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Everything posted by Necron_99

  1. I just saw that!!
  2. So, how long do I have to wait till this gets a official relase in the US?
  3. yesssss!!!!!! M+M goodness!!!
  4. That's what I was thinking
  5. Beautiful. I hope my custom turns out as half as good as that did.
  6. Awesome!
  7. Necron_99

    Hikaru's Bad Day

  8. Yeah, guys, that pretty much sums it up for me..
  9. Anyone else think the Spiderman movies are lame?
  10. Unless it's a Blu-ray edition of all 6 movies in a awesome box, i'm with ya
  11. Looks good!
  12. Uber-Noob question here. Since mac+ is available domestically (U.S.) with no grief from HG, why isn't there any YF-19/21 yammies available stateside? sorry if this has been asked before
  13. Great Job! I wish I had the patience to do something like that
  14. Nice!
  15. I was excited to hear about the new EVA movies, until now. God I hope they don't frak this up...
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