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Everything posted by Necron_99

  1. Thanks for another great review, Jenius. I'm still wating for mine to come in
  2. I was disappointed by that cut as well. Another scene I wish they left in was when Shinji was on the escalator reading his Nerv handbook on his way to meet Unit-01, and he passes by Unit-01's hand floating in LCL behind him.
  3. I was supposed to go see this opening weekend, but The Dark Knight was too full of win. I had to go see it again! I'll catch it this weekend....I hope
  4. YES. I grew up in SF, and somehow I ended up in South Texas I get the usual comments about the "gay" area, surfing and sushi.
  6. Please get a pic of Olivia Munn for me!!!
  7. *sigh* I really need to take a Japanese language class one of these days.. I hate waiting for subs
  8. Great pics as always, Swoosh!!!
  9. I voted for my 1/48 VF-1S strike. I'm thinning out my collection right now, and this is the only one that I will not part with. and my soon-to-be 1/60 VF-1S strike!
  10. Nice. Starcraft 2 and now Diablo 3. Starcraft and Diablo 2 are probably my favroite pc games.
  11. I really hope so. I NEED those ones
  12. Does anyone know when the version of "Don't be late" that was featured on the all that VF commercial is going to be released? I love that one
  13. Nice. I wouldn't shell out $700 for it, though. Looks like i'll stick with my kiddie mattel tumbler for now
  14. Yay! got a new avatar! WTF!!!! loved the sound boosters.Why must they make us wait so long for the next episode?!
  15. I'm with you on that one!
  16. That sucks. I liked his books
  17. Nice. Hopefully I can get my VF-0D next!
  18. Necron_99

    The Big Escape

    That is freaking cool!!!
  19. I just got chills wait, now i gotta buy a psp!? oh well.
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