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Everything posted by vfxraven19

  1. This one is looking better than the SF HG kit IMO
  2. 1/100 Scale Strike Freedom out SF @ HLJ
  3. Aw man, i think i'm going to have to buy this one...
  4. Here's a babelfish translation from the Japanese Seed-D website: X20A Strike Freedom- -In order that situation of the ザフト terrestrial combination which continues the further stupor is broken the last trump which was developed. It has the combat efficiency of several times of freedom due to loading and the like the new model engine. It is feature for color of the joint to become gold. X19A Infinite Justice- -With strike freedom Gundam the new model MS which was developed. Due to loading the new model engine with the power of several times of the old justice, as for color of the joint silver has applied. Although not the best translation, it says how both MS's are several times more efficient/powerful than their older versions...
  5. hope so too... Point of Existence has gotten boring....
  6. im interested in 1... too lazy to buy a 1S because it's too expensive now...
  7. i just preordered it, got the head set with it in the preorder box... good deal...
  8. im up for it... My OCed Athlon64, 1Gig of RAM, and X800XL are ready... -=Athlon64 3200+ (Winchester @ 2.25GHz), 1GB DC-Kingston HyperX PC4000 @ 474MHz, BBA Radeon X800XL 256MB AGP8X, 2x Seagate 80GB HD's, Pioneer DVDRW, LITEON DVD-CDRW Combo, 600w PSU, Dual Monitors (CRT+LCD)=-
  9. My friend was lucky to win the DELL XPS computer from ATI on thursday's raffle... his bro's girlfriend won the P4EE at Nvidia that day too...
  10. It's a next gen console (mini super computer). Of course the graphics and gamplay are real man. SONY must be really flattered by of you non-believers, that can't believe the power of the PS3. HEHEHE!!!!! PC games will catch up eventually, after you spend thousands upgrading it or buying a new one, that is. It's all about the cell processor and the PS3!!!!!! agree to that... PS3 got ballz I'm looking forward to Burnout Legends (PSP), Exteel (PC), Gundam Online (PC/PS3), Shadow of Colossus (PS2), Zelda Twilight Princess (GC), BF2 (PC), Burnout Revenge & NFS:Most Wanted...
  11. I'm going with a group of friends and co-workers... Took most of my finals early and graduating too! Going all 3 days too...
  12. i think YuGiOh stole all the Gundam kids from Bandai
  13. Apparently that is the real pics of the Xbox360... I don't like the name either... I like the Dev system name 'Xenon' instead...
  14. now all they need to make is Ultramagnus's trailer, instead of the cardboard one it comes with...
  15. I got my PSP on midnight of thursday... Been playing it on breaks between classes and at home when I dont feel like playing the PC or consoles. Bought me two 512MB memory stick duos so I can try converting videos and add mp3s and pictures to mine. I don't know if it was mentioned in this thread but I use PSP Video 9 to convert video to PSP-compatible MP4 format. The mention rule for converting your videos was make sure the the settings were 640Kbps for video and 128Kbps for audio (so total bitrate is 768Kbps, read that on IGN somewhere). However the files sizes didn't change much, maybe a 1-2MB drop in size. I tried it on some Gundam Seed Destiny episodes that are 230MB in size... converted, and plays fine on my PSP. If you fiddle around with the bitrates, resolution and framrates, the output file SHOULD come out smaller. I just love owning a PSP now, I get about 6-7 hours battery usage since I am not playing games totally on it 24/7 so drainage will vary. Here's the PSP Video guide (using PSP Video 9) done by IGN...
  16. Man, awesome job, my VF-11 is so naked that I would get one of these to dress it up.
  17. i have this game as well as Z Gundam, and Gundam EFSF VS Zeon... Plays the same like the others, but still fun...
  18. For the new slimline PSTwo, and you don't want to void any warranty, get these 2: PS2 Magic Switch and Swap Magic v3.3 CD/DVD There are mods for the v12 (slimline) like the Ripper v3.1 Sniper...
  19. holy crap! gotta give this a try...
  20. Steel Battalion is good, if you don't mind shelling out $149+ for it. I have it and enjoy playing it, now all I have to do is build a cockpit set up and make it feel like I'm in the VT (Vertical Tank, in Steel Battalion). Metal Wolf Chaos is coming out soon in Japan, made by From Software (Armored Core). I have mine modded, and plan to buy the import version. I have no idea if this is coming out stateside, but the game involves the President of the United States w/ a kickass robot suit. Here's the mainpage: Metal Wolf Chaos Just hope this comes out in the US. There's Gun Griffin Allied Strike, and of course Mech Assault 2...
  21. I'm probably going to buy it.... but the game I really want is Metal Wolf Chaos! From Software's MWC Here are some gametrailers MWC movies
  22. looks like the chinese bootlegs i used to buy in the local swap meet back when I was a little kid back in the 80's... I'd like to get one for the heck of it.
  23. Macross for PS2, definitely!!! Any Armored Core is fun... Transformers isn't so bad, actually good, and quite challenging... There's Gun griffin Blaze, really early PS2 launch title, it's ok... Any of the Gundam games made by Capcom (EFSF VS ZION), and MS Z Gundam (same engine)... I have Steel Battalion, but too bad it's only on Xbox, they should make something like that for PS2, possible pilot Destroids or something :-)
  24. Half-Life 2 is awesome... Totally into it, unlike Doom3, which got me bored because of it's repetative shooting zombie after zombie... And Halo2 was awfully short even on Legendary.... I am playing it hard to keep me well occupied.
  25. hopefully will be worth playing, as Doom3 totally bored me 1/2 way through... boy what a waste of $50 ... I got my ATI/HL2 coupon ready
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