I am so sorry Jason. May Ootis be happy forever in doggie heaven.
I still have dreams that Jasper (my beagle) who died in 1999 is still alive and I wake up, like, "Oh, Jasper is here!". It is amazing how a another living being can have such a strong effect in our lives, especially when it is not a human. Of course for most of us, our dogs are more dear than many other humans aside from our family. This may sound bizzare and freakish but I still have the tee shirt of mine that he layed down on to die, unwashed, and in storage. It is like some sort of holy relic, a connection to my best friend dog who passed. I am glad that you have shared this with us and it is really heartwarming to read all the support. You are a good frined and a positive member of this community. Blessings....