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Captain of the SDF-1 Macross

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Everything posted by Captain of the SDF-1 Macross

  1. The Minicon Leader-1 comes with Megatron, not Optimus Prime. Prime's Minicon partner is named Sparkplug. The confusion arose due to the English dubbing of the Armada anime. The Japanese name for Minicon Sparkplug was named Leader-1 while Minicon Leader-1 was named Barrel. Since the scripts were written in Japanese, the English translators slip up in converting the Japanese names into English equivalents, such Starscream's Minicon partner sometimes called Grid instead of its real name Swindle. Optimus Prime's Japanese name, Convoy, sometimes show up.
  2. I don't know what to say. Hasbro decides to make a show based on their preschooler Transformers: Gobots toys. (formally known as 1-2-3 Transformers) http://www.bwtf.com/gallery/gobots The good part is that Hasbro didn't use the working title "Transformers: Machine RoBOT Rescue" for this show.
  3. Yamato had said that they're gonna do a DYRL version of the Macross, but it's on the backburner due to other projects. <_<
  4. If you're gonna use the Basara figure as a voodoo doll, I'm outta here. That is, unless, write down 1001 ways in destroying a Basara figure.
  5. May he Rest In Pain within the depths of hell. If I were there in the battle, I would have summed it up to him as, "You've managed kill just about everyone else. But like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target." A bad combination of insanity, ambition and rage has pretty much affected his aim and loss of rationism. You can see he immediately changed his objective from destroying GENESIS to disintegrating PLANT in this episode. He is catagorized both as a fascist villain and the run-of-the-mill cartoon villain. All he needed is a top hat, cape and twirling his moustace. There's no way to rationize a madman like him. His fate is sealed as his actions lead into his own destruction and paid for his crimes under the penalty of death. (thumbs up for his death) As much as she turned into a b*yotch in the series, Frey now relized that she results of her actions didn't show what she wanted. She'll now feel a combination of guilt, self-pity and hating for what she got out of her actions. The question now is whether she'll redeem herself from this or die an empty death. Krueze better dies in the finale. This is one of those Char clones that should be better off dead. As he said, "I made the impossible possible." He turned out to a great warrior to save the crew of the Archangel. The best part was that he didn't die for nothing. It's likely that these colonies are too small and independant to be involved in this war (like the World Wars) or that some of them have been abandoned as ghost stations due to the crossfire. Another likelinhood is that these non-allied colonies would stay out of fighting by declaring neutrality, like a non-agression pact or a self-defense force to protect themselves without taking sides. The Kingdom of Orb, however, has to break its neutrality to help the New Gundam forces and take a stand in stopping the EA/ZAFT war from self-destruction.
  6. For all you Soundwave fans, I found a review of the reissue with pictures: http://forums.sgcollect.com/index.php?act=...ST&f=32&t=11913 http://tfkenkon.com/collection/act137/ The best part is that the tape cover has a silver/purple Decepticon sticker instead of the rubsign (I hate the rubsign as his chest sticker ). The rubsign is relocated to his battery cover.
  7. Well, Astrotrain has the white color scheme when it was on the drawing boards and Takara got to release it in the first run of 1985. Hasbro, however, told them to change his colors so that they don't get sued by NASA. This lead to the purple, black and grey that we all love. Whatever the case, I hope for the white version. If we get the grey, I expect that he gets the show colors. I hope for that too, including Soundblaster's two-tape cassette slot.
  8. Or as some translations interpret is as Andrew Bartfield. What the writers at Sunrise has done is that more than half of the character names are non-Japanese and couldn't stick to a "proper" spelling for them. Only Kira Yamato is unaffected from multiple spelling interpretations. Whoever's in charge with the English translations better fix this problem when it is released.
  9. That triple-changer is Blitzwing, who is colored purple and tan. He can transform either as a tank or a MiG-25 Foxbat as his alt-mode. And as for the one he shot down is Shrapnel (or one of his clones), who later slams right at him by the shot and both of them fell down. What I like about Blitzwing and Astrotrain is that they share similar design concepts and I like the way they are also paired together. Octane, however, doesn't look right alongside with them.
