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Everything posted by OmegaD3k

  1. Fighter mode reminds me of those Toynami Legioss fighters, which have the front fuselage section tilted a bit upwards. At least Bandai fixed the massive shoulder gaps...
  2. Seriously, I don't understand it. Gotta be careful and gentle with these collectibles. I never had any problems with my Yammies, including the VF-0 line. All are still in one piece and the joints are nice and tight (after some modding). Must be lucky I guess. In any case, this isn't a turn-off for me. Still getting the rest of the 3rd gen 1/60 line. Hope this breakage was not due to QC.
  3. Oooooh boy... Chunky monkey with MASSIVE GAPS between the shoulder and chest. I hope this is not the final figure. If it is, might have to cancel my pre-order(s). :/ EDIT: The crotch is now at an angle, which is a good improvement. The rest looks ok. Honestly, that display piece looks mis-transformed. Hope that is the case.
  4. Awesome review!! Can't wait to pick this one up! Yamato has done it again! Also, gotta love the engrish on the fast pack instructions: "HOW TO INSTALLS"
  5. I'm more hyped for this movie than anything else coming out next year! (next to StarTrek) The teaser gave off a very serious and dark tone, which is much more than what can be said for that horrible third movie, T3 (which was nothing more than a dumbed down, corney, comedic, family action remake of T2; down to the terminator being a protector figure fighting against a somewhat liquid metal enemy, and the dropping of the minigun scene.). Some pics: High res: http://i35.tinypic.com/124v4mv.jpg
  6. I'd be put off too, but that's because of the valk is posed in the lamest way ever. From what I can tell, the legs look much better than the 1/48 - heck, everything is just like it, if not better/improved. Looking forward to this series (mostly because of the VF-1D and possible Ostrich/Elintseeker variants.)
  7. Bumping thread with a teaser! HD 480P - 20 MB HD 720P - 49 MB HD 1080P - 74 MB http://movies.yahoo.com/premieres/8841507/standardformat/ Ladies and gents... The T-600
  8. My only "SDF-Macross - to - Game" wish would be for it to be similar (if not better than) Ace-Combat 6. - Extremely realistic cockpit graphics and details (with working dials, animated hands, etc. Whenever you transform, you see the pilot's hands pull the levers, and the entire cockpit changes as the machine around you transforms) Of course I wouldn't mind a more anime approach like Silpheed - The Lost Planet. In any case, I don't care as long as the game-play is great, (perhaps bringing something new to the table), and is just plain old fun. :]
  9. I rather watch an entire season of SPACE GUNDAM V, than watch Transmorphers or any "film" made by Asylum, or whatever they want to call themselves. They should hire Uwe Boll, since he would be the perfect director for their style of movie making.
  10. Aren't the ratings for MacF incredibly low? That doesn't sound good... Either way I wouldn't mind a second season. More Macross the better, especially since the way things are going now. Frontier is the best anime I've seen in decades. Has heart, soul, and amazing music (score and rock/pop) to back it up.
  11. VF-1D!! OH HELL YES. Could this mean that the Ostrich and Elintseeker are up next?
  12. Sorry if this has been posted before, but the song and video match up TOO perfectly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etEljfxvEAM
  13. PERFECT alterations! If only Bandai would make it look that good...
  14. It's too accurate to be a homage. The background is a 1:1 copy, but with more cloud details added in, at the top left and top right sides of the image. As for the flight paths and movement - also 1:1 copy and pasted over to the MacF episode, except in this case Alto switches to Gerwalk mode. General thing about copying: If something popular copies anything - it's a homage, or a tribute. If something unpopular copies anything - it's a rip off
  15. Wow! 101 voted YES so far. Come on Yamato! You'll get over $15k from MW alone (not counting those who might get more than just one)! (that amount probably means nothing to Yamato, but still!) Also... Say there's a snow ball's chance in hell that Yamato does go off and produce a VF-4. Under what license would the valk be? Those VFX games? DYRL/FlashBack2012?
  16. Three things: Super. Dimension. Cinderella. I wonder what Gloval has anything to do with the SDF-1, since there was a different captain who was at the helm during MacPlus. If they do find any records, they have to be from someone who came after him. The next episode should be VERY interesting. Can't wait!
  17. I have a feeling that Yamato would have released a VF-0D (and the reactive armor) along with the original line-up, had they any plans for it. Hopefully they'll be able to "compensate" by releasing a 1/60 VF-1D, since this new line has been redesigned (from the ground up?), and it would have given them a good reason/chance to create it. Hope I'm wrong and they do release more Mac0 stuff in the future! Destroids, anyone?
  18. O_O This was one of the best episodes! Absolutely fantastic, and great new music, too! Also... This is the kind of adventures I love, to Love the ending, very poetic and emotional.
  19. Maybe I'm just spoiled as to how well and how true Yamato stay's close to the official lineart, but Bandai's VF-25 still looks like a overweight Chunky Monkey. The transformable parts are clearly visible on that fighter mode, and stand out quite some bit. It still looks like a "toy" rather than a collectible masterpiece. Overall it still needs a lot of improvement to reach Yamato standards, but this will do just fine. :]
  20. Looks PERFECT! Why can't the 1/60 look like the 1/72, rather than that fat chunky monkey?
  21. It looks more like Ravage, especially with the long, feline face. The bot's... "chest" looks like motorcycle pieces, or other pieces from some vehicle. Those are some sick medusa-dreadlocks that thing is packing! If I were a kid and would see that thing looking at me, with the medusa tentacles waving about, and it's glowing red eyes, I'd be mentally scarred for life.
  22. Great looking Valk, although it is a bit FAT in proportions, reminding me a lot of those old chunky monkeys from the past. Hopefully those FAST packs will be included in the price.
  23. If Yamato were to make a VF-4, I would be getting more than a couple, for sure. The fighter mode is my favorite of all the valks. Let's see.. Yamato has exhausted the 1/60 Mac+ (with the upcoming VF11), and 1/60 MacZero lines (doubt they'll be making a VF0D anytime soon), leaving only the VF-1 line (which I'm more than sick and tired of...). We know they're doing the VF9 Cutlass in 1/200 scale, so why not bring all the other valks in the 1/60 scale? Is Yamato limited on creating transforming valks based on OAVs, only (Plus, Zero, Original)?
  24. Yes. Oh hell yes. Bring it. Just hope the development won't take too long, as it did with the 21.
  25. A vast improvement over the previous design. YES! NO CANOPY HINGES! Looks good so far. Keep it up Bandai, this is starting to look good. Hopefully those knees will be double-jointed like the Yammies, allowing for a more 'dynamic' look. The only things I don't like: - Crotch area looks a bit "lazy" - Those hands look worse than the 1/48s =p Overall: Fantastic. Looks like I'll be picking one up afterall. Can't wait for the final version.
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