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Everything posted by Necron_99

  1. Couldn't have said it better myself. Since the seller seems to be Save's friend, I would do it, if I were in your shoes.
  2. The closest IMAX theater to me is about 160 miles away I might have to take a road trip to see this properly
  3. Looks like Kevin Smith got a private screening of the Watchmen http://www.firstshowing.net/2008/08/15/kev...-pulled-it-off/
  4. #%&! why didn't I see this before?!!!
  5. Bobby eyecatch FTW!!! (what was he saying?) These character driven eps are so hard to understand without subs
  6. Screw baseball, give me my Macross fix!!!
  7. Just got mine this morning. I went through 2 transformations, and this thing is perfect. I love it. They wern't kidding about the shallow panal lines I'm almost afraid to panal line it
  8. +1 I'm not too sure where I would put it, but I want it!
  9. Great job! Love the little VF-1
  10. Another vote for the locker scene
  11. That sucks. Didn't he just have a kid?
  12. GET ALL OF THEM!!!!! You're going to end up doing it anyway. It almost like they coat these damn things in pheromones before they ship
  13. I stand corrected
  14. Love the models. Yamato needs to hurry up and make that Ghost!
  15. That sucks. The only thing I saw him in was in Transformers, but his part was pretty funny
  16. +5
  17. UGLIEST. MUSTANG. EVER. But I guess it's for a good cause, but AV8R?? Really??
  18. I gotta agree with Soundwave on this one
  19. WOOHOOO!!!! About friggin time...
  20. It looks cool!
  21. What a great episode! Need HD raws + subs NOW!!!!
  22. He was probably referring to those GNU or 1/200 figures that Yamato put out. That makes me sad
  23. QFT! I already got rid of all my 1/48's, with the exception of my Strike Roy
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