  10. In another sidenote, Hasbro is releasing repaints of the Spychangers that were exclusive to the Robots in Disguise line. (good thing they stopped the recolored Hot Shot/Ironhide/etc. now) http://upload2.eachnet.com/upload/2693/26931441.jpg http://upload2.eachnet.com/upload/2693/26931456.jpg http://upload2.eachnet.com/upload/2693/26930985.jpg http://upload2.eachnet.com/upload/2693/26931463.jpg http://upload2.eachnet.com/upload/2693/26931446.jpg http://iping.one2three.com/myshop/upload/f...14_d0010060.jpg http://iping.one2three.com/myshop/upload/f...14_d0010064.jpg These new Spychangers are repainted to look somewhat like their G1 counterparts.
  11. We already seen this version of Unicron for the Energon line. It's on the thread about the toy catalog that features the Energon toys, including Unicron. The good part is that I get the Armada version ASAP and skip the Energon version of Unicron.
  12. ...and the last one I could find.
  13. I found some fanart pics, though I don't know where they're from.
  14. May he Rest In Pain. He got what he deserves in the end, especially in killing Natalie. Still, he still doesn't outclass Basque Om (of Gundam 0083). Om is one walking genocidal meglomaniac. I bet Asuran might. He'll probably charge right into the ZAFT command center and kill everyone to stop GENESIS from firing, even if means Asuran has to kill his dad. EDIT: Oops, I forgot. Here's a site with screencaps of episode 49. If you don't want to get spoiled, don't look at the pictures. http://wgalland.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ (scroll to the bottom)
  15. Don't worry. Frey will get what's coming to her in the finale.
  16. Jeez, but that cheapens the coolness factor in SEED mode. <_<
  17. The animation was done by Tokyo Movie Shinsta, who had done DC cartoons for WB in the past. Most of the animation style is kept and as well as getting the voice actors who previously appeared on WB's DC shows. This anime show is produced by TV Tokyo and Studio Aeon (who did the Tokyo Mew Mew anime) as a Hasbro/Takara collaboration. The writers, producers and directors are Japanese and the Americans does the English dub, adaptation (changing the Japanese names to the English ones yet some slip) and the financing. Beast Wars writers/directors/script editors Bob Forward and Larry DeTillo are diehard fans to G1 and wanted to put continuity with Beast Wars so it can be catered to the old fans and newbies. Bob and Larry were fired by Hasbro due to their defiance in putting details. Hasbro and Takara should look at the 2002 versions of MOTU and TMNT as a starting point when it comes to catering the old fans and the newbies. They are still blind to see that style and substance can both be used. And of course, making the toys more crappy with Universe and Energon. What Hasbro and Takara had treated the mythos now is that the Transformers world is a multiverse containing a number of parallel dimensions of different continuities (as well as the continuity reset). This can be confirmed with the TF Universe comic, released during the 2003 OTFCC. Definely. Simon Furman, *the* TF comic writer, is in charge of the Armada comic with Guido Guidi as artist. I didn't like Pat Lee's art on Armada because he couldn't draw humans right but conpensates with the TF art. The comic story is lightyears beyond the Armada anime. Simon Furman had repeated to Hasbro that he should do the writing for either the Armada or Energon shows. Hasbro had denied to his demands. This is, in fact, the second time a He-Man revival show came up. The first one, entitled "The New Adventures of He-Man", was done by Jetlag Productions in 1990-1991 for 65 episodes and attempts to pick right where the old show left off. The show didn't get a wide broadcast coverage, which led into low ratings and cancellation, along with poor toy sales. The funny thing is that Gary Chalk (who would later play as Man-at-Arms in the 2002 show), played as He-Man in this obscure show. The 2002 Masters of the Universe show is produced by Mike Young Studios, who once collaberated with World Events Productions on "Voltron: the Third Dimension". After learning the mistakes from the Voltron show, the producers did an excellent job in retaining the best qualities of the old He-Man show while being creatively fresh to old fans and newbies alike. An of course, the show turned out great. MYS wanted to bring the old VA staff back but couldn't since some are gone, retired or asking for a huge salary (much like the same thing with the TF voice actors). The producers did try a last attempt to get Alan Oppenhiemer (famous in the Transformers as Thundercraker) to reprise his role as Skelator but failed, opting for Brian Dobson instead. Cam Clarke a.k.a. Jimmy Flinders (famous as Robotech's Max and TMNT's Leonardo), plays as He-Man in this one. Sadly, from toyark.com's message board, I heard that the 2002 MOTU show and toyline may get cancelled. The cause maybe that Mattel saturated the toyshelves with too many He-Man and Skelator repaint figures, causing some retailers like Wal-Mart to put them in clearance and later phased out. My local Wal-Mart did that during summertime. Also, some fans were also upset in not getting the figures they wanted to complete their collection. Their is a very good MOTU site for some great info and stuff.
