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Captain of the SDF-1 Macross

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Everything posted by Captain of the SDF-1 Macross

  1. It should be noted that, as some Robotech fans pointed out, that Kiyora (the Q-Rau ace in Battlecry) was ripped off from a character from one of the old Robotech comics. <_< The attached picture below (I own that issue) is Seloy Depora, a Q-Rau ace who was featured at the Malcontent Uprisings comics from Eternity. Goes to show that Tommy Yune is still a no-talent yutz. <_< EDIT: Spelling.
  2. OK, I'm now getting my disc replaced. I just recieved the return form and the envelope today, so I can get the replacement disc once I send the defective one back to ADV. At last I don't have to worry about it now.
  3. OK, I'm commenting about it. The Flash video has a lot of good points. The art quality is improving and the characters are well done. Also, there's a nice theme song. The only thing that's wrong is that some of the photos have pixelation, but that's a technical limitation that is to expected in Flash anyway. CaptRico, keep going. It's good.
  4. Macross is not alone in this too. Other companies do this too: http://lalabitmarket.channel.or.jp/goods.html?id=04028 http://lalabitmarket.channel.or.jp/goods.html?id=50237 http://lalabitmarket.channel.or.jp/goods.html?id=50227 http://lalabitmarket.channel.or.jp/goods.html?id=50233 I also remember companies making some replica props as well. Some examples were the musical pocket watch from Noir, the guns of the Noir asassins, the Cosmo Dragoon, etc. I sometimes spot inserts from Animage magazine containing locales where to get cosplay supplies and to make custom-made stuff too. I also remembered spotting cosplay props and outfits before, but I forgot what the site was. <_<
  5. Tell me about it. The character designers usually are in charge of the characters' outfits but ended up doing what they want. Even Harahito Mikimoto didn't put a lot of consistancy on characters' uniforms when he was in charge, either. Although uniform colors and stripes aren't consistant, at least the designers try to be consistant with rank insignia, even though the use of rank stripes, rank ribbons and collar pins aren't consistant. What raised my eyebrow a bit was the bridge bunnies' uniforms for the Macross VF-X2 game, where the ladies wear a sailor-style jacket and it deviates from the bridge bunnie norm. Probably Mikimoto decided to put a "schoolgirl" fetish into the bunnies' uniforms. Although not militaristic, I find that bridge bunny uniform to be cute and eye-pleasing.
  6. I almost forgot. I discover a release date of Unicron in Canada as early as September 15, 2003, in which I found it in a Sears Canada catalog. Since Unicron is aimed for a general release, Canadians would be getting him on the shelves around September or October.
  7. Sadly, like today's Transformers, Unicron does not have a sticker sheet even though I don't have one here (I'm in Canada) and all the online reviews point to that. If there were, we would have heard it on the Web by now. The main reason Takara/Hasbro abandoned the use of sticker sheets and factory-applied stickers on current Transformers because it was a hassle for the factory workers to apply them. Also, some stickers get worn out or color fade as well. So, they switched to painted details instead and it's easier to do. IIRC, Blastchare (Beast Machines), Dolrailer/Mega-Octane (Car Robots only) and Brave/Fortress Maximus (Car Robots only) are the last recent Transformers toys with factory-applied stickers. Ravage (Japanese Beast Wars only) was the last toy to get a sticker sheet. Stickers have gone to the same way as diecast metal, real alt-modes and tech specs: it's a lost art. The good part is that re-issues retain what was great about Transformers toys.
  8. While I didn't get a 1/48 Hikaru VF-1A, I may get this one. Transformers fans may grap this one for them to repaint/convert into Jetfire, making such a custom much easier.
  9. Several suggestions were made by those in the animeondvd.com message board at the time the defects were report, but those fell on deaf ears when ADV said no to it. They instead point to the e-mail address instead, which pisses me off to no end because I get no reply. I'm now comtemplating whether to shatter my defective copy into a hundred pieces or turn it into a $CND 25 coaster no thanks to ADV's rushed production.
  10. The corrected ones are already shipped but the problem is that there's no package difference to tell whether it has the flawed disc or the corrected one.
