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Everything posted by odr78

  1. Well...... If you want to transform your YF-19 more than 20 times... You should put a point of glue under the cockpit to preserve the Joints..... Since I have make that.. I have not anxiety anymore for my daily transformations of mine YF-19.....
  2. Again a Macross toy broken ???? I don't believe it... Woah... Do you think the Macross Toys are Doomed ??? The Stores should to sell superglue with the Macross toys..
  3. Hmmmm... the legs in fighter mode are like the VF-1 with the FP... The legs are ( a little ) folded to get the armor parts.... then, the shoulders aren't locked with the legs......
  4. I can't add this link.. Because the Forum is a PHPBB's forum.... If you want i can explain you by PM how to go in this forum...
  5. NOOOOOOOOOOO...... My eyes.... My eyes are burning..... I can't see anymore....... I know a french handyman.... He has repaired a defective VF-11... and he help me to repair my VF-0S... If you want, I can give you the Forum were he is.... He can give you some advice and more for yours 19....
  6. Nice collection.....I agree..... You need a Vf-1j Max..... Good luck
  7. Well.... I guess "YF" is used for prototype like in Air force..... for example, YF-12 is the prototype of SR-71 Balck bird.. YF-22 and Yf-23 are the prototype of F-22 Raptor.. YF-17 is the first prototype of F-18 Hornet... etc... My favorite Kawamori... ??? Hum... The Queadluun Rau of course for his allien design.... Yes.. I know... It's not a Valkyrie..... But it's my favourite Meca....
  8. Hi everyone..... I've already say in this topic about the ( very bad... very bad for my heart because i'm to old for this alarmings post ) stress marks on my 2 YF-19... And, when i saw this topic, i run to my YF-19 to check this stress marks When i saw this stress marks, I take a glue and i fixed them with little drop.... Then... No problem.. I transform it forty times mine YF-19... and the stress mark won't move... ( they can't move with superGlue ).. So i'm still happy to have my YF-19 and i'll take one more when the new schem comes.... Eh !!!! ... I'm Hungry to... it's 1 PM o'clock here... in Paris..... so, good lunch....
  9. Great collection.... Can you post a bigger pics ? I can't see all the details.. Eh... Can you post a pics for yours Valkyries on the top...
  10. He's very small... .... Hum.... to small.....sad.... I hope Yamato can launch a great SDF-1 someday....
  11. You right... The shipping's cost are more expesive that the item but i don't care...I'm so happy to find this set... I paid this item in france about 50 € you know... Woaah.... The ED 209 is a terrific object.... This item looks so good... Hey !! I have the same Spawn with shinning green eyes...( and i have the WitchBlade, Aspen from Fathom etc.. ).. On the right top corner... Is it a Eva 04 ?
  12. It's done.... I order my Millia set on HLJ..The price : 1050 Y ( 7-8 €). Now i'm looking for VF-1S super strike 1/60...
  13. Ok.. thanks everyone... I try to order on HLJ... because i can't find this yamato under 50-60 €uros in France ( I Know, I know, the Shops in france are very expensive )... I'm happy to find this forum with reliable Macross 's partners..
  14. YES.... this one.... the GRAAL ..... I order this NOW....... Thank you..... very much...Very much..... You know... the shops in france are very expensive about Macross objects... thank you again.. HLJ is Ok ? I mean, no problem ? Serious ? fast delivery ?
  15. Thank you doodler7..... I search now the package of the 3 Millia for my queadluun Rau..... I hope someday i'll find this yamato...
  16. Un bonjour de France.. This my little collection :
  17. Hi everyone.... I have two 19's and the two has stress marks.. I received on 12/23/06 and 01/04/07.... But I'm sure they has stress marks before i take them out of boxes....
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