  18. Here's the rundown of Sonic in animated form, to clear the confusion of what's what: * Sonic the Hedgehog (ABC, 1993-1995): This cartoon was based on the Archie comic series and was recorded by Los Angeles voice actors. For some reason, ABC renewed this weekly show for a second season. * The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (syndication, 1993-1994): This is a weekday version of the Sonic cartoon, done as a joint venture between DiC and Bohbot Entertainment. In addition of being produced by a different cartoon studio, this TV show (except for Jaleel White as Sonic) was recorded by the voice actors of Ocean Group studios. Ian James Corlett as Coconuts was the most hilarious role in his voice acting work. Long John Baldry (this version of Robotnik) would later play a role in Reboot as Captain Capicitor, the Crimson Binome. Although this show made 65 episodes compared with ABC's show of 26 episodes, the show aired on early mornings (DiC was unable to get the timeslots they wanted) and out of reach from the target audience who wanted to watch it. DiC would later have the same problem bringing new shows in sydication later on. * Sonic Undergroud (sydication, 1999-2000): This cartoon tries to continue where the ABC version of the show left off but lacks in some places (characters like Tails are gone in favor of new ones). This show was also recorded by the Ocean Group and reprising Jaleel White as Sonic. Fortunately, all three shows were forgettable IMO. Only the Sonic OAV (from ADV) and Sonic X (from 4Kids) animes are the only things interesting to me now.
  19. Yep, Jaleel White (Steve Urkel of Family Matters fame) did once played the role of Sonic. IMO, it's the worst casting decision to made when it comes to Sonic. Fortunately for the Sonic X anime, he's NOT reprising his role as Sonic. (thank goodness)
  20. As for my fanfiction story, it's still work in progress. In addition on writing the story, I'm also hard at work in redoing all of my character designs. I'll see what I can do and wish me luck in my fanart/fanfiction project. B)
  21. And here's is a lineart version of Rezvilas in a UN Spacy uniform, who is assigned to Kim's ship as First Officer.
  22. Here's one of my fanmade characters from my fanfiction story "Macross Flashpoint", starring Kim Kabirov as captain of a Macross-class SDF in the year 2051 and face off to save humanity one last time. Below is Rezvilas Valnotulz, a Q-Rau ace who later got promoted to War Archivist in the Meltran fleet she was in. That fleet would later be exposed to human culture, who would accept its values and join with the UN Spacy. Some of them had also be micronized and be a part of human society. This is Rezvilas in her movie-style flight suit, who is best known as "the Blackbird". (And yes, the picture spells her name wrong).
  23. Beware of Blast, you also forgot my fetish for Macross characters too. In the case of Macross characters, I have a Kim fetish due to my adoration for girls with short hair. That, and also reminding me of a girl I used to know. I also have an adoration for girls with braided hair, for they have an unexplainable attraction whenever I see one.
  24. Let's not also forget that it's possible to collapse the boxes, we are left with the plastic tray inserts that cannot be collapsed. For me, I am considering only keeping the Japanese toy boxes since they can't be collapsed and throw away the American ones (such as the Transformers boxes) since they are only 100% cellophane, twist-ties and cardboard.
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