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Everything posted by Necron_99

  1. Me too
  2. Babylon 5 is teh win!!! preorderd
  3. Thank you Bandai!!!!
  4. Why IS Kaworu there? The only thing that I can think of is that they are going to show him working with SELEE (sp) for the dummy plug system for the production EVA's..
  5. That would be my guess
  6. I was waiting for someone to say that Auska strikes!!
  8. When I was last in Japan (02) I visited the Yokouska naval base, all the japanese subs there had the rising sun on thier masts.
  9. Must...buy....Orguss....
  10. IMO, The only good thing that ever came out of american TV was Star Trek
  11. Sorry. DVD's. Qucik question about Gunbuster. Why didn't they just make more? It would have helped out ALOT, instead of building those CF ships
  12. Never heard of ANY of those shows
  13. I laughed out loud at that one
  14. sooo...what happened with this? was it any good?
  15. Vader got my vote
  16. Great vids! I wanna go watch DYRL? now
  17. My first one was a MPC Miria , and I thought that was the coolest toy in the world... Till I stumbled upon MW and Yamato. My first yamato was a 1/60 VF-1A Max
  18. Something about it looks kinda...odd.
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