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Everything posted by OmegaD3k

  1. Looks like one of those pieces to connect the figure to a Yamato Display Base/Launch Arm.
  2. Very impressive. Poses are much easier to pull off now, compared to the 1/48 counterpart it seems. Definitely sold. Side covers at last. :]
  3. Your loss. I'm looking forward to more Mac7 valks. Bring on the rest of the ships! And Mac7 is very much part of the Macross Universe. :3 Got my VF-22S displayed on my desk with no intentions of ever replacing it. Bomba in 3... 2... 1...
  4. Seeing how Yamato has the Mac7 license (VF-22), here's hoping they release a VF-19, and eventually a Kai. Wow! The 1/100 Kai looks really good!! MUCH better than the prototype - like a complete new mold. :] The proprtions are no longer out of whack. Here's hoping they release the VF-2, VF-4, 27 and 171. Once these are made, I'll get the rest of the 1/100's, for a complete collection of one of each valk ever made.
  5. Woah! Those arms/shoulders are quite bad. Might have to cancel my pre-order and wait for a review on the actual product instead. Hope they fix this! To be honest, I kinda prefer the pure white version. Looked amazing. :]
  6. Hope they sell the armor individually, and that it's cheap! (50-75$) :] If so, then I'll outfit all my valks. Bring it on!
  7. Since when were the 19's ever faulty? I still own my first release YF-19 (and 25th Edt.). It's still in one piece, and in perfect shape without any probs whatsoever - even after a fall from a 5-6 foot tall shelf. Guess I must be lucky again... I would hardly let 1 review influence my judgment in purchasing a figure. Especially when there is no photo evidence of so called "faults".
  8. Seconded. The VF-11 is a unique enough valk and perfect in every possible way, including QC. The VF-25G on the other hand is a sloppy floppy. I would rather wait until those hit clearance, or their prices sink to a more justifiable price.
  9. WOW that looks amazing. O_O Glad I pre-ordered mine. Will most likely keep mine in Battroid mode, since it looks so darn good!!
  10. Good thing I passed on the 1/48 line. My wallet is this close to tossing itself to the piranhas - it is that depressed. Now to look for a third job... Perhaps even a forth...
  11. Universal truth: Bigger IS Better
  12. Any word if they are going to improve the overall floppyness of the DX with this Armored Ozuma? While it looks great, I rather wait for reviews. Don't want all the armor pieces to all fall off just by looking at it, like with Michel's VF. (or Bandai can bundle it with an entire roll of Blue-Tac XD)
  13. The cockpit looks kibbleriffic and noisy as hell! Definitely picking one up. Won't ever display Alto sitting down. Other than that, looks awesome!
  14. Less VF-25 and more VF-4, and VF-2, please.
  15. The YF-19 is practically perfectly flawless (at least the two I own) in both quality and design, I vote nope.
  16. Pilot swap! Isamu stealing Minmei Hikaru on persuit !?
  17. Love the 11! No probs at all. Heat shield locks perfectly and no loose ejection pods. Another solid, perfect Yamato release!
  18. Already got half the price saved up for this beast. By the time this is out it shouldn't be an issue. Bring on the SDF-1!!
  19. I'll be laughing my head off if the Battroid mode looks exactly like the 1/60 Chunkykin counterpart. If that were the case, then this is a huge pass for me (in the very least it still would be cheaper!). Seriously, seeing how Bandai is VASTLY better at making model kits than toys, I expect this 1/48 to look nothing less short of the perfection of that which is its CGI counterpart. If it's so, then I'm glad I passed the DX line!
  20. The blue one looks awesome! Kind a bit like a "TV-Max" color scheme. :]
  21. What he said! The Sloppy-Floppy QC-Ridden DX Chunkykins are the sole reason I stopped purchasing Bandai products, including the 100th line. Should be getting my little squadron of VF-11s here soon, within the next week. *taps on desk impatiently*
  22. My first edition YF-19 is flawless across the board. Solid as a rock and perfect QC just like the YF-21 and all other Yamato releases after that.
  23. Eh, there will always be someone to find something to nag about, regardless how minuscule it is. Just be glad the tail fins didn’t turn out like those mini, blocky, almost non existent, rectangular… “things”... which point directly downwards on the VF-25 DX.
  24. Great, great news! Are there any pegs, or indications that may suggest armored packs for the VF-11, in the future? Seeing how Yamato has the M7 license... *crosses fingers for armored VF-11*
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