonn get f***ed no matter what.
  18. My experiences have also been somewhat differant. I order from HLJ alot so I'm very familiar with them. I've always recieved my ordered items, in very good condition, and in a relativly quick time. I'm patcient so I 've never really been bothered by the slow turn around times. So I find them to be a reliable and trusted source. But I find the're order status system, and lack of any ability to combine or control orders to reduce shipping, an archaec and annoying setup. I consistiently recieve multipule items shipped in the same week in seperate boxes (within 1-2 days apart) that could easily have been shipped together. When using EMS it really adds up.
  19. This is actually a violation of Ebays TOS (in theory). You can report a seller trying this trick.
  20. less pictures, more release date.
  21. Agreed, Yamato probably won't make them because the probably won't sell very well. You'd be better of taking another common 1A and doing a custom repaints for yourself ( or comission someone to do it for you )
  22. what the ship is made of in the movie "The Core" and yes it was a waste of 2 hours of life
  23. Busted VF1A

    Graham's Sig

    Would certianly make me happy... but it's been announced so I don't see it being a clue Graham would use
  24. Wrong thread Twoducks. But seeing as you said it I agree, a non canon Roy scheme YF-19 would be cool. I also love to see a SV-51 Roy as well... Maby I'll try that one out when I have 200 to drop on another SV-51. Anyone good with Photoshop want to try their hand at a mocked up 51 Roy?
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