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Everything posted by Taisa

  1. Taisa

    1/60 YF19 rant

    New member here, decided to join when I got my 1/60 YF-19... I must say I'm very happy with the toy overall, but I've had two problems so far that are somewhat annoying (but not so bad that I wouldn't recommend buying one). My first problem was that my forward fuselage absolutely REFUSED to move into position for battroid mode. I had no problem separating by pulling forward and then down (I admit I watched the transformation vids quite a few times while waiting for mine to ship) but then the step where you have to pull back and down I tried for roughly 5 minutes with different degrees of pulling back/down but it wouldn't budge. Eventually, after applying more force than should have been needed, it finally decided to relent and move. Unfortunately, this left me with about a faint stress mark roughly a millimeter in diameter right at the spot where the locking pieces for the fuselage are (I'm going to be taking pictures so I can show it later). The good news is this was only a problem on my initial transformation and now I just go slow and gentle to prevent further stress but it quite willingly moves. The second problem I encountered was when I put it back in to fighter mode my right leg doesn't want to stay connected to the shoulder. I can get it to stay connected by squeezing but then of course the wing guard comes out of its slot on the leg. Still, this is a minor problem and I've found that when placing it on the display stand for "cool flying poses" I can oh so gently push them together and they'll stay connected so long as I don't breathe hard on it . All in all, I'd say this is definitely a great product that only suffers from the usual problems associated with mass production. PS: to those who think Bandai would have done a better job, take a look at the Star Trek series of models they made recently. All come prepainted (which provides a BEAUTIFUL hull texture that would be hard to replicate even for the most experienced of painters without spending hours upon hours working on it) and come with lighting systems so that the windows and other bits that glow light up. One of the models (I believe it was the Enterprise-E model but I'm not sure as I only bought one) had a documented problem with gaps between the pieces when assembled. This wouldn't matter too much except that even the smallest gap lets light out and therefore completely ruins the gimmick that made paying $80 USD for a model worth it.
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