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Everything posted by odr78

  1. 1/60 VF-1 Perfect Transformation ??? Yes..... Of course.. I'll buy it... So This will be my 4th VF-1s 1/60.... But... in perfect transfo now... Happy to heard this good new.........
  2. I get my new blade for my martial Art.... I will try this "Shinken" the next year on my "dojo"
  3. Nice Shots.. Guys.... Nice Fighters....
  4. Crazy collection... OMFG....
  5. Well I take my decision.... I will cancel my preorder...... and I wait for a SV-51 dobber camo or a YF-19 new schem ( not the raven or super nova ) A true new schem.... It's the first time I cancel a pre order for a macross toy... but after thinking... that 19's not deserve 100 € for a simply black schem with simply gold line... I take a other valk for my christmas.....
  6. So I'm not the only one to think this schem is not interesting.... Just black with gold lines.. and tampoo 25th.... If they make a new schem ( dobber camo ; black and grey) ) a low vis for ex.. Yes I will buy... But, after thinking about this... I'm not sure that deserve 100 € for a poorest schem like this...... I prefer the old schem ( M+ schem )..
  7. Well about the YF-19.... Maybe I want to cancel my order.... Because i think this is only a YF-19 with black color and tampoo 25 th annyversary.... not terrible for a new schem.. I prefer to wait a true new schem.... What about you ?? what do you think really about this YF-19 ?? Is it really beautifull ? I need yours opinions about this toy.. I'm not convinced... But i'm not sure....
  8. Ghost killed me ....... Your sv-51 is perfect..... I hop Yamato make the same camo for SV-51.... But please.. Don't forget the red stars.....
  9. Il est vraiment magnifique..... Je veux le même...... Un grand bravo à Ghost pour ce SV-51 "made in France"... Great job....
  10. The SV-51 is more like a Sukkoï or a Mig than a YF-19
  11. Allez Ghost... Fait nous un super SV-51.... Yes ... The French touch for the SV-51.. Well done...
  12. Where is the FP and gunpods.... Grrrrrrr... Yamato
  13. My Aoshima Arcadia 1984 leiji Matsumoto Captain Harlock, then, my Rei Ayanami 1/6 Medicom RAH plug suit ( Wahou she is very nice ) and at last, my Queadlum Rau with Milia Set 1/60..... Now I'm tryin to get a Grendizer Chogokin..... It will be my favourite when I will have this one.... I hope I will win the eBay auction...
  14. Hmmmm.. If you have already the 1st vers. ... You take a wise decision....
  15. JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE MACROSS..... Une vie longue et prospère.......
  16. The Red one is my favourite.... ....
  17. Ah ah ah.... The next schem's.. is the Low Vis vers 1. SDF-1 True Color..... And in 6 Month you can buy the SDF-1 Stealth Vers... And and In 1 Years... You could buy the "Ultimate true version color of the original design of the Macross DYRL with a microscopic minmey aniversary" 5000 ex. limited for 250 $.... I will take the SDF-1 Skull schem's in 2 years... For sure... And don't forget the "Pink Schems" for the girls... ^^ I have the first WHAM's SDF-1... Its enough.... If you don't have a SDF-1... Yes... You must buy a SDF-1 as Macross's Fan.. But.. Wait with eBay... I've bought mine for 83 $ with shipping cost.... So wait and see...
  18. Yes, my 1/72 too.. Mine is alreday cracked since 2 years.. Yes Broken.... It was my first broken yamato ... before the doomed VF-0 of course.. I hope this time, Yam will make the shoulder correctly...
  19. I'm still thinking... Yes I want the 19 ... But i'm not convinced by this schem..... I know these "25th annyversary" are tampoo anf I'm affraid that too bad because it's look like advertising's toy.... I'm still thinking about a 19... I make my decision this week...
  20. Yes Shiny... I hope we get the same in december.... Ok.. I will buy a 19..... for my anniversary..... not for 25th macross.... But this time, I promise.... I buy only one YF-19.... I'won't crack anymore.... Just one YF-19....It's a promise..... Just one... not 3 like the last time.... I can resist.... I can....
  21. Yes it's correct Fort Max... It's my seller who left me a message because I want to pre-order this too.... And yes, I can confirm that a pack with Legioss and tread in the same box He takes his information from CM directly.... And it's my provider of Macross's toys.... The Price is not confirm at this day...
  22. No news for Pre-order.. But the release is on January 2008.... It's a pack... Legioss + tread + small Cyclone.... Watch HLJ everydays....
  23. 30 % is less than the rate for the VF-0S...... I think it's probably 95 % failure rate on the VF-0S.. I really hope Yamato will do something about that... I don't take the SV-51 because I'm affraid about the stress mark on new Yam's toys...... I will wait 6 month and check all the reports of buyers of SV-51.. I know Yamato is unreliable now for the new toys.. I detected a new stress mark on the neck of my 1st YF-19 Yesterday ( located on the neck separate line not under the cockpit ).... But I don't transform it since 2 month... So I don't understand.... But my 2nd YF-19 looks well
  24. Yes I know him well... This is his website : www.robotechcollections.fr He is a great fan... He help me to find my Valks many times.... Thanks to him..
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