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Everything posted by odr78

  1. Other pics from France : Ready for a fold : Ready for a fold : fold with special effect from odrarts ^^ : fold with special effect from odrarts ^^ :
  2. Me too... I'm too disapointed by the legioss toynami.... It's too breakable.. So I'm wait the CM's version and I pray for a solid toys...
  3. Damned..... Me too...... Bewar of blast... if you look me.... Forgive me....
  4. Any news for the CM's toy legioss ??
  5. odr78


    Read this : http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...0&start=600
  6. odr78


    Woah.. What is the diferences between the Ghost A and the ghost B ( not the color.. I see it ) ??
  7. I has the same problem... so I use this to "fix" temporarily the Main gun when i get it back into the cruiser : With this things I can Get it into Attack mode / cruiser mode when I want.... The legs never disconnect the main gun with this... Enjoy.. ^^ I use this "Patafix" to fix the leg of my VF-0S to the Backpack in fighter mode... It's works as well....
  8. I get mine today..... Wow... Take a look..... It's Christmas....
  9. Well.... I can't say anything about that.. It's too ridiculous...
  10. Nice collection.... Espacially the grey color Schem VF-1s....
  11. Contact DyNo in this forum.. He can help you with new parts...
  12. Ouch... Bad news.. R.I.P Kentaro-San And thanks for melody....
  13. Thanks God... DyNo is come to save us from the devil Yamato....... Pray for DyNo.. and his necks recast... DyNo For Président..
  14. Crazy.... ^^ But I like it.. I have already a Q-Rau But.. Not Revy.. Can you give me the link where i could order this figure ??? Thanks..
  15. It's happen again.... More time passse more I think that Yamato makes fun with us.. Could you mail these idiots to pay back your money ??
  16. Je vois pas de quoi tu parles ?? I do not see what about you speak ?? Yamato don't heard about problem with the VF-0 ??? Salut Daisuke...... Bastien a des news sur le fold booster ??
  17. When will Yamato Make "other new valks"? When they make solids new valks.... by exemple...
  18. Woooooh.. How do you do that ?? Ok... This is incredible...... I think the Yamato's customers are domed.... I take my decision... I never transform again my 2 YF-19... Never....
  19. I'm afraid of my vote....... God of Valkyries... please save me of my condition of Yamatotionalized.....
  20. The X Box green... Ergh too.... Good news...... I order 2 fold booster with fast pack..... I should have my box in 2 weeks..
  21. For transforming from fighter to battroid/gerwalk, I wouldn't recommend to transform yours Yamato.. It is not built for that.... They sell the first "auto-destruction Toys" of the world. When you begin to transform a Yamato.. You can hear from the toy : "Warning ! The Self Destruction Sequence has been activated. There remain 3 transformation before explosion. Thanks for playing and see you next time" Yamato = Umbrella ? ^^ And when you buy a new Yamato, You can hear from the toy : "Same player shoot again" or "Extra ball !!!"
  22. poor comunication from Yamato ( we can't believe it of course )... They hide the truth with these good customers.. Or maybe japaneses fans are lobotomized..... and they say the truth ? Graham.. You must retain your anger sometimes. Thanks for yours devotion for us...
  23. Whoa..... When I handled with precaution the shoulder to take the photo of the crack on the biceps.... The arms has exploded in 2 parts..... You can see the little crack on the shoulder too.. ( fuzzy I know.. ) Yamato send us auto-destruction arms for ours VF-0S ??? Ok I'm going to suicide myself... Good bye cruel World....
  24. No... Maybe.... Yes.... not the dark side of the macross's fans.... Aaaaaaaaaaaaah.... YES ! MY MASTER...... WE WILL MAKE FALL THE OLD REPUBLIC... Ergh... I mean.. the yamato's industry of course.. ( Heard the breathing of Darth odr78 ) This is the rise of the Macross's Sith..... But i'm still little depressed.... Edit for UN Spacy : When I take photo they are fuzzy ( I have a old camera ) But i Try again this night ( I'm still at work )
  25. But I really paid attention while transforming my vf-0S..... I swear.. I handled with precaution the shoulder.. The Stress Marks comes when the shoulder rub on the articulation.. So if you don't want stress mark.. You can't move the arms.. I can understand the production problems for the 1st round.. But not for the new parts.. It isn't normal.. I'm really not happy... Because I paid for a perfect strong shoulder... Yamato.. thief... return to me my money ! I had confidence in Yamato... not anymore.. I've already transform my VF-1, 1/60 more than 100 times.. and they haven't stress mark.. never..
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