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Everything posted by Necron_99

  1. SOC Gunbuster
  2. Those are big bugs Edit: Heinlein reference removed
  3. I'm in Texas and I haven't seen any yet
  5. Before I found this site+Yamato, I was collecting those 1/55 Toynami MPC things. I now hate them.
  6. Bastards. Off to target I go!
  7. Dude, I just saw it. right now. It's up.
  8. To be Bomber!
  9. Anyone play Eternal Sonata yet? I thought it looked pretty interesting.
  10. Soul plane 2
  11. I'll be taking the Walmart route. I hate Wally World, but the Cullen prequel DVD sounds pretty good
  12. Off topic, but I thought this was pretty funny http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071005/ap_on_...pan_wikipedia_6
  13. They had the ribbed Galactica in the Razor flashback tonite. ( Thank god for my DVR, fast fowarding through Flash Gorden was HORRIBLE) Edit: you guys didn't miss much. Just a great shot of the Galactica, and some side boob
  14. Anyone catch the flashback?
  15. Where can I get some of these?
  16. crappy picture AND a mono soundtrack?
  17. Today is the 50th Anniversary of Sputnik! I'm surprised nobody posted this yet http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/sputnik_legacy;...9f3tHCPp8us0NUE http://history.nasa.gov/sputnik/sputnik.wav
  18. I'll wait for the inevitable HD-DVD sets. You don't have a franchise as big as Star Trek just stick to standard def. Netflix+DVD burner=teh win
  19. Necron_99

    Graham's Sig

  20. What's next, a live action Naruto movie? no thanks
  21. Deep in the heart of Texas!
  22. YES!!! http://www.bandaivisual.us/pdfs/PressRelease_Jin-Roh.pdf https://www.dot-anime.us/mall/shop/dvd?EcLo...h.quickReturned Jin-Roh goodness!!!
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