  11. Not to mention the Robotechies from RT.com or such fans who watched on the CN pissing us off with their Robospeak. I got an encounter (when I was looking for some Yammie Valk toys) with a 13-15 year-old guy who was joyous to see the Robotech DVDs because he used to watch it on the Cartoon Network. I politely told him that getting the Macross DVD or Mospeada DVD box sets are much better for him to watch, not to mention showing the Yamato Valkyries on the shop counter. After explaining the best stuff to him, he changed his mind but he has to pass for the time being because he doesn't have the cash right now. I think I did good enough to show what's best.
  12. Go to the message board of www.animeondvd.com for some help there. Some of ADV's staffers sometimes hang out there. Go to the Glitch Disc section, where there's a pinned thread in getting a replacement. Here's the direct link: http://forums.animeondvd.com/showthreaded....sb=5&o=&fpart=1 I'm still pissed that I still haven't got a reply in getting my disc fixed!!! I don't want my flawed copy to become a $CND 25 coaster.
  13. There was a US release of DYRL but it was not mass-released and it was dubbed a badly-made dub from Hong Kong, since Toho was shown in the opening credits as the distrubuter and probably done so in order to get DYRL as an in-flight movie for Japan Air Lines. In a nutshell, DYRL suffered the same fate as Battle of the Planets: it was simply passed down to too many hands until one got it and sat on it because whoever used to own it were small-house studios that get bought up later on. Rhino Video took a long time obtaining the video rights of Battle of the Planets. Not only they have to get the license on the Sandy Frank dub, but also the Ted Turner/Fred Ladd version and finally Saban's Eagle Riders. It also took a long expense to get the original Gatchaman footage as well, but they took a long way to get it and achieved in releasing it on DVD.
  14. Celebrity Home Entertainment is an entirely different company. Back then, they used to release Saban's Macron 1, Tranzor Z, GI Joe: the Movie and lastly the English dub of DYRL, under the title "Macross: Clash of the Bionoids". I have both the Celeb's and Best Film's version of DYRL. Celeb's copy has a stereo track and it has cuts that seriously altered the story (in chronological order): * The teaser with Britai and Exedore examining metal debris was cut. * Minmay's concert performance was shortened. * Minmay's shower scene was cut, shortening the scene where the two are trapped and the song "Zero-G Love" was cut. * Focker and co. meeting up with Hikaru after Misa stepped out. * The bridge bunny trio having a chat. * Hikaru and Minmay's outing in a SuperOstrish was shortened. * Milia's Q-Rau crushing a Zent's skull was cut. * The gory deaths of Focker and Quamzin was cut but the explosion of Skull One was retained. * Hikaru and Misa exploring the Prometheus was cut. * The gory death of a guy with his head chopped was cut. * All scenes of Max and Milia with their Q-Raus was cut (leaving a false impression that the two died along with Laplamitz's fortress. * The destruction of the Zent gunship by Britai was cut, as well as his ship blasting a hole into Boldolza's fortress. * Lastly, in a piss-off manner, they cut off the scene that Hikaru survived in the epicenter after the demise of Boldolza and his fortress (not only it left a bad impression that Hikaru was dead but also leaves Misa and Minmay smiling in the end). * The song "Angel's Paints" was cut. Once Minmay finishes her "one, two, three, four...", the credits instantly roll without a song.
  15. Very. Jetfire's debut into the G1 line was at early as 1984, hence the introduction of Jetfire/Skyfire into the show's first season (all TFs shown in the 1984 co-inside with their toy releases). As Ginrai of Masterforce.org said, Matsushiro once produced 1/55 Valkyries in early 1984 before it went bankrupt like Takatoku and was bought up by Bandai. Since Bandai took over production of Jetfire very quickly, Matsushiro's version probably ran in 3 months or less. Bandai and Hasbro did managed to renew the production deal to make Jetfire for the G1 line on 1985. As a bonus, Bandai dug up some of old Takatoku toy molds and added more Bandai-made Transformers: the Deluxe Insecticons, Roadbuster and Whirl. Takara got upset with this and told Hasbro not to feature them into the show nor allowed to be released in Japan. Yet, Takara let it slide for the remainder of the year until the Movie debuted and replace the Bandai/Diaclone/Microman stuff with all-original designs later on. It should be noted that Jetfire's unique dull-pointed nosecone also ended up on Bandai's 1/55 Elintseeker Valkyrie toy, implying that both the Elintseeker and Jetfire were produced under the same assembly line. Sighted reports from Transformers fans who bought some Elintseekers (from eBay, etc.) have Jetfire's unique red FAST Pack armor. It is likely during the last production run of the Elintseekers, they ran out of its armor and they stuffed the overstocked Jetfire armor instead. I also heard that it's very hard to find in a MISB condition.
