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  1. I had Thundercracker, the blue one.
  2. Hey thanks guys PS ZOMG Kensei, you be a Perthite aswell!!!
  3. Is there any Macross.. database I suppose I could go to, like a wiki or something (Transformers has one)
  4. Hey thanks for all the input so far guys and girls! Im leaning ever closer to purchasing there. However, if I changed my mind what could I get for around the same price that is viewed as generally "good" (the price for the set of three is 60 American) (Yes I know "good" is broad, sorry about that) On a side note can anyone enlighten me as to roughly how big/long each scale is? (1:100, 1:60, 1:55, 1:48, 1:144 etc etc)
  5. Hello all. I'm completely new to the world of Macross (with my only experience being the game Robotech Battlecry, which I own on GameCube), and while I feel I probably wont have any time to get into the related fiction (Tv series and other forms...) I would most certainly like to get into collecting the toys. I have been collecting Transformers now for over 14 years (since I was 3 years old) and, when asked what I wanted for my brithday this year (in two weeks) decided to go for something a little bit new. While browing BigBadToyStore I came across this: http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;mode=retail These caight my interest as not only are they wihtin the budget that I'd impose on my family for my birthday, bt they also look pretty cool. As I'm not very experienced (or experienced at all) in Macross I'm not going to go for any of the larger scale toys, but these 1:100s look pretty neat. But seeing as I know nothing of them I've got a few questions 1. Pretty Simple: Are they worth it? 2. Whats the community vibe when it comes to these (I searched and searched but could find no reviews of them so I've got no opinions to go off as yet, just that they look shiny in the pics) 3. A pretty newb question: How many parts, if any, have to be removed and stored aside when changing from guardian (I THINK thats the robot) to Jet mode (I THINK its called Veritech or something, but yeah...) (I mean like do the fists have to be kept seperately etc etc etc) Thankyou all in advance Sharky
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