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About sabretooth

  • Birthday 11/22/1980

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sabretooth's Achievements

Skull Leader's Lackey

Skull Leader's Lackey (5/15)



  1. it was pretty good. the opening is indefinably eye opening.
  2. i saw it, and liked it. definitely watchable.
  3. maybe sdcc
  4. it was awesome and i claim olivia wilde.
  5. i saw a dual wielding shotgun player the other day, used the m16 to end his dreams of racking up kill streaks.
  6. being a sniper in multiplayer is almost a waste of time.
  7. i'm in total agreement with you.
  8. single player really took me by surprise, in a good way. great set pieces, a plot that is not terrible plus graphically this thing is ridiculous. multiplayer, meh, kinda cool, less annoying dual shotgun wielders, but i enjoy battlefield 2 a whole lot more.
  9. all apple products and the smug douchebag vibe they give off.
  10. looks like spike speigal ghost hunter.
  11. i'm a huge fan of the comic book but not so much the series, it's hard to explain but it's missing the pull of the book. it's almost got a stephen kings the stand tv movie vibe going for it. it shouldn't.
  12. so far i'm enthralled with this game. it's good. really good. but sweet crap the werewolves are total bastards.
  13. it's already greenlit for a second season
  14. masks are not removable unfortunately
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