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Everything posted by Necron_99

  1. Nothing. Enough with the remakes already
  2. Looks like i'm going to have to check out this Iain M. Banks fellow. I've been hearing alot of good things about him lately
  3. I would recommend anything by the Big Three (Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein). For me, they can do no wrong, but these sort of things are relative. The last 4 book I have read i've enjoyed, some more than others, but I would recommend them all Clarke- RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA I re-read this when I heard of his death. This is a classic of the golden age of sci-fi, because it's plot is centered in the mystery of exploring new worlds, it doesn't have lot of action but it's really interesting to read a story where an object is the main character. One of Clarke's must read books. H.P. Lovecraft-Black Seas of Infinity For any lover of horror/fantasy fiction this is truly a great selection. This book contains some of Lovecrafts greatest works, and is a great starting place for anyone who has never had the enjoyment of reading Lovecrat's fiction. Frank Herbert- Dune Firstly, This book puts the movies to shame (and i'm a big David Lynch fan )This Book is a must have of any science fiction library. The story is timeless and everyone should read Dune at least once. After I had read this, I went to Amazon to order the next 4 books in the series. Richard Paul Russo-Ship of Fools Think of any haunted house movie you've seen, only, it's in space. With Predators (kinda). Really good ending, I thought. Right now I am reading I, Asimov. A memoir. Hope this helps
  4. Well, i'm out!
  5. Voted 0D, but I REALLY want that Monster that shot up AFOS. 1/60, of course.
  6. Must.....watch......Gurren Lagann...AGAIN!!!!
  7. Star Blazers. I thought it was great until I saw Space Battleship Yamato. Kinda like I thought Robotech was great until I saw Macross.
  8. Hmmm. I never really liked the chunkies, but I might have to pick up that Fokker VF-1S
  9. Necron_99

    Thunder Hammer

    So...Beautiful!! many man tears will be shed today. Great photography, too.
  10. I have absolutely no idea who Godmars is, but that is cool.
  11. Nice. I hope that the anime's good, though.
  12. Damn. My favorite author. I just finished reading his last sci-fi novel, Firstborn, last week
  13. I haven't read it yet, but it sounds like I need to..
  14. That, sir, is the greatest fridge I have ever seen in my life
  15. Thank you for writing up this wonderful report and the photos.
  16. Poor Boyd http://www.autoweek.com/apps/pbcs.dll/arti.../467772614/1024 http://jalopnik.com/361391/boyd-coddington...-dead-at-age-63
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