  16. Or telling the Zents, "Go ahead. Shoot me where the lights are."
  17. Areaseven meant "Twenty", hence the Roman numerals. He's talking about the 20th Anniversary of Macross.
  18. When I first saw it, the first thought was "it's a double of Double X Gundam" (from Gundam X). Yet, they tried to kitbash it into a reasonable fashion. I liked it more than the Strike, which is now owned by Mwu.
  19. Don't forget that those Gundam fans wanted Syd Mead to join alongside Tomino for dissing them with his mobile suit designs.
  20. From the page: http://deepfire.net/~robots/jetfire/jetfireg1.html From the Rabid Jetfire Page, well below the photos of the TV commercial (and link) says, "CATALOGS". (scroll down to look) The picture below that "CATALOGS" heading is from the Dutch Transformers catalog, in which Jetfire is leader of the Autobots in a showdown with Megatron when the toys were released in the Netherlands in 1985. There's pictures of that below the page, including a mini-comic story of Jetfire vs. Megatron. However, it was corrected in 1986, putting Optimus Prime where he belongs and Jetfire bumps down to the rank of "Air Guardian".
  21. The thing is that I sent an e-mail message back from July 30, when the problem was reported back then thanks to animeondvd.com. Someone from there suggested sending a second message, in which I did with my three web-based e-mail addresses. But that was two weeks ago and I still get no reply. The last thing I want is to turn my disc into a $CND 25 coaster and I don't want to pull out an another $CND 25 to replace mine. What's worse is that there's no package difference between the defect and the corrected one. This bites and sucks.
  22. Here's also the Gundam SEED version of the Haro toy, owned by Lux Klien. http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljpage.cgi?BAN916653 However, both interactive Haros respond to commands spoken in Japanese and the instructions will make little headway to figure out how to operate (unless you can read and speak Japanese).
  23. I'll still have to wait for Zeta and ZZ to see how much they have changed themselves and humanity after the One-Year War before I can pick up Char's Counterattack. Yet, 0080, 0083 and 08th MS Team showed that those two aces aren't the only mobile suit aces during the One-Year War. I only seen 08th and have to get 0080 and 0083 someday.
  24. Definately. When Macross was at the drawing boards, the "Megaroad" (working name) took elements of the White Base with portions of the ship Space Battleship Yamato and the "Breast Fighter" (working name of the Valkyrie) shares the chest and arms of the Gundam. Plus, some of the characters' working designs have some resemblance: Max was originally supposed to be a clone of Kai but ended up on Kamjin in the final image and "Aki Hayase" (working name for Misa) appeared as a doppleganger of Mirai. After Macross got successful, Kawamori and friends did some work on Gundam. Harahito Mikimoto did the character art of Gundam 0080 and Kawamori did the mecha art of Gundam 0083. One of my friends of mine who knows nothing of Gundam did a doubletake of the Albion (from Gundam 0083) and said, "Isn't that the SDF-1?" UC is for the hardcore fans. B) As for the AU, it's usually a hit or miss to both newbie fans and hardcore fans ever since 08th MS Team was the last of the UC. The creation of G-Saviour (which was written to be UC) didn't help matters.
  25. It was posted in the old Ikonboard message board some time back, but it's good to bring it back here. B) Now, if it can be done with Hagegawa Macross models, Bandai models or Yammies. As for the diorama, it rocks!!!
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