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Everything posted by getoninja

  1. still looks awesome, even if you think it aint perfect. great job!
  2. WTF!!! so damn amamzing, awesome job so far!
  3. awesoem job, cait wait for more updates
  4. .......well 3 years later............. Fewture is gonna make Doudblas and Boss Borot http://www.figures.com/databases/action.cg...;show_article=2 damn 3 years later, better late than never. and I cant wait for them
  5. Thx guys no problem, I only had to mod one Wing, just made the whole bigger which fits on the Jet Pack's Pegs. each figure comes with a bonus part to make the Fight Jet pack Mazinger-Jet Pack Alfodai-one Wing Garada-3 drill/missiles, blade/saw weapon, and a small Armor piece so Doublas and Bossbot came with the other parts to complete the Flight Jet pack, Wing and 3 drill/missiles, blade/saw weapon, and a small Armor piece. So if you get another Alfodai u can use the Wing, the same if u get the bonus parts from Garada. The only piece you have to make is the Armor piece flipped to go on the left Wing. Since I wasnt able to get extra bonus parts from Garada, I casted the ones I already had which came out ok. So if anyone has Bonus parts to Garada which youdont want, plmk , Im intrested. I just need the 3 drill/missiles, and the saw/blade
  6. yeap, that was my main problem with this custom, is that the battle damage was way over done, it dosnt come off too realistic. But the only reason I like it cause the amount of weathering and detail put into the Jin roh.
  7. check out this custom by Chunglin from Taiwan, its bloody awesome , he done a great job from this forum http://www.oscf.net/forum/index.php rest of the pictures here http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/chung_oops2/gallery?
  8. I was able to finish Fewture Mazinger's Jet Pack with slight mods with one of the Wings. I had to make molds of the drill missiles and saw/blade, the armor peice I had to sculpt over all it came out well. .The only way to get a complete Jet Pack is to buy the 2 or 3 piece special Mazinger Sets. Unfortunately Fewture never made Bossbot and Doublas which came with the other bonus parts and I would of loved if the figures were made too.
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